I'm ject as you can see and I want to ask some thing of you.
I have just started this ARG (im asuming its a ARG).
and I was wondering if anyone could Either sum up all the information we have right now or give me a websight that already has seeing as how there is allready to much information collect.
I thank you in advance.
A request from me
Moderator: Moderators
Re: A request from me
LGpedia, LGpedia.Ject wrote:Hello.
I'm ject as you can see and I want to ask some thing of you.
I have just started this ARG (im asuming its a ARG).
and I was wondering if anyone could Either sum up all the information we have right now or give me a websight that already has seeing as how there is allready to much information collect.
I thank you in advance.
go to lonelygirl15.com and click on lgpedia.
i know that tigerlilylynn worked on it sometime this week. before her there was nothing at all.romy wrote:the lgpedia doesn't have a lot of opaphid info on it.
anyone can edit and add stuff.
so if you feel there are things missing i'm sure you can edit to add stuff.
i think the most important things are adding what we know is true and has been confirmed by aphid herself and keeping out speculation...
with that said, i think that tigerlilylynn did a damn good job.

http://www.lonelygirl15.com/lgpedia/index.php/OpAphidromy wrote:where is it, because I guess I'm looking for it in the wrong place.
If I go to the lgpedia, where do I look for OpAphid.
I wasn't criticizing stuff that was there because I didn't find anything. Yeah?