Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:45 am
Thats cuz he said he'd watch the note! I guess he even slept with it nearby to be safe. Not a bad idea.omegawoman wrote: P.S.- P Monkey was in Daniel's bed!
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Thats cuz he said he'd watch the note! I guess he even slept with it nearby to be safe. Not a bad idea.omegawoman wrote: P.S.- P Monkey was in Daniel's bed!
I think Own and Thor must be either safe at home, or with Bree and Daniel. Why would Lucy take Owen and Thor and not P Monkey? If she took 2, might as well take 3.Broken Kid wrote:I can't believe I missed the most important issue of this whole video until now!
Where's Owen and Thor? Since Bree rescued P. Monkey, we can only assume that Owen and Thor were also abducted by the cult. Remember, Lucy closes the trunk, so she must have put some things in there, and if she's taking Bree's parents, it makes sense she'd take bree's friends too.
Forget driving around, and forget Bree's parents (they're adults, they can take care of themselves) - Bree and Daniel need to rescue Owen and Thor!! *worries*
spaciegirl wrote:I've been thinking..What the hell kind of religion even wants someone to participate in some ceremony if they have to threaten her to do so? What would make that person so special? I can't think of too many answers to that question, but the one I keep thinking of over and over again is that it has something to do with her heritage/bloodline. I mean...most other factors that would make her "special" ...someone else could have too. Even if they only still wanted her because she's already "prepared", wouldn't they have a back-up? They must not have a back-up and there can only be a certain number of reasons why.
I’ve been saying for a few weeks that this is no religious cult. It’s the Illuminati. Bree has been chosen to be the foundation (the mother or “Anchor”, if you will) of their design for a New World Order – the Order of Denderah. Anchor Cove = the new Plymouth. There’s something in her heritage that makes her the chosen one.khjq wrote:hmm...I am begining to think that the "deacons" don't want Bree to do the "ceremony" for any religious purpose, but instead has something to do with her having the right DNA. See I think the "deacons" are really scientists and the "ceremony" is really an experiment, and the scientists have just been using this whole religion thing as a front.
Owen and Thor!cassieisabeyotch wrote:Oh, and one more thing, did anyone have any ideas what Lucy was putting in the trunk??
Maybe Bree's hard drive to see if they can get any clues to her whereabouts off of it?cassieisabeyotch wrote:Oh, and one more thing, did anyone have any ideas what Lucy was putting in the trunk??
Probably an overnight bag for Bree's parents. Or just a bag/satchel of Lucy's/Baldy's... I always had to put stuff in the trunk when I had passengers in the back seat.silvermoon wrote:Maybe Bree's hard drive to see if they can get any clues to her whereabouts off of it?cassieisabeyotch wrote:Oh, and one more thing, did anyone have any ideas what Lucy was putting in the trunk??
They find her Youtube account, Bree and Daniel are screwed!
Yeah, probably more likely to be an over night bag...more interesting if it were her hard drive, though!Broken Kid wrote:Probably an overnight bag for Bree's parents. Or just a bag/satchel of Lucy's/Baldy's... I always had to put stuff in the trunk when I had passengers in the back seat.silvermoon wrote:Maybe Bree's hard drive to see if they can get any clues to her whereabouts off of it?cassieisabeyotch wrote:Oh, and one more thing, did anyone have any ideas what Lucy was putting in the trunk??
They find her Youtube account, Bree and Daniel are screwed!
But I still think they animal-napped!
Well, here is one of my questions about what will happen next...the cult has Bree's parents, and we are assuming that they are being used for some kind of leverage against Bree to get her to do the ceremony. But how on earth are they supposed to contact Bree with what amounts to their ransom demand?storyteller wrote:So what's going ot happen next??? My guess is a road trip to the places on the maps. I don't think it's plausable to say that they're just staying away until the ceremony is over- they don't know when that woul dbe, and how would they find out? Maybe they could watch the news for a report of Sunnydale sinking into the Hellmouth, but...