I think it's interesting what a drastic change in opinion we saw in Daniel here from the last video. I wonder if he believed the people on the forum wouldn't trust Jonas in the first place, or if he just changed his mind later. Maybe Bree's eagerness to run straight to Jonas when he appeared set Daniel off? She was once again displaying that instant "Let me go lean on somebody" mentality, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what it was.
Anyway, I think Daniel's disappearance is obviously a necessity for the time being given that Yousef won't be in the country for a little while. That means we won't get to see Daniel for at least two weeks and will have to put up with Jonas until he gets back (that'll be darn near unbearable, but I understand that Yousef's got a trip to make, and I for one won't hold that against him).
Great acting from Jessica and Yousef here, by the way. Really pleased with that. The emotions seemed genuine even if we don't know where all of them came from.
Anyway, on to Jonas... don't trust the guy still. Why the heck don't we see more of Bree after Daniel began to walk away? For all we know, there was more conversation between the two of them and Jonas just edited that out.
I think we shouldn't make any hasty judgments on this video right now. Jonas was the one editing, after all, so he could easily have omitted something important (such as whether Daniel had more reason to be pissed off, or if he and Bree said anything else to each other before he left).
Well, I'll be looking forward to Daniel's heroic return (and his subsequent annihilation of Jonas).
EliCash wrote:b) They're doing it to throw the Order off their tracks. Now the Order can spend time tracking down Jonas' place, even though they aren't with him. Meanwhile, they can go to the house of Daniel's friend. (Or someplace else.)
Interesting possibility. For some reason I don't think that's the way they're going with it, though.