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Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:22 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
capgun wrote:Whoa man, didn't want to push any buttons. I think, though, that we can all agree that Bree is probably not bipolar.
Haha, when my mom regressed I didn't have to go to school! I've got a real soft spot for The Price Is Right now

naw, i was just clarifying my position. 's'a'ight!

i wasn't wanting to say bi-polar strongly because i know very little about it. but because I've seen my mom regress a lot before, I found Bree's behavior very similar (albeit a lil more violent!)
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:25 am
by capgun
Haha, she ain't violent until that vanity is broken.
edit: uh oh, from
wikipediai: "The validity and legality of involuntary deprogramming has been attacked by members of new religious movements (NRM), by professor Eileen Barker, and other scholars. Their common argument asserts that it is dangerous and illegal to kidnap someone from any organization in which they voluntarily participate. Barker further argues that if the involuntary deprogramming fails then it will only widen the rift between the member of the NRM and his or her family."
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:29 am
by hamovbala4ever89
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:35 am
by nickaflick
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:omegawoman wrote:I am bipolar- this isn't behavior I have experienced.
I have seen similiar behavoir in drug and alcohol detox centers though.
in another post, another person who's bipolar said that's how she acts; i guess it just varies person to person.
but i have seen very similar behavior in regression, as well.
nickaflick wrote:It's been 2 days (almost 3) and all we get .. is a 45 second video of Bree freaking out!?
W"Odeghaworgawrhgozenfvkznfrgoaerhug!!! :throws fit:
not. cool.
many times, we have to wait over a week.
btw, this confirms that Bree won't be "just fine"
well, i'm new to the lg videos (started watching in April) so three days is a pretty long time for me.
I caught the hint that Bree wasn't going to be "okay" when after she was safely in car, she said "I want to do the ceremony." I guess this proves the extent of her "not okayness"
I think i'm complaining because i've been waiting for some Bree and Jonas action *huffs*
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:39 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Am I a bad person for cracking up while I read that chat? It was just so funny. I mean, it's sad but... I love when Bree would just be like MONKEY or SQUIRRELS MUNCH ON ACORNS or I LUV YOU SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY!
Has anyone tried to figure out if there is any code in her capitalization or random typing?
Also, Pixxi, I know you weren't saying she was bipolar, but others kind of took your analogy and ran with it. lol. I don't want to share any personal experiences, but I have witnessed similar breakdowns, and they can be very scary.
ETA: This reminds me a lot of way back when Daniel and Bree first ran away, and Bree was so weird and just talked to her toys for weeks on end. Of course, this is much more extreme, but I thought I'd point out that we did see the warning signs. We all talked about how childish she was being, how she was regressing drastically -- I wish there was something we could have done, but looking back, I really don't think we could have done anything more than we did.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:40 am
by Aithne
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Am I a bad person for cracking up while I read that chat? It was just so funny. I mean, it's sad but... I love when Bree would just be like MONKEY or SQUIRRELS MUNCH ON ACORNS or I LUV YOU SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY!
Has anyone tried to figure out if there is any code in her capitalization or random typing?
Also, Pixxi, I know you weren't saying she was bipolar, but others kind of took your analogy and ran with it. lol. I don't want to share any personal experiences, but I have witnessed similar breakdowns, and they can be very scary.
I thought the chat was funny too. The "squirrels much on acorns" bit had me lol.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:43 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Hehe -- thanks so much for the transcript Aithne! <3
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:45 am
by krmurr87
Ok things that I thought sounded suspicious ....
[00:32:33] lonelygirl15: squirrels munch on acorns
Didn't Sarah just right a blog on myspace about befriending a squirrel?
[00:23:22] lonelygirl15: sam i am join in the FUN
umm can we say Maddison anyone?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:46 am
by kellylen
wow that transcript was sad. all this makes me sad and scared...
and gives me some chilling memories
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:47 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
I edited the chat and deleted all but what Bree said, or things that could possibly give Bree's comments perspective.
[00:18:07] lonelygirl15: where's thor???
[00:18:11] lonelygirl15: i think they took him
[00:18:17] lonelygirl15: they would take him from me
[00:18:27] lonelygirl15: i do have an eternal song
[00:18:30] lonelygirl15: do you?
[00:18:40] lonelygirl15: GooD
[00:19:07] MayhemII: Bree what genre of music is "your song"?
[00:19:16] lonelygirl15: are you from brooklyn?
[00:19:33] lonelygirl15: genre? the genre of eternal happiness. hmmmmmmm
[00:19:36] Brooklynxman: Yes I am I have always lived here
[00:19:48] lonelygirl15: ive never been there
[00:19:54] lonelygirl15: sweet
[00:20:19] lonelygirl15: so what are you all doing here?
[00:21:00] Ritchie2007: lol
[00:21:05] lonelygirl15: ritchie rich $$$
[00:21:13] lonelygirl15: jonas and daniel have betrayed me
[00:21:30] lonelygirl15: friends don't lock friends up
[00:21:32] milowent: bree - what shot were they giving you?
