I agree with you.Mirage wrote:I just really don't understand Bree (or Daniel's) reasoning that her parents need to know everything (well except for the breaking in part)....if Daniel knows that Bree's father is injecting her with some unknown substance, doesn't he get the idea that maybe her parents dont have the same intentions as he does?
I think that he might have a bigger target on his back if the Order thinks that he's influenced Bree to drop the whole thing.
I'm amazed that Bree's dad would inject his own daughter with unknown substances. It could be defended that Bree thinks it's completely reasonable to go to her parents for guidance and help, because, well, they're her parents and love and protect her...but if all that was completely true, how can we reason that loving parents (who don't wish any harm to come to their child) would inject their child with forgein and unknown substances?

I think that going to the parents has got to be a bad idea. Bree SUCKS at lying and withholding information, and as someone mentioned earlier, how will she be able to explain away how she knows about the pictures od Daniel?
Her parents have GOT to know more than they're telling. If they don't, thats just a testament to how dedicated to listening and obeying whatever this Order tells them. They'll either be completely useless or turn her in.

sidenote of girlyness: I am in love with Daniel.
Bree> I missed you.
Daniel> (tiny smile, whispering) I missed you too.