Daily HOOBS Summary

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Daily HOOBS Summary

Post by Marbella »

For a straightforward summary without any comments added, please see:



HOOBS stands for the Hymn of One Boarding School.

This is a work in progress. Keeping everyone on track with a fast paced RPG isn't easy! 25 pages somehow happened last night while I was asleep.

I will try to summarize recent events relevant to our current plot, so all members and those interested in jumping in will have some idea what is going on.

We now have 12 students, 3 males and 9 females. I am a teacher, Ms. Denderah Divine. Mr. Looc is another teacher.

Last night, several students walked around the grounds with a flashlight. Jo picked the lock in the principal's office and showed a secret document to Cloud. Both became very wary and a bit scared. Neither revealed the contents of the document.

In other news, several of our students are quickly "hooking up" as couples. Jason and Autumn and Cloud and Chantal are dating.

Autumn is the "chosen one" to complete the ceremony. Autumn is under so much stress that she is passing out regularly. She has been to the ER twice. She is having blackouts. Her Helper will be coming in the next few days.

Today is the deadline to present the assignment about finding one's eternal song. Students are to report on what it was like to find their eternal song. If they haven't found it yet, they are to give a detailed report of their efforts to discover it and the challenges they have had.

Classtime is at 7 pm EST tonight. Until then, students are hanging out in their rooms, the courtyards and student lobby.
Last edited by Marbella on Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

just a correction, Jo showed the document to Chantal, not Cloud, and it was in the Information Building, not the Main Office.
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Post by Marbella »

Thanks Jo! (See.. even I had a tough time getting all my facts straight this morning!)

Oh and ladies.. look who's still single!!
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

Marbella wrote: Oh and ladies.. look who's still single!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hello, I'm Jo.
And yeah, I'm a guy. Jo's just a nickname.
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

This is absolutely great... thank you so much, Marbles!! :D
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by loobylou »

Oh my goodness....I have no clue what's going on!
Can't we all just get along?
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Post by Marbella »

HOOBS is a role playing game (RPG)

HOO stands for Hymn of One. Hymn of One is Bree's "religion." The boarding school is fan-fic, to learn about Bree's religion. Players invent a character. We have a map of the grounds. We have set meeting times for classes. Does this help?
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Post by Marbella »

We have had a lot of plot movement tonight!

Class began at 7 and ended at 8. Each student made a presentation about how they found their eternal song and what the song meant to them. Each student received an "A" except for Chantal. Chantal's story was suspicious. Of course, each student was making up their story, but as the teacher, I wasn't supposed to know that. Chantal's story just seemed "fishy."

Chantal was very upset upon being confronted. She stated that she really had discovered her song after her breakup with a man named Corbin. She showed bandages with fresh blood because she had slit her wrists before class over Corbin. She ran down the hallway and Jo ran after her.

I believed Chantal was just being manipulative and we finished class anyway. I presented Karina's extra credit report, since she wasn't there to present it. I gave the assignment for the week, which was for each student to look up a different Enochian key. Karina has already finished looking up PA.

I called Dr. Miles Z. Beckett, who examined her, bandaged her and determined she was no longer a threat to herself. She was left to her room to rest, with Jo watching over her.

Meanwhile, Autumn and Jason were having a wildly passionate make-out session. Madison quietly retired to the student lounge.

Karina was late to class, would not present an excuse, and then she left early.

Prior to this, Rose designed an incredible T-Shirt for the Hymn of One Boarding School, which she submitted to the T-Shirt contest. Jo designed an excellent new map of the school, which we will use to substitute the old map. The students spent most of the day in the lounge. Jo worked out in the weight room at the gym. Karina completed her extra credit assignment at the library.
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Post by cup o' noodles »

It wasn't exactly a break up (between Chantal and Corbin)....He was just kinda killed. :lol: I have a whole nightmare seqeunce that explains it on page 53 I believe. :D
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Post by Marbella »

ooh.. Chantal is right! (demonic laugh.. :twisted: )

You see, I never believed her story.. Now, I do. I didn't realize that she had already explained it all on page 53. That is proof!
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Post by Spades »

Marbella wrote: Meanwhile, Autumn and Jason were having a wildly passionate make-out session.
Anything we could do to move the plot along :lol:
I like music, a lot. And yea, that's it.

Oh ****, forgot about beer.

And I listened to that song, and it sucked. No offense.
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Post by Marbella »

This morning, I had 12 pages to read. Basically, everyone was partying.

Autumn hid Jason in her room until her roommate Karina came in and he had to run out. Obviously, Autumn has broken her "purity bond." This does not affect that she is still the "chosen one" because the reason she is chosen is the number of ribysomes she has.

A new foreign exchange student, Misiu/Sim7Lizard joined the game and requested a private room, since he "talks in his sleep." He will be assigned room C4, next to Cloud. I'm not sure where he slept last night!

Karina confided in Jenna that she had second thoughts about finding her song. This is odd, since Karina has been the star student of the class, continually presenting the best work, ahead of the other students.

Just about everyone got drunk on vodka, wine coolers and beer in Cloud's private room. Just about everyone passed out there.
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Post by cup o' noodles »

And poor Jo is still in Chantal's room sleeping on the floor, I think. Oooooh, he's gonna be confuzzled when he wakes up and she's not there. :lol:
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Post by Marbella »

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Post by Marbella »

ANNOUNCEMENT: Class will begin tonight at 8:00 pm EST. Please have your assignments ready:

How has finding your eternal song affected your goals, hopes and dreams?
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