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Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:11 pm
by minsky
twjaniak wrote:
Just as the steeled knife is about to be thrust into Bree's chest, Daniel bursts upon the scene demanding her release. A score of dark-robed participants surrounds Daniel, ready to overpower him by their sheer number. Daniel snickers as they close in on him, as though he harbors a secret advantage over the revelers. As Bree's oppressors lunge for Daniel, his body convulses and collapses upon the ground. From within the writhing mess of flesh upon the ground, burts forth a host of small felted purple forms. Within moments, dozens of violet colored simian shaped, magically animated pieces of fabric ravage the teaming throngs of dark cultists.
The only thing the knife cut that night, was the ropes that held the virgin in bondage.
Now that is what I call an ending. Are you sure you are not one of the creators. LOL
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:11 pm
by TheFatLady
twjaniak wrote:
Just as the steeled knife is about to be thrust into Bree's chest, Daniel bursts upon the scene demanding her release. A score of dark-robed participants surrounds Daniel, ready to overpower him by their sheer number. Daniel snickers as they close in on him, as though he harbors a secret advantage over the revelers. As Bree's oppressors lunge for Daniel, his body convulses and collapses upon the ground. From within the writhing mess of flesh upon the ground, burts forth a host of small felted purple forms. Within moments, dozens of violet colored simian shaped, magically animated pieces of fabric ravage the teaming throngs of dark cultists.
The only thing the knife cut that night, was the ropes that held the virgin in bondage.
I assume it's the presence of Purple Monkey that allows this scene a PG rating?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:17 pm
by kilgoretroutlovesyou
twjaniak wrote: Just as the steeled knife is about to be thrust into Bree's chest, Daniel bursts upon the scene demanding her release. A score of dark-robed participants surrounds Daniel, ready to overpower him by their sheer number. Daniel snickers as they close in on him, as though he harbors a secret advantage over the revelers. As Bree's oppressors lunge for Daniel, his body convulses and collapses upon the ground. From within the writhing mess of flesh upon the ground, burts forth a host of small felted purple forms. Within moments, dozens of violet colored simian shaped, magically animated pieces of fabric ravage the teaming throngs of dark cultists.
So um, in your story... What's Daniel wearing?
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:23 pm
by twjaniak
kilgoretroutlovesyou wrote:twjaniak wrote: Just as the steeled knife is about to be thrust into Bree's chest, Daniel bursts upon the scene demanding her release. A score of dark-robed participants surrounds Daniel, ready to overpower him by their sheer number. Daniel snickers as they close in on him, as though he harbors a secret advantage over the revelers. As Bree's oppressors lunge for Daniel, his body convulses and collapses upon the ground. From within the writhing mess of flesh upon the ground, burst forth a host of small felted purple forms. Within moments, dozens of violet colored simian shaped, magically animated pieces of fabric ravage the teaming throngs of dark cultists.
So um, in your story... What's Daniel wearing?
Would you prefer that his clothing, after having pressed through thick brush and brambles, had been tattered to ribbons that barely covered his frame?
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:42 pm
by looking4answers
is it just me or does bree's helper look a little angry when talking to her? just wondering if anyone else might see that as well.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:43 pm
by mousegirl
looking4answers wrote:is it just me or does bree's helper look a little angry when talking to her? just wondering if anyone else might see that as well.
I don't think so.
I mean, Bree doesn't look upset when they are talking.
That just might be her look
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:44 pm
by khjq
I picture Daniel, getting a robe, and disguising himself as a priest or something so he can get close to Bree in the ceremony, and just before a knife is thrusted into Bree's chest, Daniel leaps at the evil priest and knocks him down, then he grabs Bree and they make a run for it.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:44 pm
by mousegirl
how romantic!
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:53 pm
by BadState
khjq wrote:I picture Daniel, getting a robe, and disguising himself as a priest or something so he can get close to Bree in the ceremony, and just before a knife is thrusted into Bree's chest, Daniel leaps at the evil priest and knocks him down, then he ...
... pulls the mask off the priest. Everyone gasps.
"It's old man Witherspoon!" Daniel exclaims.
"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
"Rooby Dooby Dooooo!"
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:05 pm
by jill2009
I like how he says "It's been like two hours" and yet the position of the sun doesn't change.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:05 pm
by mousegirl
jill2009 wrote:I like how he says "It's been like two hours" and yet the position of the sun doesn't change.
I didn't notice that, but that is kind of funny
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:39 pm
by kilgoretroutlovesyou
twjaniak wrote:kilgoretroutlovesyou wrote:twjaniak wrote: Just as the steeled knife is about to be thrust into Bree's chest, Daniel bursts upon the scene demanding her release. A score of dark-robed participants surrounds Daniel, ready to overpower him by their sheer number. Daniel snickers as they close in on him, as though he harbors a secret advantage over the revelers. As Bree's oppressors lunge for Daniel, his body convulses and collapses upon the ground. From within the writhing mess of flesh upon the ground, burst forth a host of small felted purple forms. Within moments, dozens of violet colored simian shaped, magically animated pieces of fabric ravage the teaming throngs of dark cultists.
So um, in your story... What's Daniel wearing?
Would you prefer that his clothing, after having pressed through thick brush and brambles, had been tattered to ribbons that barely covered his frame?
It's frightening how much that pleases me. Let us never speak of this again.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:54 am
by Hannahbee
it's weird how bree always seems to be so positive about her helper when she's talking about her, calling her her friend, and now in this new one saying she puts her completely at ease, but she never really looks happy at all when they're together in Daniel's videos. her body language is all wrong for just hanging out with a buddy, even if it is a well-respected, mentor-ish type of buddy. something about bree's vids lately just isn't ringing true at all.
PS i've been paying much more attention to cassieiswatching than this so i don't know how much of this has been said, but since it's just my ramblings and theories... and we're talking about daniel being half naked anyway... i figured it couldn't hurt to share.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:22 am
by calphilips
PS i've been paying much more attention to cassieiswatching than this
I don't mean this as a personal attack, but that is the feeling I have been getting for a little while now.. The creators have stated that CiW is not part of the plot, yet many of the posters here spend much more time postulating about Cassies encryptions than the plight of Bree..
Or of Daniel for that matter..
I was out for the evening and did some thinking, and I wanted to come back and post in defense of Daniel, not for his actions, but for his concern..
Question.. Is it possible to reach out to Daniel through messages? and to encourage him to change his approach...? i.e. you win more flies with honey....
Anyway, maybe I'm just bitter about all the brainiacs cyphering all the code and stuff... but I think the LG15 plot has been hijacked by this CiW stuff, and the dark side of CiW is bleeding over here into what twjaniak has attempted to reassure us was to be a G/PG plot..
Any ideas on contacting/ influencing Daniel?[/quote]
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:30 am
by Nora Volkova
twjaniak wrote:
Would you prefer that his clothing, after having pressed through thick brush and brambles, had been tattered to ribbons that barely covered his frame?
Sounds like a winner to me!!!

That's what I call fanservice!
Also -- regarding the position of the sun not changing.
The metareason, I'm sure, was not to have to make Yousef wait about for a couple of hours. So it's probably just a handwave.
BUT if you wanted, you could also fanwank this that Lucy wasn't waiting out there for two hours *at all.* Daniel already knows that Bree saw his earlier stalker video, and now out of spite or desperation is trying to mess with her and make her nervous about Lucy. We see in Bree's newest response that she doesn't appear fazed by Daniel's off the cuff "what is lucy doing sitting around for two hours" comment. Perhaps Bree *also* noticed that the sun position didn't change at all.