0057 I Listened To Daniel [10/24/06]

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Post by Luv2Skydive »

M80mayhem wrote:Probably doesn't mean anything, but Daniel's shirt says USP Lewisburg - as in United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg (a high security prison).
It must mean something.....why would the actor have that shirt or wear that shirt?? Hmmmmm..... :?:
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

The United States Penitentiary (USP) in Lewisburg is a high security facility housing male inmates. An adjacent satellite prison camp houses minimum security male offenders.

USP Lewisburg is located in central Pennsylvania, 200 miles north of Washington, DC and 170 miles west of Philadelphia.

Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania
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Post by kimmiewku »

Luv2Skydive wrote:The United States Penitentiary (USP) in Lewisburg is a high security facility housing male inmates. An adjacent satellite prison camp houses minimum security male offenders.

USP Lewisburg is located in central Pennsylvania, 200 miles north of Washington, DC and 170 miles west of Philadelphia.

Judicial District: Middle Pennsylvania
no idea.
Maybe it symbolizes how Brees parents are definitely going to lock her up and throw away the key once she talks to them? :)
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Post by rachelalexis »

Maybe Daniel's a real tough guy ;)
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Post by house »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
M80mayhem wrote:Probably doesn't mean anything, but Daniel's shirt says USP Lewisburg - as in United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg (a high security prison).
It must mean something.....why would the actor have that shirt or wear that shirt?? Hmmmmm..... :?:
Maybe Daniel's dad is in the Federal Pen for multiple B&E's? Daniel comes from a long line of thugs...that's where he got his mad, B&E skillz.
The shirt was his Christmas present in 01'.
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Post by minsky »

Don't Know if this belongs here but there is an interesting tag on this vid in youtube: ECHINODERM


Echinoderms (Phylum Echinodermata, from the Greek for spiny skin) are a phylum of marine animals found at all depths. This phylum appeared in the early Cambrian Period and contains about 7,000 living species and 13,000 extinct ones. Five or six classes (six counting Concentricycloidea) are alive today:

Asteroidea (asteroids, starfish, or sea stars): about 1,500 species that capture prey for their own food.
Concentricycloidea (sea daisies), notable for their unique water vascular system; two species; recently merged into Asteroidea.
Crinoidea (crinoids, feather stars or sea lilies): about 600 species that are suspension feeders.
Echinoidea (echinoids, sea urchins and sand dollars): notable for their movable spines; about 1,000 species.
Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers): elongated animals resembling slugs; about 1,000 species.
Ophiuroidea (brittle stars and basket stars), the physically largest of echinoderms; about 1,500 species.
Extinct forms known from fossils include blastoids, edrioasteroids, and several early Cambrian animals such as Helicoplacus, carpoids, Homalozoa, and possibly machaerids.

Echinodermata is the largest animal phylum to lack any freshwater or terrestrial representatives.

Wonder if any have any medicinal purposes???


Did some searching and came up with this:

http://www.scu.edu.au/news/media.php?it ... tem&type=M

Extract from article:

"Fucoidans are polysaccharides and naturally occurring components of certain edible seaweeds and echinoderms. They have been part of the human diet for centuries and in countries such as Japan and Korea, are prized for their dietary and medicinal properties,” Mr Falk said.

“The term fucoidan describes a diverse family of molecules rather than a single chemical compound. Each type of brown marine algae or echinoderm yields a specific fucoidan, and each fucoidan varies in its clinical benefit.

“Our primary interest in fucoidans stems from their ability to act as immunomodulators, selectin antagonists, viral attachment inhibitors, enzyme inhibitors and receptor blockers. Fucoidans and their derivatives demonstrate considerable anti-viral, anti-coagulant and cholesterol lowering activity."
Last edited by minsky on Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

house wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:
M80mayhem wrote:Probably doesn't mean anything, but Daniel's shirt says USP Lewisburg - as in United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg (a high security prison).
It must mean something.....why would the actor have that shirt or wear that shirt?? Hmmmmm..... :?:
Maybe Daniel's dad is in the Federal Pen for multiple B&E's? Daniel comes from a long line of thugs...that's where he got his mad, B&E skillz.
The shirt was his Christmas present in 01'.
I like that theory.....if Daniel wears an "I *heart* USP Lewisburg" in his next video I'd say that confirms it!
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Post by Truth-in-Science »

kimmiewku wrote:
parakeet100 wrote:
kimmiewku wrote: I had it in my head that he was too, but I may have made that up.
Anybody wanna go back and look?
She said he was completing his residency when he met her mother. It's in the How My Parents Met video.
Aha! thanks parakeet. So, as a doctor, he had access to all kinds of stuff, and is very knowledgable about shots and such...

