0060 I Talked To My Parents [10/26/06]

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Post by cup o' noodles »

arammat wrote:
cup o' noodles wrote:ooh. daniel needs to be careful. cup o' noodles senses some major sh*t's gonna go down and cup o' noodles is hardly ever wrong when it comes to this. normally because cup o' noodles the one causing sed sh*t to go down, so cup o' noodles has gotten good at detecting it :wink: DANIEL, BE CAREFUL!!!! BREE'S PARENTS ARE FULL OF CRAP!!!!
by the way, yes cup o' noodles likes to talk in the third person every now and then.
I just noticed that cup o' noodles's inititials are C.O.N. Coincidence? I think not. ;)
hmm....very clever. but i'm afraid that it's turtles all te way down. sorry, i had to say that. but that's a good catch. i never even realized that, but i guess cassie has gotten all of us up on our toes, looking for clues everywhere. but i DO think that the food cup o' noodles may be a con. i believe that the owners of the cup o' noodles franchise or company or whatever are actually monkuppets (i.e. lonesomeoctober's videos) bent on taking over the world, one consumer product at a time. :wink:
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Post by lesbrent »

as far as the picture placement goes - teenage girls are always rearranging their rooms.

It we are doing cutesey again, even though the story has moved waayyyy past that "getting to know you" stage, let's at least have a Daniel/Bree make-out video. This series is on a fast track from a PG13 to a G.
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Post by Broken Kid »

lesbrent wrote:as far as the picture placement goes - teenage girls are always rearranging their rooms.

It we are doing cutesey again, even though the story has moved waayyyy past that "getting to know you" stage, let's at least have a Daniel/Bree make-out video. This series is on a fast track from a PG13 to a G.
Well, there haven't been any singing and dancing candlesticks yet, so maybe PG rather than G. :D
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Post by omegawoman »

So when Bree's parents go to talk to the Deacon- the Deacon will say, " You know this Daniel boy broke into Lucy's apartment. Bree is being mislead by this criminal."
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Post by Beautiful Nightmare »

Omega, you've got an excellent point. Who wants to bet they've got footage of it, either from Daniel's own video (duh) or from cameras they had hidden in Lucy's house. ;)

At which point, Bree's dad is going to say that Daniel can't come over anymore again, and that Bree has to go through with the ceremony.

I can't wait to see what's gonna happen.
Missing Oppy....Missing Bree.....

:( Ah, for the good old days. :(
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Post by Yoga Bear »

omegawoman wrote:So when Bree's parents go to talk to the Deacon- the Deacon will say, " You know this Daniel boy broke into Lucy's apartment. Bree is being mislead by this criminal."
Yup I am sure that will come back to haunt him...speaking of haunt, you dont think they would do the ceremony on Halloween...too cheesy?

Wiccan/Pagan groups celebrate Samhain that night...but this sounds nothing like a wiccan/pagan group. (I speak from first hand knowledge on this one.)
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Post by omegawoman »

Beautiful Nightmare wrote:Omega, you've got an excellent point. Who wants to bet they've got footage of it, either from Daniel's own video (duh) or from cameras they had hidden in Lucy's house. ;)

At which point, Bree's dad is going to say that Daniel can't come over anymore again, and that Bree has to go through with the ceremony.

I can't wait to see what's gonna happen.
In Daniel's video where he broke into Lucy's apartment, he passes by something outside that looked like it may have been a security camera.

I also think Lucy was expecting Daniel, it was just too easy for him to get in.
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Post by Mvidrine »

OK guys after these last two videos I have a theory. I think Bree's religion is a Matriarcical or female dominated religion. Women hold the positions of power and men are subservient to them. In the video where Bree wants to go to the party, she tells us that even if her dad says no her mother can many times get her way, show us who really wears the pants in the family. Furthermore we're told many times about how strong a woman Bree's mother is. Also Lucy, a female, is Bree's "helper" and seems to weild alot of power in the order. And in gemma's latest video her mother tells ehr she cant see the boy, showing that strong women are a charicteristic of their religon. This could explain why her father gave Bree the shots even if he had some misgivings about it
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Post by omegawoman »

Mvidrine wrote:OK guys after these last two videos I have a theory. I think Bree's religion is a Matriarcical or female dominated religion. Women hold the positions of power and men are subservient to them. In the video where Bree wants to go to the party, she tells us that even if her dad says no her mother can many times get her way, show us who really wears the pants in the family. Furthermore we're told many times about how strong a woman Bree's mother is. Also Lucy, a female, is Bree's "helper" and seems to weild alot of power in the order. And in gemma's latest video her mother tells ehr she cant see the boy, showing that strong women are a charicteristic of their religon. This could explain why her father gave Bree the shots even if he had some misgivings about it
If Bree's parents really didn't know alot about the ceremony- as Bree has stated, why on earth would they give her the injections anyway? If this is all about free will like alot of previous post have implied, then what kind of free will do the parents have? To me, it seems like they have none, or her father wouldn't have continued the injections if he had misgivings.
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Post by thejyav »

Kasdeja wrote:Hopefully this is building to something and just trying to throw us off...because I found this a disappointing turn.
Its one of two things. Either the worst idea ever or simply a turn to drag things out.
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Post by Beautiful Nightmare »

I also think Lucy was expecting Daniel, it was just too easy for him to get in.
Missing Oppy....Missing Bree.....

:( Ah, for the good old days. :(
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Post by thejyav »

woohoo i have been upgraded to lonelyfan...sorry
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Post by sunbean »

Well, at this point, everyone has some suspicious aspects, and the story could go a lot of different directions. But, I don't agree with those who think everything's going to be hunky dory and the story is over.

We have to remember something here: the producers are doing this low-budget, but certainly with the hope of someday having a profitable project. I mean, they're trying to recoup what they can even now, using revver, which is cool by me. But I think they're intelligent enough to know that a second project wouldn't be very popular if they cut us off at this point and left us with an unsolved mystery. Viewers need a satisfying ending - they must know this - and they want to build a good rep for themselves using lg15. So, although I would love for them to start throwing in some solvable clues (hint hint!) for us, I have no fear that there will be some resolution to this.

On the bad side, my fave set of stories, King's Dark Tower series, left several plot holes that bugged the hell out of me. So I don't expect that every question will get an answer.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

turkeyfeather wrote:I agree that it just seemed too easy. I bet her parents are lying. Be carefull Daniel! :shock:
I honestly think it's going to end up being Bree, her parents, and Daniel against the elders of the cult. We've had several messages emphasizing how much Bree's mom believes in Free Will (including one of Gemma's vids). Given that information, for her parents to conspire with the elders to force Bree to go through the ceremony just doesn't make sense.

But then again I've been wrong before . . . :wink:
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Sfonzarelli wrote: In the Illuminati Papers, Robert Anton Wilson talks about how Crowley would pretend he was satanic to test his disciples - I think this sort of thing is going on here.
Hm. Interesting. What kind of response did Crowley want his disciples to give? "Dude, I trust you, I'll follow you anywhere," or "Dude, I'm not comfortable with this, I'm outta here," or "Dude, I'm not comfortable with this, but I'm willing to take a risk"? Or something completely different?

Whatever Crowley was trying to accomplish with that kind of test might shed a whole lot of light on what the creators are trying to do here.
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