rachelalexis wrote:I find it very interesting that you guys don't react to what I was singing/saying in the shower. Perhaps you really were watching *shifty eyes*
Perhaps we're just too embarassed to mention what our true "reactions" were.
you guys are truly sick if you get excited at West Side Story songs and psychopathology
Correction. We don't get excited at West Side Story and psychopathology unless it's RAE West Side Story and psychopathology.
Mirage wrote:Perhaps both. Let me know if Dateline: To Catch a Predator ever shows up at your house so I have time to run.
ROFLMAO!!! You're a "repeat customer", huh?
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote: I lurve my stalkers *group hug*
MirageRaeMuteCuddlebunni huggles. THE BEST KIND!!!
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote:Sorry if I'm kinda in and out *snickers*
erm, where was I? Oh yeah, I'm trying to study at the same time. 2 hours and counting til my exam!
Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
LesterG wrote:grrr I hate weekends (well, not really but...), I missed the clown/hoff/seinfield party thread era
and now because of work I missed the rae train/stalker group hug!!!
Hehe... I was here for both, and I was at work both times
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
LesterG wrote:grrr I hate weekends (well, not really but...), I missed the clown/hoff/seinfield party thread era
and now because of work I missed the rae train/stalker group hug!!!
Hehe... I was here for both, and I was at work both times
I get to work from home 90% of the time so I'm online most of the time even if I'm not right at the 'puter I'll walk by and check out the scene.....Hoff had a great run, but it's time to move on to bigger, puffier things.
LesterG wrote:grrr I hate weekends (well, not really but...), I missed the clown/hoff/seinfield party thread era
and now because of work I missed the rae train/stalker group hug!!!
Hehe... I was here for both, and I was at work both times
I get to work from home 90% of the time so I'm online most of the time even if I'm not right at the 'puter I'll walk by and check out the scene.....Hoff had a great run, but it's time to move on to bigger, puffier things.