0051 Completed the Ceremony

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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

yeah, I think so too...and maybe after a few more weeks, or maybe months of complete boredom, we'll actually find out what it is.
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Post by lonelygirl »

nakita wrote:STOP THE MADNESS :!:

You call yourselves fans??? Did it ever occur to you that maybe this isn't the climax? Maybe this isn't even the anticlimax?
Maybe this is the real beginging, and everything up until now was like a prologue.
And to whoever said that fans never influenced the videos... well, Bree used somebody's cookie recipe, and Daniel researched the forums.

(sorry, but denial is one of the first stages of grief... i need a hug :cry: )
Thank you Nakita. I'm tired of all the whiners. If you're going to complain about something, limit it to one post. Some people on here (and I won't mention any names) are getting anal. If you don't like it, don't watch.
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Post by c_anderson »

Wouldn't it be funny if they got thousands of people interested in these videos and then nothing happened. Oh wait, that is what happened.
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

I do like it, that's the point.
edit- and what else is there to discuss right now anyway?
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Post by Penny »

spaciegirl wrote:I do like it, that's the point.
edit- and what else is there to discuss right now anyway?
I don't know about something good to discuss but there is someone spouting off all sorts of crazy in another thread:


Go read it. That should keep everyone entertained for a few minutes. It gave me a good laugh.
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Post by Hannahbee »

wow, penny. you just made my night. thank you so much for not letting me miss out on that hilarity.

just goes to show ya- the creators should really b trying to keep us busy. cuz people are much more polite when they're not bored or frustrated. has anybody else noticed how much more cordial these boards were back when cool stuff was going on
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Post by Hannahbee »

on a more serious note:
TheFatLady wrote:Altogether good points, Hannah. Good granny, what if Lucy is a MAN? Heh, heh. She did look rather broader than Bree, and we assumed that was just because Bree was such a twig, but what if it were because she was a he? I'm having trouble thinking of a fully-parallel movie reference, but give me time . . .

And now I'm irked about something else. Even though Bree is "a new person" and presumably above all earthly silliness, she *is* still 16, and she missed a perfect opportunity to rev up her vid a little by making some reference--goofy or not--to posting it on Friday the 13th.

This is just I, wishing for more tension than is afforded by a small bandage and vague references to discipline and hand-holding.

I am way too old to be this obsessive about a fictional character . . . :!:
1- thank you!

2- the Friday the 13th thing combined with the fact that she didn't say anything about Daniel following her this time, when one would think it'd b the most infuriating, could lend creedence to the idea that Lucy made Bree prerecord this before they left: see this thread:


i don't know if i agree with every part of the theory presented there, but some valid ideas are def. presented.
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Post by CrazyNic »

I think when we come up with these over-the-top ideas we really just feed the show...I mean why do we seem to always nail it on the head? Why do we always seem to be able to guess what's next. If she really did create these videos before the ceremony, and she is missing, I'm gonna be hella pissed.
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Post by Penny »

CrazyNic wrote:I think when we come up with these over-the-top ideas we really just feed the show...I mean why do we seem to always nail it on the head? Why do we always seem to be able to guess what's next. If she really did create these videos before the ceremony, and she is missing, I'm gonna be hella pissed.
Now that's what I call a huge twist in the plot!
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Post by CrazyNic »

Penny wrote:
CrazyNic wrote:I think when we come up with these over-the-top ideas we really just feed the show...I mean why do we seem to always nail it on the head? Why do we always seem to be able to guess what's next. If she really did create these videos before the ceremony, and she is missing, I'm gonna be hella pissed.
Now that's what I call a huge twist in the plot!
*hangs head in shame* It IS a huge plot twist, and that's just what we all want...I take back my part about being pissed :?
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Post by minsky »

To me this girl does not seem right in this video. I can't put my finger on it, but something is off. She seems to be hiding something.

I have a few possibilities.

1 - something happened that Bree was not comfortable with. However she is unsure because she has faith in her religion, Lucy, her parents etc, so thinks oh it must be normal.

2 - She was drugged and then something happened that she does not remember. Hence why she does not look to good in this video.

Or 3 - Bree has crossed over to the exclusive side of the religion now and will be involved in recruitment for this religion. 1st order of Business. Induct all her youtube, myspace and LG15 subcribers. :lol: :shock: :o
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Re: bandage...

Post by augustwhispers »

Mirage wrote:
friskyfries wrote:
skellykat wrote: You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
When I got a tattoo on my leg, the covered it up. Don't know if it would qualify as a "Bandage" though.

I've got 5, and they all had gauze coverings on them, not like a band aid.

I digress. :D

Well, at our shop, we normally put on tissue or saran wrap (depending on the size, location, and amount of work that has been done), and have them keep it on for only a few hours. Then onto washing it and "nurturing the skin" back to health.

Also, with the way she had the tape crossed directly over the gauze, it wouldn't be able to breath, so it couldn't be a tattoo.
Not to mention, it hopefully wasn't gauze they used to cover your gals' artwork. Scratchy gauze on a fresh tattoo just makes me cringe.
Oh the horror of peeling that thing off! :shock:
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Post by nakita »

CriticalThinking wrote:Okay. I stand as a tiny ray of support for the creators. I think they could have done better, but come on people! I have faith that they have a bigger plan then this and that they won't dissappoint.
Darn right :D
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Post by Mirage »

augustwhispers wrote: Well, at our shop, we normally put on tissue or saran wrap (depending on the size, location, and amount of work that has been done), and have them keep it on for only a few hours. Then onto washing it and "nurturing the skin" back to health.

Also, with the way she had the tape crossed directly over the gauze, it wouldn't be able to breath, so it couldn't be a tattoo.
Not to mention, it hopefully wasn't gauze they used to cover your gals' artwork. Scratchy gauze on a fresh tattoo just makes me cringe.
Oh the horror of peeling that thing off! :shock:

That's the same thing I was told for this one (newest one, damned if I remember the directions for the others--I went to someone new for this last one), to keep the "covering" on for only a couple hours and then wash it gently with soap/warm water, then bacitracien (sp?) (that was only a very small amount)...and maybe it wasn't gauze? *shrug* Maybe I'm getting the word wrong? It was soft, like cottoney, but in a weave. But I digress!!! :D

CriticalThinking wrote:Okay. I stand as a tiny ray of support for the creators. I think they could have done better, but come on people! I have faith that they have a bigger plan then this and that they won't dissappoint.
Word. Wordy Mc Word! People need to have some faith here....talk about haters. :lol:
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Post by nakita »

Okay, so looking at her bandage, it's too big if she just recieved one needle, and it sounds like you don't put gauze over a tatoo. But do you guys remember learning about the small pox inocculations (heck, some of you may remeber getting them, I don't know how old you are)? They were several needles given all at once in a small part of the arm. Find someone in their late forties or early fifties; they will have a funny looking scar on their upper arm, that looks like it would take a piece of gauze the size of Bree's gauze to cover it. I'm not saying Bree was inocculated for small pox, I'm saying we shouldn't rule out an injection of some sort.
* a misinterpreted metaphor *

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