0217-"FOLLOW YOUR HAPPINESS" [6/22/07]

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Post by silverblue »

katiej88 wrote:also, any thoughts on why the title is in all caps? they did that for "CAMP PLAY," but i assumed that was because it was the solution to a puzzle.
When Bree is more brainwashed/with HoO/making promo vids, aren't the titles in caps? Then, for the "I hate these people" vid, the title was half caps and half lower case (I hAtE tHeSe PeOpLe)... which I thought might symbolise that she was coming out of it/was less brainwashed/was less drugged/etc etc etc than when she was with HoO.

Not sure if this actually fits with all of the video titles (can't be bothered checking them all right now). Just an idea. :-k
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Post by watermelonhead »

Sorry, but I forgot who has the avatar with Bree edited into a Neutrogena ad. I loved it.
I'd like to see our pal P. Monkey is a neutrogena ad
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Post by milowent »

MayhemII wrote:Damn you milo! You stole my "crackpot theory". :p
but i was being serious. is it time to found the carl-bree romance promotion force?
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Post by laurenesque »

HoO fails at video editing.
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Post by Laurin_B »

I would love to see P. Monkey in a Neutrogena ad--excellent idea!

I, personally, think there is something to the wink. I mean, it can't just be Jessica. Random winks are not a common problem aflicting our youth today. I think it's significant because she did it when she said "aware." Personally, I felt like it was kind of a shout-out to the TAAG saying, "hey, I know what I'm doing. Chillax."

I was also very taken aback by the Bree mom mention. Pop-Tart fell out of my mouth it was open so wide.

I thought it was strange when Carl said "Hand. Hands." I mean, I've never really heard anyone say "I'm here to lend helping hands." It just seemed awkward.

I know, everyone stopped talking about the wink pages ago, but I had to sort through all the "first! loading! can someone please post a screen cap of the thumbnail?" BS. I'm all for excited, but have you ever considered that perhaps all this superfluous posting is what causes all the lag? Just MHO.
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Post by Emsmu »

This proves it! The ceremony is an infomercial for Epogen and now they are just testing her marketability!



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Post by Breepop »

Got to be one of the most pointless things I've ever seen.

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Post by kellylen »

poo this video was meh but i think it was interesting i liked watching them converse

its interesting cause she said that she never wanted to speak to her "mother" again and how her dad was always the rational one in one of the past videos and now shes all ohhh i love my mom shes great
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Post by Onewen »

Here you go Laurin_B...*apologizes to Jessica Rose for posting such an ugly pix* :lol:
Laurin_B wrote: I know, everyone stopped talking about the wink pages ago, but I had to sort through all the "first! loading! can someone please post a screen cap of the thumbnail?"
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Post by Entropy »

I think there is something with all this "Tied. Bound, no help in sight" and "prepared. Ready set go" stuff. I don't know, it just jumped out at me. It's kinda weird phrasing and he does it twice.
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Post by garnet »

Entropy wrote:I think there is something with all this "Tied. Bound, no help in sight" and "prepared. Ready set go" stuff. I don't know, it just jumped out at me. It's kinda weird phrasing and he does it twice.
I agree. I think Hands is part of it too. Hands. . . Tied. Bound.
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Post by Laurin_B »

Um, thanks, but I already saw it. What I was saying was that I had to sort through all of those kinds of posts in the first few pages and how annoying that can be. But thanks for thinking of me! 8)
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Post by islandlove »

ugh. vomit
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Post by ArgenteumAstrum »

i seriously hope the "wink" was nothing. Bree just had some of the Orders cocaine stuck in her eye. it was just trying to get te booger sugar out...that'd be good. the wink theorys are bothering me.

and i hope lsaac is a huge black man. think Big Black from Rob & Big on MTV. that'd be hella sweet.
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Post by malarky »

Imagine for a second that she really was trying to sewnd a message her to DJS, then it would be;

Are you aware *wink* (Because I am aware and am here for a purpose so dont worry abour me)

Bree wakes up.....it was all a dream.
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