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Post by MayhemII »

I can't do it, all my theories are dirty and abnoxious. ;)
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00:19:07] MayhemII: Bree what genre of music is "your song"?

[00:19:33] lonelygirl15: genre? the genre of eternal happiness. hmmmmmmm
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Post by CRYISME »

Lol I wanna see that video:

::Jonas:: So I think the ordere broke in b/c my car is gone and so is D,S,&B
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Post by CRYISME »

It's cool Mayhem say what you think!
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Post by BrightSilence »

Forum Rules

Double Posting and Spam

We will keep this section short and sweet. Just please don’t do it. If after making a post you suddenly realize you forget a point, instead of posting again, just edit your original post. Also, try to make sure your post has something of a point to it. We understand getting excited and impatient for a video to get posted, but we would rather not see a hundred “Have you uploaded the vid yet, Cu?” style posts again.

Post Productively
We want everyone to feel they’re welcome to post their thoughts. However, posting to simply say “lol” or “I agree” or “J” does not typically move forward the conversation, and it can quickly turn an on-topic conversation into an overwhelming number of pages of barely related discussion. Feel free to PM a user if you enjoy the creativity or humor of their messages. Or reply and tell us all why you agree and your own personal thoughts. In short, think twice before posting a message to make sure you’re sharing something that people need to hear!

Running Up Your Post Count
You may have noticed that users receive ranks based on the number of posts they have. While it’s fun to achieve new and higher ranks, we ask that you not post senseless and meaningless posts just to increase your post count. These clutter up the message board and can bring an on-topic conversation to a screeching halt. If you feel you must increase your post count, please go to the Off the Cuff or Get to Know Each Other sections where you can carry on a host of conversations.
That's 3 forum rules you are breaking at massive amounts. It annoys me and probably others aswell. By posting this many nonsense people don't even bother to read through the topic if it gets a couple of pages.

The rules are there for a reason, stick to them. And use chats for when you want to spam like this. Even if you want others to join in you can use irc or the chat on the main page.
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My first and second video attempt, leave a comment and a rating!
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Post by julz_rulz »

lol yeah && then there'll be a video where bree is all like 'take me back!! I LOVE JONAS!!!' and daniels like 'shut the hell up' and sarah gets all jealous because shes freak and no1 else is and she'll set bree free (hey, that rhymes!!!)

(oh, and brightsilence, we aren't just trying to up our ranks so technically its only 2)
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Post by CRYISME »

BrightSilence wrote:
Forum Rules

Double Posting and Spam

We will keep this section short and sweet. Just please don’t do it. If after making a post you suddenly realize you forget a point, instead of posting again, just edit your original post. Also, try to make sure your post has something of a point to it. We understand getting excited and impatient for a video to get posted, but we would rather not see a hundred “Have you uploaded the vid yet, Cu?” style posts again.

Post Productively
We want everyone to feel they’re welcome to post their thoughts. However, posting to simply say “lol” or “I agree” or “J” does not typically move forward the conversation, and it can quickly turn an on-topic conversation into an overwhelming number of pages of barely related discussion. Feel free to PM a user if you enjoy the creativity or humor of their messages. Or reply and tell us all why you agree and your own personal thoughts. In short, think twice before posting a message to make sure you’re sharing something that people need to hear!

Running Up Your Post Count
You may have noticed that users receive ranks based on the number of posts they have. While it’s fun to achieve new and higher ranks, we ask that you not post senseless and meaningless posts just to increase your post count. These clutter up the message board and can bring an on-topic conversation to a screeching halt. If you feel you must increase your post count, please go to the Off the Cuff or Get to Know Each Other sections where you can carry on a host of conversations.
That's 3 forum rules you are breaking at massive amounts. It annoys me and probably others aswell. By posting this many nonsense people don't even bother to read through the topic if it gets a couple of pages.

The rules are there for a reason, stick to them. And use chats for when you want to spam like this. Even if you want others to join in you can use irc or the chat on the main page.
Besides double posting how are we breaking the rules?
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Post by julz_rulz »

i agree CRYISME, we aren't spamming, we are posting productively and we arent just running up a post count. tyvm i quite liked my suspiciously absent thing.... it was cool :'(

**and only very occasionally double posting
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Post by CRYISME »

BrightSilence wrote:
Forum Rules
Post Productively
We want everyone to feel they’re welcome to post their thoughts.

Isn't he breakin the rules by telling us what we can and can't talk about.
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Post by julz_rulz »

lol kindof :P

Brightsilence, i think it may have backfired!!!
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Post by CRYISME »

I think it did!
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Post by julz_rulz »

well: back to the point!!! how about - db + s kidnap b (while jonas is like 'wtf????') and db ties up b then after a while s realises db is just jealous and is like :O and lets b go so that s can have daniel all to herself :]

heyy i'll be back in a few mins, k?
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Post by CRYISME »

Or maybe like I said earlyier she is just cooking breakfast. And Jonas is all flipping out for nuthin.
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Post by trainer101 »

Actually, BrightSilence is quite correct. Half of this thread belongs in "Off the Cuff". It's distracting for others to wade through pages of off topic chatter. Please stay on topic here and feel free to use "Off the Cuff" for chat not related to Plot Discussion.

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Post by CRYISME »

Would you please move it to "Off the Cuff" Trainer.
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different endings ;)

Post by julz_rulz »

heyy again :)
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heylo there! i'm Julie :D:D
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