Jonas seems like he has good intentions and Gemma seems trustable. Rember how we were so happy when Gemma gave us hints? Now Jonas came and we have forgotten about her. We need to see this from 4 sides now.
stuart2004 wrote:I would have to say if I had to choose either of the would be Gemma...first off she is kinda sexy....I'd any one who has really looked at Jonas's page would realize he states very positively that he is evil.......dont believe me .....................................ok look......................................................
JONASTKO...say it slowly.....................Jo-Nas-T-Ko....................
Joe Nasty CO.............the name of an evil child slavery ring............dont believe me .....look it up
you DO know what TKO stands for, right? Technical Knockout; a boxing term which fits in cause he's told us he boxes.
Gemma. She seems to care. Jonas just seems like a bit of a slacker who is way too eager to host a couple of strangers being followed by a mysterious cult...
Kelly617 wrote:Gemma. She seems to care. Jonas just seems like a bit of a slacker who is way too eager to host a couple of strangers being followed by a mysterious cult...
Awww, Jonas cares! He made her an ice-cream sundae, what more proof do you need?