About Daniel...

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About Daniel...

Post by eucebo »

Bree, Daniel is sick. Is too much drinking, too much sleeping, too much DEPRESSION. I really worried about him.
You guys need to step up. Jonas seems to be trying, but he can't do it alone Bree. YOU need to do something about it. What Daniel has is a disease, it's a REAL problem, and since you guys are a family now (just like you said) you ALL have to face this together.

Bree, Daniel is depending on your strenght as well as Jonas's. If you guys can't do this, you should send him home to his parents. There's no way he can go on like this.
So... I guess this is it...
Shhhhhhhhhh *sigh* *swoon*
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Post by Susan »

He is such a sweet boy and he hurts so much.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Yeh seriously. This happened to my best friend too. Help him before you have to go over to his house at 3am because he's thrown up blood everywhere :( :shock:
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Post by longlostposter »

Bree, I wouldn't let Daniel go home to his parents. I don't think he'll be safe there; they will kidnap him again, and maybe even his parents along with him.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Indeed. He needs you to keep an eye on him.
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Post by eucebo »

longlostposter wrote:Bree, I wouldn't let Daniel go home to his parents. I don't think he'll be safe there; they will kidnap him again, and maybe even his parents along with him.
I don't think they (whom ever "they are"... I'm kind of confuse now about who are the good guys and who the bad guy's) would kidnap Daniel, because he has nothing to do with them. Ok, yeah, they could want him to tell them where Bree and Jonas are but, since they have another girl, why would they care?
So... I guess this is it...
Shhhhhhhhhh *sigh* *swoon*
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Post by mincartaugh »

So where the H*E*double hokey sticks were you, young lady! That Beast of yours did a darn credible job of poisoning his liver and taking it to the chat just now. I didn't see you out there pulling him off before he embarrassed himself! So what kind of selfish little girl are you that you can't help a friend when he's hurting!

Shame on you, girl! Shame! :smt078 :smt106 :smt073
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Post by lonelygirl15 »

longlostposter wrote:Bree, I wouldn't let Daniel go home to his parents. I don't think he'll be safe there; they will kidnap him again, and maybe even his parents along with him.
I share all of your concerns and have contemplated sending him home. However, I agree with longlostposter that Daniel could be in danger if he goes home. And how would his parents deal with this anyway? It's not like they'd believe where he's been/what he's been doing all this time. "So mom, I turned to drinking because the Order is after me... Bree has to do this ceremony..." Yeah, that wouldn't go over well with his parents. I am going to talk to Daniel and Jonas has been trying ... hopefully he'll make an impact too. For the moment, we're staying put and planning. That's all we can really do right now. But don't worry guys, I am concerned about Daniel and he'll get through this. He's strong I know he'll pull through.
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jonas is evil

Post by modelmotion »


I think that you broke Daniel's heart. I think thats why he is drinking. Its hard to fix that because I know you just like him as a friend and I am sure thats the last thing he wants to hear. But still I think if you and him went on a long hike together without evil Jonas it would really really really help.
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