Please NOT A Game!
Since BOTH mods agree that Cassie is FAN FICTION not associated with the creators, can we move all the cassieiswatching stuff somewhere more appropriate -- like another board, on another server (probably one dedicated to ARGS.) I just don't see how it is appropriate here, the myspace, youtube, eBay (eBay!?) cassieiswatching has nothing to do with the storyline... ZERO. Lets not let someone elses "story" infect our understanding of the LG15 saga.
So if I create my own story and get a youtube, myspace, and eBay for lets say P. Monkey (maybe PMonkeyKnows). Then I start selling random tarot cards (with the tag line "lonelygirl15 needs these. tarot has answers for bree!") it should get equal attention in the forums as the "legit" storyline? At what point do we draw the line and help other users understand that these are "fan created vehicles" with no bearing on the LG15 cannon. A lot of people are trying to figure out what the Judgement card has to do with Bree, the answer is that it has no more relevance than if I put a turd in a box and claimed it was from P. Monkey. It is distracting (and misleading) to those of us who are actually following the REAL story.BoBo wrote:It's a storyline related to the series. Totally acceptable to be here.
Re: Two points
I totally agree. Even if cassie isn't an official part of the creator's story line, there's no way it can be stopped now. Everyone's talking about cassie and trying to figure it out.Moonpies wrote:Even if the Cassie subplot is only marginally affiliated with The Creators, it's tough to deny the power. There are more Cassie posts than the rest of this entire forum combined (3200+ of the 4600+ posts in these threads so far).
Cassie is part of LG15 now even if it wasn't meant to be.
The Last Love Song on This Little Planet.
Thanks for watching as I fall.
Thanks for watching as I fall.
really? well thought out? a tarot card in a box.... c'mon man.BoBo wrote:You're really strectching it. This is a very closely related storyline, that has obviously been well though out. The Ebay account is just someone captializing on a trend.
I agree with 'syncomm' I was all caught up in this cassie storyline until I realized it had nothing to do with LG... I didnt sign up for some cryptic off shoot, thats misleading in its nature... if it has nothing to do with LG then they should've just admitted that instead of trying to ride its coattails
- Nora Volkova
- Enthusiastic Fan
- Posts: 332
- Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:34 pm
Logical Error Detected.
Category: Set Theory
Subcategory: Venn Misplacement
LG15 Fan Activity is not a subset of the greater category/brand Lonelygirl15.
LG15 Fan Activity is a set which overlaps Lonelygirl15. LG15 fan activity which demonstrates direct interactivity with the video series Lonelygirl15 is an intersecting subset of both. LG15 Fan Activity which neither directly interacts nor comments upon the video series Lonelygirl15 is not part of the interacting subset, therefore is not part of Lonelygirl15.
Vaccination: Please refer to Venn Diagram for illustration.

Subject Nora Volkova notes that the Venn is not fully static, as Cassie2.0 has the potential to move from a blue item into the subset of purple items.
Cassie 3.0 (Tarot Game) and 3.1 remain firmly blue due to sufficient evidence that they do not overlap with the ongoing storyline of the Breeniverse. Thus they cannot be unilaterally declared by random fans to be "part of Lonelygirl15," although they clearly fall within the aegis of LG15 fan activity.
Category: Set Theory
Subcategory: Venn Misplacement
LG15 Fan Activity is not a subset of the greater category/brand Lonelygirl15.
LG15 Fan Activity is a set which overlaps Lonelygirl15. LG15 fan activity which demonstrates direct interactivity with the video series Lonelygirl15 is an intersecting subset of both. LG15 Fan Activity which neither directly interacts nor comments upon the video series Lonelygirl15 is not part of the interacting subset, therefore is not part of Lonelygirl15.
Vaccination: Please refer to Venn Diagram for illustration.

