
Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Post by Aithne »

EmiB wrote:Have you ever seen the movie "Serenity"?
It's a sci-fi flick my boyfriend likes based off the tv show "Firefly" from a few years back.

In it, this one really scrawny girl suddenly becomes this killing machine because she had some sort of subliminal training.
The scene is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCDjlba2_Q4

I just think it's be really funny to see her doing that at one point in the series.

OMG one of my most favorite shows ever! I own the movie. I own the series on DVD.
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Post by EmiB »

Aithne wrote:
EmiB wrote:Have you ever seen the movie "Serenity"?
It's a sci-fi flick my boyfriend likes based off the tv show "Firefly" from a few years back.

In it, this one really scrawny girl suddenly becomes this killing machine because she had some sort of subliminal training.
The scene is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCDjlba2_Q4

I just think it's be really funny to see her doing that at one point in the series.

OMG one of my most favorite shows ever! I own the movie. I own the series on DVD.
Haha, I was just watching the movie the other night.
I thought of lonelygirl because it gets that weird blue filter in that scene...kinda like the human ranson vid.
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New Girl

Post by ElizKM86 »

Ever think that Tachy is the new girl?? Like, Tachy infiltrated and is the "new girl" but she is really just trying to ruin the ceremony and such. The ceremony is obviously super important to them, or they wouldnt have been (still are??) chasing Bree so hard.

I have no clue if this theory is anywhere else, There are just [b]way[/b] to many catagories and threads to keep up with...
Let me take you there....or here.....anywhere is good.....
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Post by Spades »

it would, but I still do not see it.

But yea, it still could happen.
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Re: New Girl

Post by CRYISME »

ElizKM86 wrote:Ever think that Tachy is the new girl?? Like, Tachy infiltrated and is the "new girl" but she is really just trying to ruin the ceremony and such. The ceremony is obviously super important to them, or they wouldnt have been (still are??) chasing Bree so hard.

I have no clue if this theory is anywhere else, There are just [b]way[/b] to many catagories and threads to keep up with...
I wish but they can't do it. The creators don't have rights to her anymore. :(
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Post by Spades »

i meant ass kicking bree. Sorry Eliz, but tachy is gone forever. Really sucks.
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