[00:21:39] lonelygirl15: a shot of LOVE
[00:22:05] squirrelgirl: and there was the time you tied up Julia
[00:22:15] lonelygirl15: rope tied up small space
[00:22:42] lonelygirl15: hmmm no rope please
[00:22:50] GenocideInMyMind: The walls are top protect your song from those that want to hurt you.
[00:23:02] lonelygirl15: gEnoCide
[00:23:07] squirrelgirl: Did they at least give you some reading materials in that room?
[00:23:22] lonelygirl15: sam i am join in the FUN
[00:23:42] lonelygirl15: monkey
[00:23:43] xsighxsighx: if your tied up how is it your online?
[00:23:53] lonelygirl15: i'm NOT tied up!!!
[00:24:02] lonelygirl15: don't tie me up please
[00:24:10] drbrenda: who's tied up?
[00:24:12] S.A.R.A.H.: We don't want to tie you up Bree
[00:24:14] xsighxsighx: no one will tie you up
[00:24:15] Tinny09: Bree, I promie no one will tie you up.
[00:24:16] shadowofjustice: we won't tie you up bree
[00:24:18] Tinny09: promise*
[00:24:19] lonelygirl15: please don't
[00:24:20] littlesammy123: no one wants to tie u up
[00:26:26] lonelygirl15: WHAT is your favorite song??? little monkey
[00:26:27] shadowofjustice: I know a good song we can sing
[00:26:31] froppo: loved the out-doors. You loved to video blog and hang out with Daniel and Jonas. You used to prove science wrong. Remember P Monkey. That's a start! Try to remember more!!!
[00:26:34] belu214: bree waht else did they talk to you about?
[00:26:37] angelprincess6879: Bree, don't you remember how much Daniel and Jonas have done for you??
[00:26:43] lonelygirl15: i want to go hiking
[00:26:50] lonelygirl15: n-o-w please
[00:27:11] lonelygirl15: SLAP YOU eldfkjnsdlfjsdlfjsdlkjfsfjsjkj
[00:27:17] lonelygirl15: 28459347543987539543530495395-439
[00:27:33] lonelygirl15: they can't read the lyrics
[00:27:45] lonelygirl15: i hear the music do you?
[00:27:56] lonelygirl15: i like dance in the water
[00:27:58] GenocideInMyMind: The music is within.
[00:28:07] lonelygirl15: within all of us
[00:28:09] Ritchie2007: i like dancing in lush carpet...
[00:28:25] Rolland: is everyone here on puffing the magic dragon or something
[00:28:28] lonelygirl15: dance dance dance around the room
[00:28:36] mikael: puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea
[00:28:49] lonelygirl15: mpuff tje ,agic dragon lioved byu the seea;;;;; anmd frlocked the in the automn
[00:29:18] lonelygirl15: iluv,e seriously
[00:29:21] GenocideInMyMind: The autumn wind. The beautiful Sunsets They can all be yours. Sing with me darling.
[00:29:26] lonelygirl15: seriously seriously seriously seriously
[00:29:29] belu214: did carl and the other girl talk to you?
[00:29:21] GenocideInMyMind: The autumn wind. The beautiful Sunsets They can all be yours. Sing with me darling.
[00:29:26] lonelygirl15: seriously seriously seriously seriously
[00:29:55] lonelygirl15: i am sing with you. i'm on the bed jumping up and down screaming teh lyrics to anyone who will listen
[00:31:01] angelprincess6879: Bree do you know where Jonas and Daniel are??
[00:31:20] lonelygirl15: who's daniel?
[00:31:29] Brooklynxman: If people turn of the cams and mikes, the chat wont crash
[00:31:44] lonelygirl15: what's a chat?
[00:31:54] lonelygirl15: I adore you!
[00:32:02] lonelygirl15: what am i doing here?
[00:32:33] lonelygirl15: squirrels munch on acorns
[00:33:04] lonelygirl15: they LOCKED me in here!!!!!
[00:33:13] lonelygirl15: jonas is evil
[00:33:56] lonelygirl15: they've all lost the tune
[00:34:53] lonelygirl15: I AM PURE. IT is the world that is dirty
[00:35:12] lonelygirl15: &*(&(*&%$^%$^%$^*&)(*_*_
[00:35:48] lonelygirl15: good night. i will sing for you
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:47 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
For the squirrel thing, back when there were "strange tags in the videos" wasn't squirrel one of them, along with hamster and such?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:50 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
..... i think some of these random capital letters may be notes...
edit -- all the capitalized words/randomly capitalized letters (sorted by line)
Slap you
I am pure it
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:51 am
by MintyBeast
Thor is the teddy she performed the kiss on back when Daniel kissed her.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:51 am
by krmurr87
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:..... i think some of these random capital letters may be notes...
edit -- all the capitalized words/randomly capitalized letters (sorted by line)
Slap you
I am pure it
considering she was feeding off of what we were saying and going from there i think only the most random comments that didn't spawn off of what we said should be taken into consideration
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:52 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
MintyBeast wrote:Thor is the teddy she performed the kiss on back when Daniel kissed her.
so she misses him, too!