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Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:44 pm
by aboriginalgangster
kittenishtrance wrote:allisonjenna wrote:The shot of Daniel between Sarah's legs..
I knew someone was going to screen cap and post that as soon as I saw it.
And how did Sarah get back together with them? Probably contacted them via email or something to say she's headed their way and set up a meeting place.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:45 pm
by kellylen
cell phones?
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:46 pm
by kittenishtrance
EmiB wrote:Hmm, was it just me or was that little girl at the end the same one who played Jules's sister?
I can't be sure, but it looks to me like the girl in this video might be slightly older than Jules's sister. However, I am not able to see her clearly enough and for a long enough time to get any details on the child. You never know, though.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:00 pm
by Mgz
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:"Oh, wait, maybe it's under this blade of grass that will be yet another secret clue..."

Sometimes, that's how I feel, lol.
ahaha this is a fantastic example of auto-irony

good job creators

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:08 pm
by chevalier
robtomorrow wrote:Does anyone want to speculate on how Sarah found the dynamic duo. They aren't at Jonas's anymore, even if she knew were that was.
Simple, they gave her directions to Jonas' house (they were there last, that's from whence they left to make the nostalgia video), meet there, and then went to Camp Cult-u-wanna. Or picked her up at a bus station along the way.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:08 pm
by gemmacrowley
robtomorrow wrote:Does anyone want to speculate on how Sarah found the dynamic duo. They aren't at Jonas's anymore, even if she knew were that was.
Cell phone
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:23 pm
by house
I thought it was interesting that there is a BOY with the robed man, first. THEN, we see a little girl.
I could've sworn that, way back in the early days (with Lucy), someone had dug up a ceremony that involved two small children (male and female) and a girl Bree's age. Like,...the goddess and her children.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:42 pm
by crazycarebear815
everyone is like, "Sarah is wearing black to match her mood". Having been an overnight-bus-traveler myself, you wear black because it doesnt stain or show dirt as easy. Please tell me I'm not the first person to have said that?
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:52 pm
by Emyr
is it just me or is lg15 becoming way better then it ever was? i seriously love the last 2 videos. they're bringing us viewers back into puzzle/clue solving mood. good job creators
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:53 pm
by estellerox
There has to be a reason why they chose to show us the red ball. I don't know if it's been discussed already but I have a few theories. The most obvious of them being it is a warning sign. Now on to the crazier ones. First for some reason I think of an apple as in the apple from Adam and Eve. When you apply that to the fact that there are two children one male and female it may be pertinent. I realize I'm rambling...sorry. Now for the more crazy, some artists use a red ball or red circles to symbolize the womb, which may support the theory of the ceremony to include the impregnation of Bree. I know these are kinda weird just thought I'd throw it out there and see what ya'll thought.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:56 pm
by Kristine
Sarah was annoying as hell. I just wanted to scream "grow up and get serious" How old is she anyways? I always pictured Taylor as the older one (definitely acts it), but perhaps Sarah is? Perhaps I'm just getting old, lol.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:01 pm
by WriterGirl
crazycarebear815 wrote:Having been an overnight-bus-traveler myself, you wear black because it doesnt stain or show dirt as easy. Please tell me I'm not the first person to have said that?
Heh, you are actually. (BTW, is the 815 in your username a "Lost" reference?

I want to see what's in the box! I have a feeling it's going to be
very revealing.
As for Sarah, I usually like her, but she was just annoying here. She should've taken things more seriously and not been so reckless in what was obviously a potentially dangerous situation. Plus her "flirtations" are getting on my nerves, but that's probably just me.
On the other hand, I am glad she found the box, and I loved her outfit. I would've loved it more if it wasn't black, which kind of makes me uncomfortable in this context.
The next video is #200! I know, I'm becoming obsessed, but I really think something big may happen.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:01 pm
by Emyr
i think sarah is older as she had her prom recently while taylor did not and she is in school (am i right) also i think on one of their myspace it said that sarah was older. she was a bit annoying. the "im too cool for this" attitude was really childish. why would u come all the way there to act that way? but she was probably really tired and grumpy after that long travel. i still think she's an awesome character and brings a lot diversity to the series.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:08 pm
by Inigo
I really liked this video. Obviously Lurker did too lol
For the people saying it's just more cream filling get real. Not opening the box at the end is called making a cliffhanger, definately not filler material. This video really got us somewhere.
As a guy, I really enjoyed Sarah's role in this one. She is brimming with sexuality and I think the show needs that besides innocent looking girls. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife at some point (the part about the shower, damn Daniel is lucky).
However, as much as I like Sarah, I feel her presence a bit forced, and it seems like she feels it too. Obviously she is there because people like her her role was probably meant to be much shorter and the popularity of the character was unexpected, but if she only there to do sexy things then the character will get boring fast. Hope that's not the case and that the creators give her something important to do.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:13 pm
by mindinflight
Is it just me, or is Jonas getting more irritable by the video? I mean, yes, Sarah was being obnoxious and whiny, and I can only imagine how frustrating this whole "Bree's-missing-and-possibly-evil-now" debacle... but still. Think maybe he's missing her just a little much more than he would of if they were "just friends"? Speculation on my part, but yet another reason why I love Jonas. He cares, soooo much.
What's with the white clothing? The Orderites, Bree, now the deacon (I'm assuming that's who that dude at the end was, but again -- speculation)? Waaay back, when Alex was still around, wasn't white a symbol of good/purity/non-threateningness (yeah, I made up that word, but w/e)? I dunno, it just seems odd to me that suddenly all of the "bad guys" are looking angelic. *shrugs*
I wanna see what's in the box!! *mumbles something about probably having to wait for the next video* I wanna... hmph. Gah, and it was so bright out there, we couldn't even see if there was a design on it, or anything. Psha. What could possibly be in it? Any ideas, people? I'm leaning towards the possibility that there are important Order documents in there that Bree's dad could have collected and stashed away before, you know, he was shot dead. Wooo, blackmail. I dunno, more speculation.
Wow, this is such a long response, especially for me, Ms. Monosyllabic Answers. OOH, last comment: do you think the little girl at the end was Julia's little sister, you know, the one she mentioned in I think her second or third vid? Maybe I'm just over-analyzing.
Okay, I'll shut up now.