Update: The woods, power bars, and Bree

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Post by chershaytoute »

Daniel, everyone should have a best friend like you...

On a side note, have you seen Nikki B's newest video, btw? She's apparently on a new investigatory mission that might be worth you guys checking into.
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

WWggD - let's make the Breeniverse a better place to live...

Thanks to giddeanx for the coolest personal glue stick ever!
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Post by modelmotion »

There def was something suspicious about the last video.

She almost seemed trapped between two worlds.
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Post by Girlie16 »

and another somting to point out how did bree get the vid on the internet to tell the order to pick her up that whole thing is confusing i understand if she posted it after they picked her up but that means the video wasnt for the order :/.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

danielbeast wrote:
Lurker wrote: Remember that Bree is the one who chose to run away. You've not failed anyone. Seriously, you've been a good friend.
That's the part I just don't understand. I can't accept it. Why? Why? Why? After everything we've been through together, why would she choose them? Why would she choose that life? They killed her father. Who knows what they'll do to her... I just don't understand. That's why I feel like I've failed. I should have been able to convince her not to go with them.
because she's crazy?

She sounded like she was deprogrammed and still chose that life. Maybe she did it because she wanted to give you and Jonas a life without running, or maybe it was because she had a 'normal teenage' experience with Jonas and decided that life wasn't for her either, and maybe she fit in more with the order. Who knows. Whatever it is, isn't it better that Bree be with the order then starving in the woods somewhere?
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Post by Hayles99 »

DB... not to belittle your "friend" Sarah, but you let her go out on her own this morning? What if you cant trust Sarah... what if Taylor gave the coordinates to the Order and Sarah literally spoon fed Bree to the helicopters that were looking for her?

I'm sorry... I know you care about Sarah, but you cared about Alex too. You do the best you can Daniel, but you have a tendency to get distracted and turn a blind eye to painful truths. You've admitted it yourself, you turn away from harsh realities and pretend they don't exist because of your upbringing.

Stay strong, you're a GOOD PERSON you just need to be a tad more vigilant. You have all learned time and time again that people are not always who they appear to be.

Please... keep looking, and do what's best for yourself and for your TRUE friends.

we love you DB! Sorry if you didn't want to hear any of this... but too much is at stake.
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Post by Girlie16 »

Hayles99 wrote:DB... not to belittle your "friend" Sarah, but you let her go out on her own this morning? What if you cant trust Sarah... what if Taylor gave the coordinates to the Order and Sarah literally spoon fed Bree to the helicopters that were looking for her?

I'm sorry... I know you care about Sarah, but you cared about Alex too. You do the best you can Daniel, but you have a tendency to get distracted and turn a blind eye to painful truths. You've admitted it yourself, you turn away from harsh realities and pretend they don't exist because of your upbringing.

Stay strong, you're a GOOD PERSON you just need to be a tad more vigilant. You have all learned time and time again that people are not always who they appear to be.

Please... keep looking, and do what's best for yourself and for your TRUE friends.

we love you DB! Sorry if you didn't want to hear any of this... but too much is at stake.

daniel hayels has a good point everytime you guys r looking 4 bree she distracts u and shes one always trying to get u guys to not take the order seriously and not run so fast and all that hmmm seems we have a new theory.

Post by Lurker »

Girlie16 wrote:
Hayles99 wrote:DB... not to belittle your "friend" Sarah, but you let her go out on her own this morning? What if you cant trust Sarah... what if Taylor gave the coordinates to the Order and Sarah literally spoon fed Bree to the helicopters that were looking for her?

I'm sorry... I know you care about Sarah, but you cared about Alex too. You do the best you can Daniel, but you have a tendency to get distracted and turn a blind eye to painful truths. You've admitted it yourself, you turn away from harsh realities and pretend they don't exist because of your upbringing.

Stay strong, you're a GOOD PERSON you just need to be a tad more vigilant. You have all learned time and time again that people are not always who they appear to be.

