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They're sisters, but they're quite different.

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Post by psychobunnie »

what if sara is the chosen one? i kno. i kno... kinda far fetched, but seriously, if you think about it.

with jules, her little sister gets whatever she wants. and with taylor and sara, sara's little sister gets whatever she wants. soooo.. putting two an two together you get.... KABOOM!!

well maybe not KABOOM.. maybe a meow?

ok im not making sense. :cry:
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Post by Languorous Lass »

I can't tell if you're making sense or not -- but I can tell you that I can't figure out what you're saying. :smt017
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Re: sisters

Post by Cleo »

garnet wrote:
cbizzle44 wrote: by stereotypes, sarah definately acts like the younger sister. no question. but younger sisters often act liek that because they feel like they need attention (too much is focused on the older sister). so perhaps mrs. soccerstar's soccer obsession puts a lot of focus on taylor.
You said it yourself, c.biz -- it's a stereotype. I am the older sis and I was always the crazy misunderstood one in hs. A lot of times a younger sis will try to act older, but not always; sometimes they win the attn by being sweet and innocent (no hard feelings, sis! that's just how it was).
No hard feelings, crazy misunderstood sis! I definintely did not get more attention though...just less negative attention, and oddly enough, that can actually make a little sister jealous. Anyway, I like these sister characters. The worst thing about being a sister is being constantly compared, so I think it's cool that these are both smart, fun, and attractive girls. I think we can relate.:wink: Btw, lovely new avatar hair, garnet! Is it really that long now?!
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Sarah is a senior in high school. So she's on the verge of 18 if she isn't already.

Taylor is definitely still in high school. So she's younger.
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Post by jill2009 »

RoseCrowley wrote:Image

I think she's 18/19 and taylor 15/16? ... but not 100%
I think Sarah is still in high school so she's probably 17 or maybe 18 at the oldest.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Sarah has said in In-Char that she graduates high school at the end of this week. So she is in fact either 17 or 18.

*unless, of course, she was held back or skipped a grade... then she could be 16 or 19... but I think it's safe to say she is either 17 or 18.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Graduation and prom and stuff is for 18 year olds right? She seems quite intelligent so I doubt she'd have neem held back a year. :?

Post by Lurker »

nowherepixie wrote:Graduation and prom and stuff is for 18 year olds right? She seems quite intelligent so I doubt she'd have neem held back a year. :?
It depends on where one's birthdate falls, if they skipped a grade, etc. One could graduate at 16 or at 19 depending on those factors.

I'd guess Sarah's 17 or 18, though, just because that's most common.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

As a senior in high school, I can confirm that most grads are 17 or 18, unless they had some special circumstances (skipping or being held back).
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Re: sisters

Post by garnet »

Cleo wrote: Btw, lovely new avatar hair, garnet! Is it really that long now?!
Yep. I was tired of wearing it up all the time :wink:
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Post by Skunkwaffle »

Breeze wrote:I know, I was just speculating. But in the case that the story twists somehow.. like.. if jules was a set up and Tayler is the new girl.. idk. Just the way Sarah said it made it seem like a hint at something that COULD be.
I thought the same thing Breeze
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Post by BlogGirl14 »

jill2009 wrote:
RoseCrowley wrote:Image

I think she's 18/19 and taylor 15/16? ... but not 100%
I think Sarah is still in high school so she's probably 17 or maybe 18 at the oldest.
well on sarah's blog, she said that she didn't want to go to prom anyway, she was saying how her prom was comming up and Jay was going with this other girl, so high school senior
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