I expected more from cali than making 2yrs a sex offender, shit its 3 yrs to the birthdate for the Commonwealth of Virginia!! well within 3 yrs is a misdermeanor, not able to go on the listLurker wrote:Wow, that's magnificently stupid. In any case, I still don't see it affecting whether they would do it.hella wrote:nope, its 100% illegal and if caught jonas would be an official sex offender on megans list and everything!Lurker wrote: Perhaps someone better versed in the laws of California can weigh in, but most places have a "If the underage party is no more than 2/3/whatever years younger than the age of majority party, it's fine" clause.
Besides, I highly doubt they would have stopped to think about that.
Why is this any more perfect than the rescue of Daniel or the escape from the kidnapper? Sarah's not done anything to suggest she's with the Order.
as usual Lurker, I dont believe it matters about legality when it comes to sex, even on a "tv" show like this, its about keeping whatever story moving...
::edit:: Just as a short recap... Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, Drunk in Public, Possession of alcohol by a minor, contributing to the delinquecy of a minor, Child Neglect (dans parents) Drunk in Public more than once... I still dont think they did the dirty but still, legality is negated for all intensive purposes!