I get that, but no one was arguing it. They used it as an example of Moderators looking like ... well... people who ignore other people (to put it nicely) and how practicing this new rule (which, in essence it was) would have essentially began an even larger flame war.
This seems to happen a lot. One posts an example of the problem just to have it removed, even though it's in an effort to further the discussion, people think it's continuing an issue. That isn't always the case. That's why courts have this thing called "precedence" --- they uses past examples to help fortify current discussion.
I've had posts removed in this thread, too...and for no reason that I can ascertain to be legitimate. I was on topic, and did not attack. And nobody contacted me by PM to tell me why, either.
Instead of deleting threads willy-nilly...it's really best to simply edit a post. It helps retain the flow of the thread and lets people see when and why a post was removed...without having it *poof* out of existence.
Also, I think it would be a good idea for the users of this forum to see which moderators are editing posts, and why. The benefits are two-fold here. This can serve as a lesson to other users not to repeat the actions, and also sit as a method of accountability for the mods. They need to stand behind their actions, not hide behind their powers.
And I don't really care how much you guys say you're
not trying to hide behind your powers...words are meaningless. Hidden actions are worth even less.
Seriously, if I had a problem, I wouldn't even bother takling to Trainer or anyone else for that matter. Why? Because I simply don't trust you to make a fair decision. That may sound harsh, but it's the way I feel. I'm not saying anything bad toward any particular person...I'm just saying that with everything being done behind the scenes, there's no possible way for me to know that I would be heard or dealt with fairly. There's no visibility to the process...and I just don't trust it. Sorry.
edited to clarify