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Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:17 pm
by rodrigogar
they could all star followng the Great Cabbage Head :)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:35 pm
by Kasdeja
Luv2Skydive wrote:
TheFatLady wrote:
omegawoman wrote: Should we be trying to find an Egyptian language book with gold and jewels?

*scurrying off to library*
I refuse to do anymore research for fear of the anger/disappointment later on when the Creators try to make something as important as Crowley/Thelema disappear. They aren't the only ones who spend a lot of time on LG15 and they need to remember that when they do $#@% like this. Not Thelema? Bullsh*t.
Actually, the only people who have said it was Thelema were fans speculating the religion. We had Thelemites come in and share with us what Thelema is about, and while it looks like it is one of the religions the creatatrons pulled ideas from, it was pretty obvious that it was NOT Thelema. The creators never said it, Brie never said it. It was our speculation, so the creatatrons are not back tracking or making us forget anything. Everything so far still makes sense with crowley, etc.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:36 pm
by Kasdeja
rodrigogar wrote:they could all star followng the Great Cabbage Head :)
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:14 pm
by thejyav
raindown wrote:
silvermoon wrote:Not a religion? Good gosh, was not Bree and Daniel's little breakup over him not accepting her "religion"? How many freaking times have we heard that word in these videos. And now it's not a religion?!


And now everyone had to learn ancient Egyptian? Bree had to learn Enochian (which isn't really even a spoken language). Can't these people just speak English like everybody else?!?

What are the chances of us being able to find out anything about a made up secret society that speaks Egyptian? This is actually almost making me wish for another stupid "Proving Science Wrong"...almost.
(didn't read it all yet, but) exactly.

My biggest hope is that Gemma's just lying to us.
Bree's been calling it her 'religion' all along! how could she not be aware of what it is?!
this is kind of silly. I mean the whole point has been Bree is kept in the dark about her religion, she doesnt know what she is getting injected with, what goes on at the ceremony and on and on. To say this is crap because she would know this about her religion is kinda of odd. I'm not saying I like where this is going but I'm also not saying I'm against it. Lets see where this goes. For all we know Crowley and everything else could all tie in.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:17 pm
by Kasdeja
Whoa...wait a minute...thejyav...are we actually in agreement? :shock: :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:19 pm
by thejyav
Kasdeja wrote:Whoa...wait a minute...thejyav...are we actually in agreement? :shock: :lol:
I told ya hoosiers have to stick together...unless they pronounce all they say WARshington...I can't stand that

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:20 pm
by Kasdeja
I can't stand that, either...or saying 'crick' instead of 'creek'. :shock:

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:34 pm
by thejyav
One other thing about all this...lets face it we don't really know about the religion or whatever it is so there are things that need to be revealed to us. Some people are going to be wrong because lots of things have been suggested. Also if everything about her religion is already somewhere on this board then, any revelations are going to be boring and anticlimactic.

About secret societies....I seem to remember someone suggestion this a long time ago and getting jumped on about it.....wonder who that was. Anyway the way least some of them work is that they come off as family friendly and harmless. They do lots of good for society through charity and what not. On the surface they are just a fraternity or what ever the case may be and its really only the higher ups that know the true and deeper beliefs of the group. So yes it would be possible that Bree and her family don't know the honest truth of what the group is founded on.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:38 pm
by missviolet
See now, a lot of this is why I'm speculating HOGD -- the Crowley connection, the fact that it is connected loosely with Thelema without -being- Thelema, and it's not a religion, per se, but there are a whole lot of religious elements tied up in HOGD ceremonies. (Initiations often include biblical references.)

I mentioned it elsewhere, but it would be a whole lot easier to explain to a small child that it's a religion vs. a secret society -- perhaps the "Ceremony" in question, was Bree's formal Adept Initiation (0=0, or perhaps a 1=9), where the "secret" of the religion being more than that would be revealed?

In research, I got the impression that Thelema was more of an offshoot, headed by Crowley, for followers of The Book of Law -- but Crowley was a 5=6 initiate in HOGD, too, so the connection would still be there, without the religious component. And if there was a modern offshoot of the society, they could have some pretty skewed ideas of what is required for initiation by now, too, I'm sure. (The shots and diet type things....)

Also, if Gemma lived in a HOGD-run commune, the second order (possibly Order of Denderah?) would have metered the flow of information somewhat, which would explain why she had to look things up rather than just knowing it all off the top of her head. Maybe when she found out it -wasn't- a religion, per se, that's when she took leave?

