0199 - "CAMP PLAY” [05/26/07]

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Post by JanaL »

I don't know. She has a myspace page.. but it's private. You'd have to add her.

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Post by Haether »

deagol wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
deagol wrote:It seems to me only girls hate Sarah. Why?
Deagol, I don't hate Sarah, and it seems a there are quite a few women with me.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I didn't say all girls hate her, I said only girls do. In other words, all Sarah-haters are girls. I know and have read about a lot of girls liking her, even crushing on her.
I find her pathetic sluttiness to be antifeminist and her attitude painfully immature. She just grates on me. Jonas bothered me for a while too, so maybe she'll grow on me too

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Post by TheAnie »

I freakin loved Sarah's outfit! I think she is very entertaining. She's been through a bit recently and is being a whiney brat about it sure. But who didn't know a teenager who acted like that? Anyone remember reading the fifth Harry Potter book and wanting to slap the boy stupid? It's a teen thing. A lot of teenagers do it when they go through something. Don't get me wrong, she did get on my nerves with the constant nagging. But it was great! It was better than sitting here going "Oh yey, Bree is going to TALK about nothing for five minutes! Woot?"

I actually think Jonas has had a nasty attitude recently as well.
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Post by robtomorrow »

Could this be the guy in the field with the little girl?

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Post by mindinflight »

TheAnie wrote: I actually think Jonas has had a nasty attitude recently as well.
I noticed that too; his irritability level has skyrocketed ever since Bree went with the Order.... we could probably chalk it up to him missing her a hell of a lot. Maybe on a "more than as if they were just friends" level? Hmm.

Oh BTW, robtomorrow your posts always make me laugh! :P
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Post by TheAnie »

mindinflight wrote: ...Maybe on a "more than as if they were just friends" level? Hmm.
I'd actually thought that about them for quite some time. They always act like just friends in front of DB but when he's not around, there's something in the way they look at each other that makes me think there is something going on between the two of them. Which would indeed explain why he's being a brat. I suppose the only way we are gonna find out is if they somehow get Bree back.
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Post by amybagofdonuts »

Holy freakin' moly!!! I am so excited! And dying for a new video! And, I wanna know what's in the box!!

Ha! I remember a few days ago talking to Sarah in the in-character chat about her going to Cali! I knew it!

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Post by MintyBeast »

I think the real reason Jonas is so irritated lately isn't so much that misses Bree b/c he is in love with her. It's more that he wants to figure stuff out about his own parents and Bree just ups and leaves with the order without even a glance back at them (I could be wrong, maybe she did glance back once before hopping in the car). When does Bree ever think of anyone beside her self really? Not often at all.

Now they have to spend time chasing her dumb ass to who knows where because she is miss know it all.

I would be irritated too.
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Post by voyboy »

JanaL wrote:I don't know. She has a myspace page.. but it's private. You'd have to add her.

That is not Gemma's Myspace. The official myspace is -


and she hasnt logged in sisnce December 9, 1996
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Post by MayhemII »

robtomorrow wrote:Could this be the guy in the field with the little girl?

You made me physically Laugh Out Loud.
TheAnie wrote:
I actually think Jonas has had a nasty attitude recently as well.
Yeh I have noticed he hasn't been acting like his usual laidback-"hug it out"-self.

He misses Bree, he's admitted it in two different videos.
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00:19:07] MayhemII: Bree what genre of music is "your song"?

[00:19:33] lonelygirl15: genre? the genre of eternal happiness. hmmmmmmm
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Post by The_CW »

That was a crazy video. I wonder what's in the box? But what intrigues me more is the fact that I thought the camp ground was deserted? What's up with people being there?
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Post by JanaL »

voyboy wrote:
JanaL wrote:I don't know. She has a myspace page.. but it's private. You'd have to add her.

That is not Gemma's Myspace. The official myspace is -


and she hasnt logged in sisnce December 9, 1996

Oh! Okay. Thanks! :)
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Post by longlostposter »

marlasinger wrote: (Why do I sound like C3PO ever time I say "Creators" with a capital C? I'll start running around the forum saying "Oh! Thank the Maker" from now on.)
I might get in trouble for this, but I call them "the creatatrons".
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Post by longlostposter »

spiff5000 wrote:I think the irony hasn't been lost on everyone that DB's position with Sarah is the same has Bree to the Beast: An unrequited love.
Excellent point, spiff.
paperwingss wrote:
JanaL wrote:
gemmacrowley wrote:I think they were being watched.

Did anybody else but me notice that Gemma is posting?
ive noticed but is she really gemma?
The name is probably a reference not only to Gemma and Crowley, but reality/fiction/blurred lines.

How about it, Gemma? Care to fill us in?
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Post by krmurr87 »

this vid reminded me of the first (or sec) Nikki Bower Report where she found that box...i miss her vids even if she's a fakey mcFakester
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