house wrote:I was just sitting here and I had the most distubring thought: What if the creators just, one day, decided they were done? LOL
We'd all probably sit here and speculate for weeks.
I must have abandonment issues.

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house wrote:I was just sitting here and I had the most distubring thought: What if the creators just, one day, decided they were done? LOL
We'd all probably sit here and speculate for weeks.
I must have abandonment issues.
I also Agree!ericski wrote:spaciegirl, i don't know about the rest of the folks here, but i find your comments above entertaining and fun. especially voicing the frustration most of us feel at the apparently vapid vid when we were all expecting something more on point. rock on.
Exactly!! I keep waiting for someone to come out and go "HA-HA!" (ala Nelson, from the Simpsons).omegawoman wrote:No, I was thinking the same thing too- a little experiment on their part to see just how long we would sit here, analyze, and bitch about needing a new video. They could even have bets on dates- a week, a month, a year?house wrote:I was just sitting here and I had the most distubring thought: What if the creators just, one day, decided they were done? LOL
We'd all probably sit here and speculate for weeks.
I must have abandonment issues.
Same thought here. I even had moments of conspiracy-esque thinking where I went: I wonder if they just picked ONE of us and that ONE person is actually directing; the stories, the plot, the length between videos, etc.,. Maybe the whole "free will" theme is a study to see how long people will gladly give up their free time to wait for the next video.thinkitthrough wrote:I bet they have money on, that we will wait until 12.10.06
Oh, I would be gone long before that if all that time was just wrote:Same thought here. I even had moments of conspiracy-esque thinking where I went: I wonder if they just picked ONE of us and that ONE person is actually directing; the stories, the plot, the length between videos, etc.,. Maybe the whole "free will" theme is a study to see how long people will gladly give up their free time to wait for the next video.thinkitthrough wrote:I bet they have money on, that we will wait until 12.10.06
Can you tell I'm bored?
OMG RIGHT NOW I'M DOING JUST THAT. that was cool. except my oreos are in a bag, not a box, and they are mini-oreos. but close enough.omegawoman wrote:You can bet the creators are having a good laugh at us. I can imagine them reading the entries, eating a box of oreo's in their bathrobs.
Okay, I actually *did* urinate myself when I read this. That's what happens when you sit at the computer telling yourself, "Just read one more post, and then you can go to the bathroom."cassieisabeyotch wrote:
If she doesn't give some explanation and eases on into a Proving Science Wrong video I think I might just urinate myself.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:OMG RIGHT NOW I'M DOING JUST THAT. that was cool. except my oreos are in a bag, not a box, and they are mini-oreos. but close enough.omegawoman wrote:You can bet the creators are having a good laugh at us. I can imagine them reading the entries, eating a box of oreo's in their bathrobs.
PS - i still like my hanzel and gretel theory the best.
PPS - it would be cool if cassie was the flatmate. like SURPRISE. I REALLY AM PART OF ALL THIS SHIT. maybe she'll make a new video like I WAS HERE and she'll be in england now. wouldn't cassie sound funny with a british accent? "good evening old chap. might i invite you to some tea and crumpets? oh, please do not mind my ghastly appearance. i just recently returned after vacationing to the 'States where I possessed a dear man named Frank. Lord bless his soul."
okay i'm done.
PPPS- i still really liked my hanzel and gretel theory.