watermelonhead wrote:So it was Sarah underneath the table, with her hand up the puppet!
I've never wanted to be P. Monkey this badly

I hope you don't mean it it like a doctor, a glove, and a patient. But if you do, hey, that's your thing.
Charles Phoenix wrote:
mind you... in the last vid ... bree came to him... thats not jonas making a move...
Great point. Jonas was only trying to elicit a response from her. It was Bree who came to him. That may be grounds to consider the theory of Bree trying to manipulate Jonas, but I don't buy that.
kisselle wrote:Daniel says he doesn't even think of Bree "like that"?
Uhhh, when exactly did this transformation occur?
Because he was thinking of her "like that" when she received her very first kiss, & he was thinking of her "like that" during the chicken-dinner-hook-up era, but now he responds as if it is ludicrous for anyone to suggest he might be a tad jealous?
Right, Beast, but I'm not buying it.
Yes, I know some would say Daniel transformed (or perhaps transferred, ha!) his Bree-feelings the moment he set eyes upon Sarah, but that still doesn't negate his past behaviors toward Bree to the point that a suggestion of jealousy is ludicrous.
I agree there is definitely more conflict ahead between our boys.
I'll have to partially agree with you there. Yes, DB has shown that kind of interest toward Bree before. But ever since he was rejected, he has been actively trying to get her out of his mind (romanticly, I mean), hence, the bar outing, flirting with Alex, and now Sarah.
I don't totaly disagree with you because even though he renounces to that posibility, he may still harbor some feelings towards Bree. Most of those feelings are those of a friend, but others may still linger. So it can go either way, but I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. He IS frustrated that he cannot reach his friend, and someone else is. He has a right to be concerned whichever way he may be feeling towards Bree.
Laurin_B wrote:Let me just reiterate what has been said a few hundred times. I think the Creators have a very strong East Coast bias. Whenever a new video is released, I don't see it til the morning after (since it's usually at night) and then I have to read through 17 pages of posts to see if someone has already thought what I thought. ::breath::
I feel your pain, same here
saralynn wrote: While I agree that he should've been doing something slightly more productive, they can't ignore Sarah all together because she traveled all the way to get to Cali. The least they can do is amuse her a little.
You're right with the above statement. If DB isn't helping much with Bree, he can spend some time with Sarah. She DID leave everything behind to come with them. She DID help in rescuing Bree. Those who say that Sarah isn't helping now make Bree better, you may be right, but she DOES try. Maybe this is one thing where she cannot help with because her experience with Bree is limited. Maybe she'll be of more help in the future. Or perhaps, by just being there, as a girl, she can keep Jonas in check and not go too far with Bree, if it ever comes to that.
saralynn wrote:
I dunno, I want to believe Daniel. He'll never forget his past with her, but I want to believe he's truly moving past it and just being concerned for her as a friend.
Besides, Jonas got to bitch when he was making the moves on Alex. 
Right On!