Please... keep looking, and do what's best for yourself and for your TRUE friends.

we love you DB! Sorry if you didn't want to hear any of this... but too much is at stake.
daniel hayels has a good point everytime you guys r looking 4 bree she distracts u and shes one always trying to get u guys to not take the order seriously and not run so fast and all that hmmm seems we have a new theory.
This is two days after you heard the helicopters, right, Daniel? It seems that Sarah never gets a break from some people.

As you know, she's done nothing to warrant such ill treatment. Continue to give her the trust she deserves.
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Post by LesterG »

so Sarah's a whiney skeptic... she's rebellious.. you think she's gunna follow something so orderly? hello? when anarchists get together are they in order?

lol Daniel man... Sarah's just like alot of girls, but you should keep a close eye on her as well... don't let your guard down. none of those reasons anyone gives proves anything.. you'll find out yourself.
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Post by Hayles99 »

Lurker wrote:
Girlie16 wrote:
Hayles99 wrote:DB... not to belittle your "friend" Sarah, but you let her go out on her own this morning? What if you cant trust Sarah... what if Taylor gave the coordinates to the Order and Sarah literally spoon fed Bree to the helicopters that were looking for her?

I'm sorry... I know you care about Sarah, but you cared about Alex too. You do the best you can Daniel, but you have a tendency to get distracted and turn a blind eye to painful truths. You've admitted it yourself, you turn away from harsh realities and pretend they don't exist because of your upbringing.

Stay strong, you're a GOOD PERSON you just need to be a tad more vigilant. You have all learned time and time again that people are not always who they appear to be.

Please... keep looking, and do what's best for yourself and for your TRUE friends.

we love you DB! Sorry if you didn't want to hear any of this... but too much is at stake.
daniel hayels has a good point everytime you guys r looking 4 bree she distracts u and shes one always trying to get u guys to not take the order seriously and not run so fast and all that hmmm seems we have a new theory.
This is two days after you heard the helicopters, right, Daniel? It seems that Sarah never gets a break from some people.

As you know, she's done nothing to warrant such ill treatment. Continue to give her the trust she deserves.
Ill treatment? are you kidding? Sarah has been a huge distraction...she's also gone out of her way to create conflict, so don't act like she's innocent. I don't know if she should be trusted or not, but I asked Daniel to take a second to think about it.

regardless of the fact that you're infusing passive aggressive hostility into an otherwise civil discussion, I'll give you props for pointing out the two day lapse before Sarah went looking.

I give credit where it is due.
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Post by Spades »

danielbeast wrote: I know what ya mean. I agree with you, but we looked everywhere we physically could. We didn't give up after we heard the copters... we kept looking. Sarah even went out by herself this morning. We've put all of our efforts into the search. Now I'm thinking we shouldn't stay here much longer. They've got Bree, but what if they come back for us? :shock:
You mean like one rescue helicopter, one gunship?

I really didn't want to say that at first, because it's just the worst possible alternative.

But, perhaps Bree told them where you are*, and because you all know so much, they want to add you to the list of names you found in Alex's house.

Run. Now.

Do not give up on her, just this is not the time for a fight.

*(not saying she does not like you, perhaps the Order said, "We'll tell them you are okay.", which just might work with her)
I like music, a lot. And yea, that's it.

Oh ****, forgot about beer.

And I listened to that song, and it sucked. No offense.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

Hayles99 wrote:
Ill treatment? are you kidding? Sarah has been a huge distraction...she's also gone out of her way to create conflict, so don't act like she's innocent.
Explain how she went out of her way to create conflict. By falling for Daniel? For trying to help jonas deal with bree's loss by explaining her own problems with love and loss?

And even when Jonas wrote a nasty email, Sarah wouldn't even post it, that was Taylor. She didn't want to "make more trouble".

By being the only person who could formulate a plan to save bree? by putting herself in danger so daniel and jonas could help bree?

