
Talk to Sarah and she might talk back... maybe...

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Post by qutestshorty »

megs229 wrote:
allisonjenna wrote:
SkyIsEmpty wrote: :smt021

Concern??! You and mom are driving me CRAZY with your bs concern. ](*,) Taylor, be honest with everyone. You know mom would be a lot happier if I was gone. Vanished. Good riddance. How would you feel? Oh wait, don't answer that.

TAYLOR: There'd be an empty room for me to practice my soccer drills in. :D
Don't you think you're overreacting? Your mom and your sister love you.

Don't you think they're hurting from your dad leaving, too? Your mom's overprotective stint is probably because she's trying really hard to handle your dad leaving, and is holding onto the only things she has left -- you and Taylor. And Taylor is trying so hard to cheer you up and help you. Instead you ignore her and get angry when she worries about you. I know you think you're the victim here, but it isn't all about you. Your family is trying to be there for you, and you're not being there for them. That's really selfish.

I hope one of these days you realize how important family is. I know going through a family separation is hard, but other than that you have a good life. You have a roof over your head, food, family who loves you. You should be grateful, instead you're having yourself a little pity party.

This is very true. You could be like Bree. Find out that you are adopted, you're Dad, who was you're closest relative and friend is now dead. You have The Order chasing you so you have no home. All you have are two friends who you are lucky have stuck with you this far. But no, you have a family, even though they are not all together, they still care about you, they still provide for you. You are being a bit selfish. If you don't want to go to college or JC sit down and talk to your mom about it. Don't just bash her and your sister for caring about you and wanting the best for you. You only have one family, don't screw that up over a little arguement. You are 18 (or at least I think so) if you are old enough to make your own decisions, then you are old enough to handle this like an adult.

noone can say she is overreacting becuz noone lives with her to know what she might be going though.
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Post by megs229 »

qutestshorty wrote:
megs229 wrote:
allisonjenna wrote: Don't you think you're overreacting? Your mom and your sister love you.

Don't you think they're hurting from your dad leaving, too? Your mom's overprotective stint is probably because she's trying really hard to handle your dad leaving, and is holding onto the only things she has left -- you and Taylor. And Taylor is trying so hard to cheer you up and help you. Instead you ignore her and get angry when she worries about you. I know you think you're the victim here, but it isn't all about you. Your family is trying to be there for you, and you're not being there for them. That's really selfish.

I hope one of these days you realize how important family is. I know going through a family separation is hard, but other than that you have a good life. You have a roof over your head, food, family who loves you. You should be grateful, instead you're having yourself a little pity party.

This is very true. You could be like Bree. Find out that you are adopted, you're Dad, who was you're closest relative and friend is now dead. You have The Order chasing you so you have no home. All you have are two friends who you are lucky have stuck with you this far. But no, you have a family, even though they are not all together, they still care about you, they still provide for you. You are being a bit selfish. If you don't want to go to college or JC sit down and talk to your mom about it. Don't just bash her and your sister for caring about you and wanting the best for you. You only have one family, don't screw that up over a little arguement. You are 18 (or at least I think so) if you are old enough to make your own decisions, then you are old enough to handle this like an adult.

noone can say she is overreacting becuz noone lives with her to know what she might be going though.

I have been there with the whole parents pushing you to go to college thing. It is something that is aggravating but no need to act like this. As I said she has a family, they are still alive, and even though they don't all live in the same house, they still care about her and provide for her. She looks like she is pretty well provided for. Plus she has friends that she hangs out with all the time. She is over reacting a bit. You are not going to change my mind about that. Unless there is a lot more that she is not telling us, like getting beat or denied food or something. She is old enough that she needs to handle this like an adult, instead she is fussing and fighting like a 14 year old. If she acts like she has been, then there is a reason as to why her mom has been treating her the way she has. I am not going to argue with you about this qutestshorty.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Her mom isn't pushing her into college...
She said something like she has no plan for college... but she's not being pushed.

If Sarah wants to be the way she is, who are we to judge? We don't know her and it's not our place to try to judge her as a person.
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Post by Wrathie »

soccerstar wrote:
SkyIsEmpty wrote:
impulse wrote:Great pics, Sarah! Your sister Taylor is a bitch for calling you a slut.
You forgot the capital "B" in that word. Not only were they not scandalous pictures (unless you find cider offensive) they were actually pretty harmless compared to the other events that took place that night. Taylor needs to get a life and stop worrying about mine. Honestly, I think she's just jealous that I'm older, go to parties, and that her new friends like me more than her.
I can't believe you said that!! I'm only concerned about you and want you to be happy. Why are you exposing yourself like this online? Everyone doesn't need to see you drunk or hear about sleazy night. I care about you Sarah and so does mom. I don't know where you got that jealousy idea from - it's not true.
Maybe Sarah is doing it for a buzz :?
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Post by qutestshorty »

Chelseyrl wrote:Her mom isn't pushing her into college...
She said something like she has no plan for college... but she's not being pushed.

If Sarah wants to be the way she is, who are we to judge? We don't know her and it's not our place to try to judge her as a person.

thats right!!!! lol
some ppl take stress differently.
so let her be.
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Post by megs229 »

Chelseyrl wrote:Her mom isn't pushing her into college...
She said something like she has no plan for college... but she's not being pushed.

If Sarah wants to be the way she is, who are we to judge? We don't know her and it's not our place to try to judge her as a person.
She said that her mom was pushing her to take classes at the JC over the summer.
I am not judging her as a person. I am saying that she should talk to her mom and her sister about this whole thing instead of just over reacting and arguing about it. Arguing gets you know where, all it does is make people angry and then even worse things come out of it.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Okay, that's the JC... you made it sound as if her mother was pushing her to be some med. student or something. Seriously though, I think Sarah realized many of the things you're saying. She's not as selfish as you make her out to be.
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Post by allisonjenna »

She's acting as if she's suffering. Her dad is still a part of her life. Her family cares. She's fed and housed. She has nothing to complain about unless there's something we don't know.

Honestly, if anyone is being a bitch, it's Sarah. All she can think about is herself when her whole family is going through the separation, not just her.

I don't think it's the way she REALLY is, she's probably doing it for attention, and that's really annoying considering how much she's obviously hurting Taylor and I'm sure, her mother.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Yeh, she's just being a teenager for crying out loud. I did a lot worse things than just drink cider at her age...
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Post by megs229 »

nowherepixie wrote:Yeh, she's just being a teenager for crying out loud. I did a lot worse things than just drink cider at her age...
we aren't just talking about her "drinking cider" it is mostly her attitude towards her family. but I am done with the subject. She just needs to realize what she has before it's too late. She would probably regret all this if her family was in a wreck or something order related tomorrow and she didn't have them any more.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Well I was an ungrateful teenager too though. But its somethign a lot of kids go through I think and they soon grow out of it. Especially if parents are separating etc.
She's growing up, going through a tough time and at a point in her life where she doesn't know what will happen next. Fair enough to go a bit mad I reckon.
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Post by megs229 »

It is, everyone goes through that. But I am just trying to make her realise it sooner than later. Especially if her family is part of the order, this retaliation may not be good for her. I am just trying to help. I hope Sarah knows that.
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Post by allisonjenna »

Even if it's a phase, she should snap out of it, and maybe people telling her to stop being horrid will help.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Or make her hate everyone even more ;)
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Post by megs229 »

Please read the "if you want to get back at your sister" thread. Taylor just wrote that Sarah did snap out of it and she talked to both Taylor and her mom last night. Also she has left for her trip or whatever it was.
You can call me Meg, Megan or Megs :) Or whatever you feel like lol
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