0049- The Ceremony Is Tomorrow (10/11/06)

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Post by popopo »

rachelalexis wrote:
>>>>Jessica Rose is getting pretty sloppy about maintaining the American accent. It's been, not bean. <<<<<

America is a big country. Lots of people say "bean". Put a Bostonite, a West Virginian, a Texan, a Mississippian, a New Orleanian, an Oregonian, a Utahan, and a Valley Girl in the same room and tell me which one of them is maintaining "The American Accent".
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Post by sweetie55 »

popopo wrote:rachelalexis wrote:
>>>>Jessica Rose is getting pretty sloppy about maintaining the American accent. It's been, not bean. <<<<<

America is a big country. Lots of people say "bean". Put a Bostonite, a West Virginian, a Texan, a Mississippian, a New Orleanian, an Oregonian, a Utahan, and a Valley Girl in the same room and tell me which one of them is maintaining "The American Accent".
Well said. Anywho, so far all we know of the ceremony is that it will have walking around and a language seldom used. Bree definately drew a line between her religion and the rest of the world with this video. I believe it is an initiation to a higher status in it. In my own opinion, this ceremony will just be a test of knowledge of her religion. What may get her into a bad situation is if Daniel were to show up and ruin the ceremony, which would lead into the bigger picture of this story. Just putting a theory out there.
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Post by RelorAranel »

Any thoughts that her milk and cookies are asking us to look at the Cookie Competition vid for clues we might have missed?
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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

The ceremony is TODAY!!!

In fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
My Latest videos:

Call to Arms...Or Would That Be Feet? #54

There is No Ice Cream in the Champagne Room at the Ceremony #55

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Post by iamcool »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:The ceremony is TODAY!!!

In fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
whos tht twat in the video?
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Post by psych0rabbit »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:The ceremony is TODAY!!!

In fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
:roll: That wasn't odd at all. :lol:
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Post by exastra »

“crossing over” is also a term used when someone becomes a vampire.
Or when something passes from one dimension or plane of existence to another.
Or it could simply be just as she says: a transition.

One of the cool things about LG15 is its multi-layered-ness. So much can be read into it, and out of it. A lot of subtext, open to interpretation and imagination.

for example, the pillow dance: was she merely frolicking with her friends, or is this meant to be suggestive imagery? is it saying that she is also a puppet? is it representative of being born, crossing a threshold, a beheading?

Lucy’s quote: “Life can be amazing if you are willing to make sacrifices”.
This reminded me of something Nietzsche said:
“Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!”

Is God an imaginary friend? Are Bree and Daniel? are we imaginary friends to each other?
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Post by nancymakuhari »

n fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
Mine eyes have beeeeen blinded!

LOL omg.... ^_~
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Post by prudence »

nancymakuhari wrote:
n fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
Mine eyes have beeeeen blinded!

LOL omg.... ^_~

I agree
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Post by nakita »

lonelygirl wrote:
nakita wrote:
WheresMyPlatypus wrote:
Still, in America, Crossed and Passed are not really common words to use when someone is talking about a change in their life, or a life changing experience... The only time i've ever heard the term crossed over it was to pass onto the next level after death.
I've only ever heard it used in terms of dieing (sp?) as well, but she did make a point of saying that she crossed over to a new point in her life (i know that's not an exact quote, but everyone watched the video anyway). However, Bree didn't grow up in the same environment we did (read between the lines : she's more anti-social than average); and I read an article on msn.com right after it was announced that she was acting, and it said that one of the creators had an idea for a character that related better to adults than people (i can't find that article now, but i know it once existed because it started my obsession :) ). She probably doesn't know this is an abnormal term because she hasn't had many friends, who would poke fun at her if she used it
related better to adults than people? i'm confused. :?: adults are people.
:!: ... oh jeez, my bad, I meant to say that she realtes better to adults than kids her own age :oops:
* a misinterpreted metaphor *

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Post by HenrySugar »

Enochian is used exclusively by satanist?

I tell ya, it's comments like these that make me worry about our future as a tolerant, open-minded race.
I doubt if the person who wrote that has any first-hand knowledge of satanist and I doubt that they've read anything pertaining to the origin of the angelic language (beyond the internet) before making such a broad statement. Not to speak ill of anyone here, mind you, but the link provided above seems a bit biased and uninformed.

I've been involved in ceremonial magic before (not magick. I don't do Crowley), and I've used Enochian to call Michael, Gabriel, Auriel and Raphael (angels) to protect our circle.

I am not a satanist. I don't 'worship' anything...least of all, the devil.

Enoch is a common biblical name. Enoch was also the name of Noah's great-grandfather. The title 'Enochian' is attributed to the Judeo-Christian 'Book of Enoch,' and is a major source of angelology.

John Dee was an alchemist, scientist, mathmatician and occultist (note:occult does not mean satan. Occult is derived from the latin word 'occultus' which means 'secret or hidden'. A hidden knowledge.)
He sought a means of communicating with 'good' angels, and the Enochian language is a result of that study.

In the modern era, Enochian was picked up and used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The HOGD was NOT comprised of satanist, but by freemasons. Crowley's reworks were NOT inspired by satan, but by several Egyptian gods.

Remember, Satan is a christian concept, not a pagan concept. As far as we're concerned, there is no satan...unless, of course, we manifest him through our own personal thoughts...but that's another story altogether.

Anyway, it's comments like the one I'm responding to that keep us narrow-minded. We hear the word, Satan, we fear it. We fear something we distance ourselves from it. We distance ourselves, we never learn...
We never learn, we die ignorant...
and that's all I got to say about that.

Edited: Because it really wasn't all I had to say about that...
Last edited by HenrySugar on Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by house »

Something must be "off" with the lonelygirl site. I tried to load this video and it gives me a blank page. The creators must be too tired from last night's festivities. ;)
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Post by Katie »

why does she say "sometimes I forget them when I leave the house" about the pills. I thought she didnt leave much (except the park video) I think she is leaving the house everyday. and I think the dirty feet mean something. flip flops or not, my feet dont get that filthy. look at the Bree the Cookie Monster video. her feet are SOOOO dirty.

I dont understand why peopl on this forum pick apart every little clue or idea but noone thinks the dirty feet mean anything.
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Post by minsky »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:The ceremony is TODAY!!!

In fact...here is video of the results of Bree's Ceremony!

http://one.revver.com/watch/77997/forma ... iate/28541
LMAO, That was to funny. You are one sick puppy :P
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Post by Way2Curious »

house wrote:Something must be "off" with the lonelygirl site. I tried to load this video and it gives me a blank page. The creators must be too tired from last night's festivities. ;)
Scroll down page, the video for some reason turns up at the bottom. I was confused at first too, until I figured it out!
I discovered Jonas....LOL Well sort of... http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3059
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