So are we assuming at this point that the Order is supplying these shots? Wouldn't it be easier to order something like that through a doctor, namely Bree's dad, rather than go through someone else and deliver them?
Especially if it wasn't anything danerous or illegal... :shock:
If Bree's Dad is a doctor, or intern, and has access to this "medicine", then is the ORDER using Bree's dad to get it? Also, if Bree's dad is knowledgable about the substance in the shots, then wouldn't he know what the ORDER was up to? I thought Bree's parents didn't know what was going on with the ceremony. Maybe Bree's parents have to be in on this, because I don't think her father would administer medicine that would harm his daughter, right? He would be asking questions as to why his daughter needs this medicine.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Woohoo....100 posts! In skydiving you have to jump nakee at 100. Does anyone else feel a draft? Brrrrr.....
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Post by HyeMew »

M80mayhem wrote:Probably doesn't mean anything, but Daniel's shirt says USP Lewisburg - as in United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg (a high security prison).
Darn you beat me to it! Just watched the video now and I was about to post: umm, is it just me or is Daniel wearing a shirt for this place? http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/lew/index.jsp

I've never been there but I've been near there. Except for Bucknell University there is absolutely nothing around there for miles and miles.
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Post by islandlove »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
M80mayhem wrote:Probably doesn't mean anything, but Daniel's shirt says USP Lewisburg - as in United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg (a high security prison).
It must mean something.....why would the actor have that shirt or wear that shirt?? Hmmmmm..... :?:

where any of the maps on lucys computer near it?

just a thought...
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Post by HyeMew »

I really don't know where the Creators would have gotten a shirt like that, none seem to have connections to PA. I tend to think it's just a shirt of Yousef's and he wore it that day. However, I mean even he's only from Virginia, which is quite a ways from Lewisburg. Not sure why he'd have a prison t-shirt even. It's not like it's an Alcatraz one, where people wear it to be like LOOK I HAVE A PRISON T-SHIRT! Yousef's is not recognizable as a prison shirt unless you google it.
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Post by Raspberry »

Bree is too indecisive. If she is going to sneak around to see Daniel, she needs to not go run and tell her parents why she doesn't want to participate in the ceremony anymore. That will just make it harder for her and possibly more dangerous. I don't know, but either her parents are the over-religious type who believe so much that they are ignorant to the risks of their religion or they are just plain evil and dangerous to their own daughter. It feels like to me, they didn't know what was in the shots, but it didn't matter because if the order says it's safe and it's a secret, they respect it enough to do it. That is why Lucy was ok with her parents, that is why they don't need to see the ceremony- they trust the order. And, even if Bree brings up the fact that the order is being shady- her parents will dismiss that because they are too far into it.

Randomly, I still want the ceremony to be a virgin sacrifice. It just has to start getting more dark and detailed. You can't start out a series with an innocent girl having a shrine to crowley without some damn good content along the way...hmph. :x

Also- yes, daniel seems not as excited that she is there as you'd imagine. But, hey, the man has been trying to save her, worried to death, being stalked because of it. He has the right to be a little pissed off/scared still.
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Post by Raspberry »

Ever consider Daniel's shirt is just vintage or recycled, from like goodwill or something. It doesn't have to mean anything at all to who bought it, just a random shirt.
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Post by MeNotYou »

Truth-in-Science wrote:Maybe Bree's parents have to be in on this, because I don't think her father would administer medicine that would harm his daughter, right? He would be asking questions as to why his daughter needs this medicine.
You know, a lot of people have been posting similiar thoughts, but I have to disagree. We are giving her parents too much credit. In a religion as in depth and, pardon the phrase, "cultish" as this, it is not unreasonable to think that they would put the desires of their religion above their own child's well-being.

I mean, they lived in a "commune" for some time, right? Would it be beyond reason to think that these people are pretty deep in to their religion, I know plenty of Christians, for example, who would inject their child with something if they were told to by an authority figure from the Church, especially if they were only told: "Don't worry, it's good for them."

Just a thought that maybe to them, religion supersedes family.
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