Speculation, that, but I'm sure there will be more about it as time goes on.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:25 pm
by DawgEatah
The Order? Laaaaaaaaaaame.
Is Heath Ledger going to show up and save the day?

I had to say it.

This story is starting to really lose me.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:42 pm
by trunbuns
Kasdeja, I'm sorry to bang on about this but it says THELEMA in at the bottom of the MAIN PAGE of this website.

This happened at a time when everyone was trying to guess the religion and Thelema was one of the most prominent suggestions. Why put that there if not to serve as confirmation to this community that they were right?

I agree that the thelema expressed in this story has little relation to the real thing (does the christianity in the da vinci code) but they still more than strongly suggested that was indeed the religion everyone had been searching for.

I now feel that it was a mistake to ever point us in that direction, and certainly a massive mistake to put 'thelema' on the website.

well at least I can now say I know a little of Crowley and Thelema, which i didnt before. It just seems that now we're left with a lot less substance, the things that made lg different are fading into the backround.

i'm still going to be checking LG15 first thing in the morning (damn living in the U.K, always the last to get vids) and i'll still watch it through to its conclusion because i love it :P

Just a little bit less now thats all....

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:44 pm
by Kasdeja
trunbuns wrote:Kasdeja, I'm sorry to bang on about this but it says THELEMA in at the bottom of the MAIN PAGE of this website.

This happened at a time when everyone was trying to guess the religion and Thelema was one of the most prominent suggestions. Why put that there if not to serve as confirmation to this community that they were right?

I agree that the thelema expressed in this story has little relation to the real thing (does the christianity in the da vinci code) but they still more than strongly suggested that was indeed the religion everyone had been searching for.

I now feel that it was a mistake to ever point us in that direction, and certainly a massive mistake to put 'thelema' on the website.

well at least I can now say I know a little of Crowley and Thelema, which i didnt before. It just seems that now we're left with a lot less substance, the things that made lg different are fading into the backround.

i'm still going to be checking LG15 first thing in the morning (damn living in the U.K, always the last to get vids) and i'll still watch it through to its conclusion because i love it :P

Just a little bit less now thats all....
I've already stated that I'm well aware of that.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:10 pm
by trunbuns
kasdeja wrote:The creators never said it
I'm sorry I just feel that the website thing was the creators saying it thats all....

Anyway, back to the video I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of ancient egyptian at all? I think that this 'golden jewel' thing has to be a clue? i'll have a look now see if I can dig anything up....

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:11 pm
by raindown
thejyav wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:
roxybebito wrote:But what about the equinox and the religion camp?
Yes and,

Aleister Crowley, Enochian, Bibliomancy, the Unicusal Hexagram (at the top of LG15 page), Thelema (in Greek at the bottom of the page), 10/12/06 (Crowleys Birthday),the Ceremony, The Order of Denderah, the injections, the maps (on Lucy's computer), Elders, Deacons, communes and communities.

How do all these clues and dropped hints fit together?

And now Gemma "it is not Thelema, but a secret society, called The Order" and they learn ancient Egyptian.

I'm confused, does anyone think there is any consistency here? Or are they just making it up as they go, the hell with consistency!
Gemma could be giving false info.
hopefully she is.
A fictional religion isn't as exciting as one that actually exists might be... and finding out that she's lying would be a nice twist to the plot.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:13 pm
by omegawoman
Kasdeja wrote:
trunbuns wrote:Kasdeja, I'm sorry to bang on about this but it says THELEMA in at the bottom of the MAIN PAGE of this website.

This happened at a time when everyone was trying to guess the religion and Thelema was one of the most prominent suggestions. Why put that there if not to serve as confirmation to this community that they were right?

I agree that the thelema expressed in this story has little relation to the real thing (does the christianity in the da vinci code) but they still more than strongly suggested that was indeed the religion everyone had been searching for.

I now feel that it was a mistake to ever point us in that direction, and certainly a massive mistake to put 'thelema' on the website.

well at least I can now say I know a little of Crowley and Thelema, which i didnt before. It just seems that now we're left with a lot less substance, the things that made lg different are fading into the backround.

i'm still going to be checking LG15 first thing in the morning (damn living in the U.K, always the last to get vids) and i'll still watch it through to its conclusion because i love it :P

Just a little bit less now thats all....
I've already stated that I'm well aware of that.
Even though it is on the website, no one has confirmed this is Thelema nor no one has denied it. Who's to say a member didn't branch off of Thelema or any other religion and start their own Order?