Come on, even if Sarah had a drama queen moment, Jonas and Daniel and Bree have had about 10,000 by now. They are teenagers, people.
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Post by LesterG »

onsweetavenue wrote:
Hayles99 wrote:
Ill treatment? are you kidding? Sarah has been a huge distraction...she's also gone out of her way to create conflict, so don't act like she's innocent.
Explain how she went out of her way to create conflict. By falling for Daniel? For trying to help jonas deal with bree's loss by explaining her own problems with love and loss?

And even when Jonas wrote a nasty email, Sarah wouldn't even post it, that was Taylor. She didn't want to "make more trouble".

By being the only person who could formulate a plan to save bree? by putting herself in danger so daniel and jonas could help bree?

Come on, even if Sarah had a drama queen moment, Jonas and Daniel and Bree have had about 10,000 by now. They are teenagers, people.

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Demonstrating l'care

Post by DoubleG »

danielbeast wrote:
bluefilly wrote:I kinda think Bree's tired of running. I think she wants you guys to have a chance at a normal life. She probably feels like they're never going to stop chasing her. I mean when you're in the moment of something serious, it feels like you're never going to get out of it. This happens a lot especially with teenagers. I think it has something to do with not having enough patience. They think there's no way of escaping it and that life's going to take forever to advance. Just give her some time and stay positive. If you keep thinking negatively, nothing ever will seem good. Just hang in there!
Ya Bluefilly, I get what you're saying. But she's our friend and we can't give up on her. Maybe she has given up. We're all pretty tired of running and it's been the hardest on Bree. She always felt so guilty about pulling me and Jonas into this nonsense. Maybe this is her plan - surrender so that we can go back to our normal lives. Well, if that's her plan it's crap. Cuz we're not giving up... besides, how can anything ever be normal again?

Do you remember all the extremes Bree was willing to go to save Julia? And how that was all right before she gave herself up to the Order? She seems to be convinced, for whatever reason, that what she's doing is somehow for the greater good. I think if you find out what her reason for all this is, you might be able to reason with her.

Bree herself said that giving herself up for you was the "least she could do," when she rescued you from the Order, citing your "saving her life" as the reason. If you can show her that what you're doing now is also because you care about her so much, just as much as your previous actions have been, I think she will listen.

If you ever catch up to her again, be the tender Daniel who's willing to go through anything for her. I don't think yelling at her to deprogram her helped. Actions speak louder than words.

...and maybe, if you do love her, you may want to share this with her as soon as possible. If she knows you're willing to do anything to save her, without her having to do whatever she's thinking she's doing to help you all in return, perhaps that might strike some chord with her... perhaps even one that no brainwashing could make her ignore.

Let her KNOW you will never give up, because she is your friend, or whatever reason you know will keep her attention. You know Bree best.
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Post by modelmotion »

I still wanna know what kinda cell phone Bree is using.

I think that needs to be explained asap.

So, Daniel, you must know. Spill it dude!

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Post by New voice of reason »

Hi, Daniel,

I believe that she ran away because she was confused.

She was kidnapped by her own friends- and the irony is: These friends wanted to save her freedom. And she has been brain-washed before, at least in my humble opinion, because she was not able to say: Hey, what do you want? I was happy where I was! Let me go back! I appreciate your intentions, but let me go back because I felt happy there and I think this is my home!

And she could`t say so because it was not the truth. It was not the real Bree that made the videos about how wonderful the Hymn of One is, but a brain-washed one.

Psychologically, brain-washing can have very strange effects, even the effect that you don`t recognize any more who your true friends are.

I know it must be painful for you, Daniel, and I believe you are a bit tired of running after Bree, but try to do your best. You failed - now. But, as we say in my country: You lost a battle, but not the war!;-)

It IS sad that you were not able to get her before the Order. But now, you must get her back. And you must not fall into self-pity because that could make you start drinking again, but put your focus on winning the war;-).

Keep on fighting!


New Voice of Reason
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