0051 Completed the Ceremony

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Re: 0051 Completed the Ceremony

Post by aguy »

sororyzbl wrote:and she's not even pregnant!
We don't know that for sure. Will have to find out next month.....

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Re: bandage...

Post by skellykat »

Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
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Post by Annabelle »

Jengels2002 wrote:Say what you will...this still sucks.

We were lead to believe something extraordinary would happen on the 12th. It seems like they ran out of ideas.
I knooooow! They say that they did this form of media because they wanted to be able to really use the viewers' input, and they even said that the viewers are basically influencing the story.. and then they do NOTHING of the sort of the direction the viewers thought we were headed in it..

It's like they don't want us to have already known everything and want it to be a surprise, but they can't think of anything other than the storylines we've already pondered... so, SURPRISE! Nothing happens!

That definitely was a surprise (especially considering I was up until 4 in the freaking morning waiting for *something* to happen).
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Post by aguy »

nancymakuhari wrote:To address the whole impregnated thing... just, wow. If I got put into a position where I had to have sex for the first time with a bunch of people I never met before, I'd SO not be posting a video like this one next day.
And she did say she "feels a lot closer" to them, right? Could be something there.
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Post by skellykat »

house wrote:
skellykat wrote:
house wrote:Or, the *look at me* shoulder bandage could be from the estrogen/HcG cocktail given to women who've been on a series of fertility shots.
Those are given on a butt cheek, not the shoulder.
They can actually be given in any muscle. Obviously, if the creators want people to know about the shots, they can't choose the gluteus muscle (since that would mean Bree would have to show her hip/ass). So, the next best visible place would be the thigh or the upper arm.
Sorry, I missed typing the word 'typically' -- I was just being a smartass. :wink:
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Re: bandage...

Post by Lv1222 »

skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
ummm, i have a tattoo, and everyone in my family does, and right after its done they put a bandage on it. for the rest of the day it stays on...if its small, if its bigger it stays on longer.
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Post by TheFatLady »

Broken Kid wrote:But we have to remember that the creators are telling a story.

This is an important point. Certainly narratives are normally structured so that some moments are faster-paced and others slower, and usually there will be a slower moment just before a climax, because then the climactic moment's upward curve seems even more steep. Since all along we've been led to believe 10/12 was going to be *a* climax (if not *the* climax), it made a little sense that the previous couple of videos were slow, and that Daniel's ceremony vid was a bit more tense, but I'm not sure it held enough of a peak to "count" as a real climax. I'm also not sure this current one works as a denouement because, as curriguy so rightly says, it doesn't *forward* the narrative much; nor does it help any previous climactic moment coast to a stop, the way a classical denouement would. (Uh, can you tell I'm a writer by vocation?)

I guess I'm saying I can see signs in this video that The Creators are trying to structure this thing along normal narrative lines, and although my feeling is that the "lines" don't work, I'm going with Broken Kid's idea that we'll just have to wait for what's next, and with Nora V's: she said somewhere that after the ceremony we'd have Act Three of the script.

So, Creators, get on it! :!:
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Re: bandage...

Post by friskyfries »

skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
When I got a tattoo on my leg, the covered it up. Don't know if it would qualify as a "Bandage" though.
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Re: bandage...

Post by aguy »

skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
I thought it was obvious that the bandage was from the shots she's been getting. Since she had a similar bandage several weeks ago, it couldn't be a tattoo. I thought that since she mentioned she's getting weekly shots, that the bandage was almost certainly from a shot that she had gotten (probably the night before).

Which raises the question: if it was just a simple ceremony, as she's saying, then why the shots, why the iron pills, etc? There's something fishy here.

I'll bet she was drugged and doesn't even remember half the ceremony. Then she'd be like, "Whoa, I must have passed out. Probably from the diet." And they'd be like, "Yeah, you were out for a minute" -- but it'd really be like 5 hours!
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Post by Lv1222 »

the only reason i thought of it is because from my memory the bandage after the shot was a cotton ball with a band-aid and this is more of an actual bandage. It looks exactly like the one i had, thats why it popped in my head.
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Re: bandage...

Post by Mirage »

friskyfries wrote:
skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
When I got a tattoo on my leg, the covered it up. Don't know if it would qualify as a "Bandage" though.

I've got 5, and they all had gauze coverings on them, not like a band aid.

I digress. :D

We know this isn't the end of the game, why are people so quick to throw in the towel? We also know there's another Daniel video coming up, my guess would be a continuation of his ceremony one.

Just because Bree doesn't spill any big dark deep cult secrets doesn't mean they're not there. Maybe we just need to wait and see.
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Re: bandage...

Post by skellykat »

Lv1222 wrote:
skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?
You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
ummm, i have a tattoo, and everyone in my family does, and right after its done they put a bandage on it. for the rest of the day it stays on...if its small, if its bigger it stays on longer.
Maybe with plastic or saran wrap between the skin and the bandage, but not straight-up cotton.

Plus she's had an identical bandage before and confirmed it was a shot in a response comment in the previous video where this bandage appeared.
Last edited by skellykat on Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by toadlguy »

luma wrote: Martha Stewart is a LG15 fan? :)
Everytime I read your name that Numa Numa song keeps popping into my head - so either stop posting or change your name.
Just kidding (I actually like the Numa Numa song - it is now the soundtrack to my life) :roll:
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Just a Thought

Post by bradleyman612 »

I see a lot of people complaining about the lack of information in the last two videos. In thinking about what we have been shown of both Bree and Daniel : he IS bad at stalking and filming (which is different from editing) and she IS secretive about her religion. I suspect the creators will find a way to tell us more...but it this were real we would have LESS information then this not more.

besides any new form of story telling is gona glitch a few times in its early years and this is a very very new way to tell a story...or stories as the case (almost spelled that Cassi) may be.
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Re: bandage...

Post by Lv1222 »

skellykat wrote:
Lv1222 wrote:
skellykat wrote: You can't put a bandage on a fresh tattoo, it ruins it.
ummm, i have a tattoo, and everyone in my family does, and right after its done they put a bandage on it. for the rest of the day it stays on...if its small, if its bigger it stays on longer.
Maybe with plastic or saran wrap between the skin and the bandage, but not straight-up cotton. You and your family need to find a new tattoo artist if they're putting cotton bandages on your fresh tattoos.

Plus she's had an identical bandage before and confirmed it was a shot in a response comment in the previous video where this bandage appeared.
the saran wrap is used too, but ive only seen it used on big tattoos, like when its covering your arm, or leg. But mine and my brothers are small and we never had saran wrap, and we have very credible artists.
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