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Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:25 pm
by Kasdeja
Broken Kid wrote:Kasdeja wrote:Oh, that cheeky monkey...
I never trusted him either!

There was a reason Bree put him in a cage!
Now let's dunk him! If he floats, he's bugged! If he sinks he's a witch.

He turned me into a newt! ...... I got better!
And...I agree, khjq...I was hoping for that as well.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:27 pm
by Supa Mario
my immediate thought was that gemma is telling bree to stay put so the deacons can come to where she is...
but im not sure anymore
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:33 pm
by trunbuns
There's definatley clues being thrown around with the olympics stuff I just can't put my finger on it....
Any way just to say that the use of wanker was innapropriate,it is widely used over here (U.K) but it's still offensive, it's a swear word, you wouldn't want your kids saying it. I got suspended for calling a teacher it in school so that gives you an idea.I was watching this with a friend and we both just looked at each other and laughed it was so out of place (the same as when homer said it in the simpsons) as was the word 'geezer', we don't speak like that honest.
There's got to be something with the dates here, or the olympics, I think the creators are trying to satisfy our hunger for vauge ultimately meaningless clues here.....
I hope so anyway

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:34 pm
by Broken Kid
trunbuns wrote:I was watching this with a friend and we both just looked at each other and laughed it was so out of place (the same as when homer said it in the simpsons) as was the word 'geezer', we don't speak like that honest.
What does 'geezer' mean in UK slang? I assume it's derrogatory, but in the US, 'geezer' just means old cranky person.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:46 pm
by Kasdeja
Broken Kid wrote:trunbuns wrote:I was watching this with a friend and we both just looked at each other and laughed it was so out of place (the same as when homer said it in the simpsons) as was the word 'geezer', we don't speak like that honest.
What does 'geezer' mean in UK slang? I assume it's derrogatory, but in the US, 'geezer' just means old cranky person.
Yeah...when we say it, we aren't trying to sound like some brit...we're saying you're old.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:06 pm
by lonelygirl
missviolet wrote:Unless, as has been posited before, Gemma's speaking in a sort of code for Bree. If she knows the Order is watching, cloaking any important info might not be a bad idea.
That, and they did, in the original casting call, look for a perky second girl, right? Maybe that has some kind of significance -- I mean, Gemma was a little agitated in the last one, goes off to do research, and comes back all smiley and bouncey? There's something there.
And plunging for distance just freaks me out. A bunch of rigid, dead looking bodies in a pool for 60 seconds...? Eeegh. (Allusion to the way B & D are going to have to keep their heads down and float for a little while, perhaps?)
oohh...good point. maybe that's what she came up with from doing her research and is talking in code.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:13 pm
by lonelygirl
Holden wrote:I'm not getting this last video. It doesn't seem appropriate to be goofing around at such a serious time. Not saying there can't be comedy relief but there is an art to it. The creators need to watch some Buffy.
i don't think she's goofing around. i think she's trying to give clues without saying stuff outright b/c she could get in trouble with the order. but the clues are a bit hard to figure out except someone just thought that p monkey is bugged, which sounds very plausible.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:15 pm
by raindown
Well, I'm not at all familiar with English slang of any kind, but when I first watched it I was pretty sure that Gemma was saying, "
stay put and sink in the the pool!"
LGPedia says that it's 'soak', a term to dislike just as much (unless it's very common,
you tell me). She's telling them to go soak in the pool, then talks of that Olympics game?
missviolet wrote:
And plunging for distance just freaks me out. A bunch of rigid, dead looking bodies in a pool for 60 seconds...? Eeegh.
only hinting to Bree and Dan's death, imo.
Maybe she looks so cheerful because hey, she knows where they are, tells them to stay put, so The Order has the perfect chance to come and get them!
I've chills all over. this freaks me out almost as CiW does.
There's also the theory that claims Dan is scared of water since we've never seen him swim - are they planning to drown him?
And what's the point of 'wanker'?
it's a puppet, that's more stupid than actually insulting. inappropriate.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:17 pm
by KitWisdom
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:Because Bree SPECIFICALLY mentioned P Monkey in one of her Vlogs, her conversation with Lucy and what Lucy told Bree to do with P Monkey - and that was "Keep him close and keep talking to him" In the "The Ceremony is Tomorrow" video, she says that she asked Lucy how her relationship with her stuffed animals gels with their beliefs. Lucy said that it's important to have "Imaginary friends" and that they are someone to talk to when the real world lets you down.
