I haven't posted this conversation because mainly I was messing around with Tach and I didn't think it was important. But we were talking about it in the chat so I thought I might as well.
Subject: Nancy Drew
davishl wrote:
> Did you lose a book?
Tachyon said:
i lost an entire set with my name written in them. did you find them?
davishl wrote:
> I did find them. If you tell me where you are, I can get them back to you.
Tachyon said:
trick question, because i only wrote my name in every odd numbered one. davishl tells lies!
We thought that the "Cassie" reference was interesting
Proud member of "The Collective"
Official member of "The Smooth Operators"
I shall get some rest when the profile tells me to.
Sent: November 30, 2006, 07:00 AM
Subject: the same taste in books?
Message: speaking of words from young rebels:
I never thought. I'd live to see eighteen.
isn't that dumb? every day. I look in the mirror and say. what? you still here? man!
like even today. I woke up this morning you know? and the sun was shining and everything was nice and I thought this is going to be one terrific day, so you better live it up, boy because tomorrow, maybe you'll be gone.
PS. a girl adapts to her surroundings as neccessary, but I'll be saving some of those tips for my own survival skills book! if you're good, i'll give you the exclusive one-on-one interview (excluding daytime chat though 'cause it's a lifelong dream to get on Oprah or The View). but needless to say, abandoned buildings are overrated and the showers are seriously lacking in terms of adequate water pressure! it's been absolute hell on my hair.
Deep Throat: It leads everywhere. Get out your notebook. There's more.
sphinx wrote:I received this message from Tachyon. For some reason she didn't reply to my original message and just sent it alone with the same subject.
Anyway, I asked her:
Just wondering if you have any insights into this Jonas character who wants them to come stay with him.
Part of the order, or a good candidate to handle the "good purity status" issue?
Her reply was:
I'm ignoring her kinda joining the "Jonas is Hot" club (ew).
Her cap usage is interesting.
I'm happy she signed off the way she did too.
what is this in reference to??what was your commentary
I just highlighted it rather than re-type. Hope that's ok.
I've already let Holly know.
For those of you who are unaware, Tach views me as a conselor of sorts. This is the message I sent to her as our "First Counseling Session":
Since it appears that we won't be able to sit down face to face to talk, I figured that this would work just as well. Would you rather I called you Tachyon or something else. Obviously, you can address me as Ziola.
Now, I'm getting the feeling that you have some definite anger issues with certain people. Could you give me a little history on your relationships with these people so that I can help you work on this?
Also, as much as you talk tough, I get the feeling you are scared and feel alone and abandoned. What are you scared of? Who has abandoned you?
This is the reply I received from her this morning:
To which I sent this reply:
Anonymity is fine by me, although I don't think you should be embarrassed or ashamed of your middle name. Mathilda is a strong name. Just to prove that, I looked it up and this is what I found:
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: ma-TIL-da [key]
Means "strength in battle" from Germanic maht "might, strength" and hild "battle". This was the name of the wife of William the Conqueror
So you see, your parents actually did you a favor by giving you that middle name. They basically blessed you with strength before you even knew that you would need it.
I'm wondering if you still talk to your parents. Do they even realize how much their treatment of you as a child has affected you as an adult? I find that it is very hard to move on and move past certain issues if you aren't able to get all the feelings behind them out. While my situation with my family certainly isn't at the level yours is, I can empathize with you. My sister was always the smart one, the pretty one, the one who would go somewhere and do something important with her life. Its sort of a sweet vindication that I now own my own business and she works as a receptionist.
Now, I understand that you know that you can't blame your sister for the fact that she was "chosen", but it seems as though you still harbor some unresolved feelings about this. So, who do you blame? Your parents? Someone else? If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was she chosen for? And did she achieve it, or did it never come to fruition? I sometimes feel like you talk about your sister in the past tense. Is she still alive or has she passed away? I don't mean to rub the proverbial salt in your wounds, but understanding the story of your past will help to work on a better future for you.
Until we speak again,
If anyone has any questions they would like me to ask in my guise as the counselor, please PM me and let me know.
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!
I asked Tachyon about offering advice as to where Daniel and Bree should go, or if they could stay with her somehow and be protected. She answered this morning:
From: Tachyon
Sent: December 07, 2006, 10:17 PM
Subject: A Place to Stay
I've got my hands full, but I think I'm about to help out in my own little way and also earn some bonus points from my brother.
Once that's a wrap though, I will do everything I can to help the two of them. But if she drifts off into stuffed animal land around me, we might have words...
"Everyone recognizes beauty, only because of ugliness.
Everyone recognizes virtue, only because of sin." -Lao Tzu
Ok, I'm new to this whole ARG thing and don't understand. So, I emailed Tacyon the other day for help and this is went she sent back to me this morning. It sounds like she's on the brink of a major discovery.
Sent: December 07, 2006, 10:03 PM
Subject: A little help?
Message: look, if it made sense to me I think I'd be having an easier time of things.
ordeal is a good word for it.
If I am right about my hunch, it's all going to be pretty clear in the next few days. I think I might have stumbled into something MAJOR.
jlyn0983 wrote:
> I want to help, but I don't know how. I'm confused about the whole ordeal. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the situation so that I might be able to help?<br/><br/>JLyn0983
Another email where she doesn't reply to the original message.
After a back and forth conversation with her during which she kept referring to me as someone her brother was dating, I told her that brother and I had dated, but decided to just be good friends.
I also told her: One day I'll get him to open up to me about "the girl that got away". Any advice on how to get him talking?
A few people thought Sam might be brother...Doesn't look like it I e-mailed her. I do not know how to do the screen caption thing so here is the text:
I e-mailed Tachy and she replied Dec 7th and said this:
JuJuB34n wrote:
> Hi,<br/> I'm from Texas, I try to help, but well kind of hard all the way from here. I have a question ...Is Sam your brother by any chance? Maybe he liked a girl, but she and some others felt you didn't subscribe to her religion..maybe your whole family didn't? Just wondering since I am probably off a point in a better direction would be wonderful. Best of Luck.