While I'm all about seeing hot, sweaty Jonas... *

*, this whole spiel is getting way too formulaic and predictable. I agree with the person who pointed out the A, B, C formula. However, I would add that the formula sucks because it's not always necessary, yet they almost always go that route. And, the pisser is that Jonas said they'd be going to this chick's house "later in the week". What that translates to, when I put it into my Creatortron-2000 is "You won't see a video of the meeting until Monday and even then, they'll probably not meet Gilman." They'll stretch this out for weeks. If the receptionist "went white" when Jonas mentioned Bree, do you not think she'd be on the phone with this Gilman guy PRONTO saying, "Hey! There's some people here talking about Bree...should we meet for lunch? Dinner? Snacks?"
Hotness factor of the vid: 9
Plot movement: 3
Predictability: 10
And, what the hell is Jonas doing running around town with raw eggs? They looked like they were in a hotel gym... and I've never been in a Club where you could just grab a glass and a raw egg in the gym.