P.Monkey is never specifically mentioned.
So would Gemma KNOW that, if anything is bugged, it's definitely P.Monkey?
Well, doesn't Daniel explicity say that Bree had found the note from her parents in P. Monkey? That could have seemed familar to Gemma.
Re: the authorities
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:18 pm
by lonelygirl
xrockette19x wrote:Kasdeja wrote:xrockette19x wrote:okay, we get it, bree can't go to the authorities. the reason i brought it up about the las vid is, why on earth do they KEEP bringing it up? they've said a million times they aren't going to the police, we get it already. i think that bree and daniel can't stay put, or the authorities (since we have decided that all the authorities within the show are evil) will find them. policemen, detectives..these are the people who could easily figure out what motel bree and daniel are staying at. i doubt they checked in under a false name, unless it was the grossest motel in history who didn't care about two teens staying there. or if bree paid them extra money...but how much can she really have? no one seems worried enough about the situation, except maybe daniel.
They keep bringing it up because we kept questioning it, if you look at all the comments about that on her last video. And, not every area is the same. As teens we would get hotel rooms ALL the time, nobody cared as long as we had the cash.
au contraire, i think everyone keeps questioning it BECAUSE they keep bringing it up. if they didn't mention it in almost every video, we would just accept the fact that okay, they aren't going to the police. they can't, the police can't be trusted. right right. and now creators, moving on..
umm...they mentioned it in 2 videos. can you count and do you read the forums much? and if people would stop complaining about it on here as to why they haven't gone to the police yet, maybe they would stop. they never brought it up in any of the videos before the forum was full of questions about it.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:18 pm
by raindown
Oh, and:
"I have this visual in my head of these logs just bobbing about like bumper cars."
do bumper cars 'bob about'?
Why's she thinking of bumper cars, could this be a clue?
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:27 pm
by lonelygirl
Dogma72 wrote:In England a Wanker is someone who Masterbates lots. It's like you Americans calling somone a Motherf**ker.
I know several people from England and the term wanker does get tossed around in some pretty casual conversation, I would say its closer to the literal translation of calling someone a "jerk-off" and probably more closer related to calling someone an idiot or a jerk. "You wanker" would generally be said in kind of an exasperated, eye's rolling "You dumb a$$" kind of way.
I've never heard it used as strongly as calling someone a M'F'er. Not to say that it couldn't, but, at least in my experiance, I would say its generally is not used like that.
I agree with this. Even in America, people just throw f*** or whatever other word around to insult people so I don't think she was trying to say P Monkey masturbates a lot, lol. I've heard wanker used a lot and trust me, no one is using the literal meaning of it.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:50 pm
by steamywndr
this is just another example of gemma akwardly using english slang. I don't buy for a second that she's living in london.
and I def. think P.Monkey is bugged--thats where the note was found. He's been used as a communication vessel before...just don't know what the significance of that is.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:17 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Here's what I think: If she is saying that P Monkey is bugged, and these people are that omnipotent and advanced,then I think they know where she is and they know everything that has been going on and that is going on. Even if she gets rid of the stuffed animals...if they were prepared enough for this whole course of events to bug him/them in the first place, they've bugged other things and know exactly where Daniel's car is at all times. This is what I have suspected is going on for a little while. My thinking is that they are leting her think that she actually can still get away from them so she doesn't realise how much they know and how dangerous they are. If they let her think she has some power, she may still work with them and cooperate to some degree. If they just come and "get" her now, it would freak her out and she would, presumably, be unwilling to give them what they want without opposition. I think they're toying with her...but it wont last for long. If she tries to "run" for very much longer, they're going to have to play dirty.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:18 pm
by minsky
Kasdeja wrote:iamcool wrote:she said wanker so she must be english
i bet she doesnt even know what it means's not too hard to figure out what it means, lol.
Poor P. Monkey.
Here in Australia and I suspect in the UK as well the term wanker normally refers to a male that is really lame but they think they are the greatest . i.e is full of themself or egotistical.We use it quite a bit down here