Oh my God. Okay, of all the things that might have happened, this wasn't the one I was expecting.

Holy shit.
I can't believe that. Well played, TAAG. Well played, indeed.
What the three of them are doing is unbelievably stupid, but I think it might be the right thing ethically in many ways. It tells us one thing, at any rate: Bree's entirely serious about saving this girl, even if she has to resort to ... unconventional methods.
I liked this. Oh my God, that was fucking insane.
Anyone else think Daniel looked so out of place with his arms around that girl and his hand over her mouth? XD Oh man, that was something.
Good humor from Jonas, by the way.
My only complaint: It needed more Sarah! I think she would have made a
great kidnapper. Oh well. I'm interested in seeing her reaction to it at the least.
colorofsakura wrote:What the hell are they doing?! Kidnapping a little girl who has no idea who they are or what's going on. No one knows if she's even the new ceremony girl. Or maybe it's just a trap from the Order that Alex set in motion to get them all in one fell swoop.
They had them before in MexiHo, so they obviously wouldn't need to set up such an elaborate plan. If Jules is a trap of some kind, it's to get Bree to do the ceremony so she doesn't go to friggin' prison.