Another pic of it, proving that it indeed has lights
breetard [bree-tard] Adj. - a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way all while being plastic and having extremely limited depth of personality
helix52 wrote:Does anyone know what the song in the video is called and/or who it is by?
Headboard "Disapears"
Holy crap, that band seems to have had over twenty members.. thanks for the name.. I'm having a hard time finding the lyrics tho, in case they have any significance at all.
"Never interrupt a voodoo doctor."
"When forging a letter to nab a perp, be sure to use grammar and spelling appropriate to the education level of the person you're impersonating."
Actually, Google says that I am 1 hour 51 minutes away. Too bad my fiance would think I was completely nuts if I hopped in the car right now. Besides, I am not going at night, alone...and female. Yikes. If no one goes to get it by tomorrow afternoon when I am done with my committment I will go. I just want a more clear idea of where the drop is if I am driving that far out.
helix52 wrote:Does anyone know what the song in the video is called and/or who it is by?
Headboard "Disapears"
Holy crap, that band seems to have had over twenty members.. thanks for the name.. I'm having a hard time finding the lyrics tho, in case they have any significance at all.
"Never interrupt a voodoo doctor."
"When forging a letter to nab a perp, be sure to use grammar and spelling appropriate to the education level of the person you're impersonating."
OpAphid said that Tachyon stole an hours worth of information. I think she means that she learned more in that hour than she did the entire time she was in the Order spying on them.
helix52 wrote:I learned more in that last hour there than "i" did in her entire existence.
Where is the "there" she is referring to? The windmill? And it seems as tho she is confirming that the little i is in fact someone else.
Great job to those who found the location so quickly.
She is referring to op's "information gathering facility", where op claims tachyon spent an hour...
"However, our internal security logs show that Tachyon spent almost an hour inside our information gathering facility. The data on the memory card that was recovered would have taken only a minute or so to compile."
"Never interrupt a voodoo doctor."
"When forging a letter to nab a perp, be sure to use grammar and spelling appropriate to the education level of the person you're impersonating."