Subject Nora Volkova notes that the Venn is not fully static, as Cassie2.0 has the potential to move from a blue item into the subset of purple items.
Cassie 3.0 (Tarot Game) and 3.1 remain firmly blue due to sufficient evidence that they do not overlap with the ongoing storyline of the Breeniverse. Thus they cannot be unilaterally declared by random fans to be "part of Lonelygirl15," although they clearly fall within the aegis of LG15 fan activity.
What is the Cassie "storyline" and how on Earth is it well thought out? "Lets throw a box with a tarot card into a lake and claim it is part of LG15 -- brilliant!!" As far as I'm concerned it has nothing to do with LG15 other than the name Cassie (and the idea the the cassieiswatching person/people *want* everyone to believe it has something to do with the real story)BoBo wrote:This is a very closely related storyline, that has obviously been well though out. The Ebay account is just someone captializing on a trend.
Fan fiction is going to be part of any popular series. The difference between the Cassie spin-off and your garden variety fan fiction is that an article claimed that it was loosely affiliated with The Creators and that 70% of the posts on this forum are Cassie-related.
I guess it would make a good poll question here. Are you more interested in the Bree story or the Cassie sub-story? Naturally Cassie wouldn't be possible without Bree but it's clear that there is an impassioned audience for Cassie.
And it's not just because Bree brings up Cassie a half-dozen times in that swimming video that Cassie is pertinent here. If it would have been a lame video at a local watering hole, it would have been dismissed quickly. Instead, it was compelling gaming device and one that sucked in a ton of people to the LG15 story at a crucial time.
I guess it would make a good poll question here. Are you more interested in the Bree story or the Cassie sub-story? Naturally Cassie wouldn't be possible without Bree but it's clear that there is an impassioned audience for Cassie.
And it's not just because Bree brings up Cassie a half-dozen times in that swimming video that Cassie is pertinent here. If it would have been a lame video at a local watering hole, it would have been dismissed quickly. Instead, it was compelling gaming device and one that sucked in a ton of people to the LG15 story at a crucial time.
- Nora Volkova
- Enthusiastic Fan
- Posts: 332
- Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:34 pm
Possible Error Detected.
Category: Logical Fallacy
Subcategory: Post hoc ergo propter hoc
No evidence has to date been presented supporting the theory that Cassie 2.0 and Cassie 3.0/3.1 are the same entity.
Much evidence has been presented supporting the theory that Cassie 3.0/3.1 is in fact a solely fan-derived blue project which is inconsistent in methods and details with the intentions of of Cassie 2.0 and of Lonelygirl15 and its derived Cassie 1.0.
To repeat, no evidence supports the theory of a unified "Cassie" storyline spanning the three or four Cassie entities. Until such evidence comes to light, at least two separate Cassie storylines must be assumed to be running concurrently, with Cassie 2.0 holding the greater viability to become part of the shared world due to confirmation by the reliable source Virginia Heffernan.
Category: Logical Fallacy
Subcategory: Post hoc ergo propter hoc
No evidence has to date been presented supporting the theory that Cassie 2.0 and Cassie 3.0/3.1 are the same entity.
Much evidence has been presented supporting the theory that Cassie 3.0/3.1 is in fact a solely fan-derived blue project which is inconsistent in methods and details with the intentions of of Cassie 2.0 and of Lonelygirl15 and its derived Cassie 1.0.
To repeat, no evidence supports the theory of a unified "Cassie" storyline spanning the three or four Cassie entities. Until such evidence comes to light, at least two separate Cassie storylines must be assumed to be running concurrently, with Cassie 2.0 holding the greater viability to become part of the shared world due to confirmation by the reliable source Virginia Heffernan.
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- Nora Volkova
- Enthusiastic Fan
- Posts: 332
- Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:34 pm
Re: Please NOT A Game!
If the separate Cassie part turns into something you don't care for, then just focus where you feel comfortable.HyeMew wrote: PLEASE- LG is a serial, NOT A REAL LIFE ARG. Please stop turning it into one, as Cassie is not even a part of Bree's world.
I still don't see why this has to be something you feel the need to YELL about. For a mod, you're not very tolerant OR unbiased.
If you feel that you have serious information...present it in a mature way...and maybe someone will listen to you. Until then, you seem like a petulant child...ticked off that the attention is going somewhere other than them.
You are hilarious!!!Nora Volkova wrote:Subject Nora Volkova experienced a positive emotion resulting from the communication from cpo schwartz. Subject Nora Volkova believes that the non-catatonic response is "Thank you."

On to other things.
Wow...I had a whole topic just to myself. I had no idea! I wish it hadn't come to that.
I'd like to apologize again for the length of time it took to get the evidence up. We ran into many promlems along the way. I'm proud of the video that resulted and hope you can find some enjoyment in it. I'm as angry that what I found has turned out to be a prank as you all are. It detracts from the impact and distracts from that which we should focus on.
I for one hope that the interaction on either storyline increases. As mentioned above many, including myself, began to lose interest in the LG15 saga after it was admitted to being produced. I wasn't mad about it...everyone over the age of 15 and who has the attention span to finish a novel already "knew". It simply dispersed the aforementioned mystery, and let everyone know for a fact that they were never going to be able to actually influence Bree on a personal level.
The Cassie side plot turned that around like an adrenaline shot to the heart. I'm not saying that LG15 is boring or in anyway a bad story. It's just a simple fact that the more you allow someone to interact the more interesting the activity becomes to that person. Activity, actually is what it's all about. They have to move. Use thier minds and bodies and take a part in the story. You can't just watch. Humans are animate and by their nature are drawn to motion. It hardly get more interactive than driving 60miles, hiking through the mountains, and diving into an ice cold pool. I tried to give the experience I had to those that couldn't make the trip.
They are equally drawn to share with one another, to be social. As the frenzy of the other day shows...they're not always good at it

I hope the Authors have learned from this, though. The more you allow the audience to partake in the creation of the show the greater your response will be. If you truly intend to remove "the line between "fan" and "star"", I applaud you & wish you the best. I pray that the weight of the attention focused on this doesn't make it drag bottom and halt what is a very promising entertainment
"Death, in the strict sense, cannot be defined, for whatever predicate we, the living, attribute to it necessarily belongs to Life. This means that Death, as a category, behaves in a manner indistinguishable from the Infinite, and from God."