impulse wrote:Here's a still of the page she showed us
9/11/06 is the day after the House arrest video, the first one in which Bree has a bandage on her arm.
10/30/06 is the date of the Thanks Gemma video.
Right after that, she decides not to do the ceremony and her parents talk to the Deacon. We can assume the injections stopped at that time.
Any thoughts?
Impulse, I think you are on to something with the dates. I won't say that I know for sure what this depicts, because some information is missing, but I read a lot of figures/ graphs.
9/11 - Bree starts getting injections, levels are high, comparitively. We don't know levels of what, or what the thresholds are for positive and negative. (you could assume that they would discontinue or hold treatment steady once they acheived the desired result)
The levels drop steadily over regular periods of time, the last bar is at 85.
The part that is really important is that it says Trait: +/85. (date is 11/1).
Whatever they were doing, she was trait positive at the end of the testing. Levels dropping aren't necessarily going negative - positive could be to have low levels of something.
This begs the question - low levels of WHAT are important?