0171-"Spanglish" [4/11/07]

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Post by Mvidrine »

OK I have the real scoop on why the Order isn't going after the Teen Angst Adventure Gang plus the Aunt who loves barely legal men! The Order is on Spring Break too!!! Only instead of going to Mexico, they went to Florida. They will be back as soon as Lucy wakes up from Alcohol poisoning, (doing too many beer bongs at too early in the morning), and Oppy, well she's going to the clinic tommorrow to find out why she has an itch after spending a few nights with some MTV Spring Break extras. I'm sure we all wish them a speedy recovery.
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Post by Breepop »

Maybe no one in the Order is watching... because they're too busy trying to find Op? :?

Aha, I doubt it.

[Yeah, my name really is Bree >.>]
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Post by Ravensnow27 »

They're waiting for Alex to seduce DB
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Post by megs229 »

I'm too lazy to quote but the way things are going with the whole watching the videos thing via Nikki B.... she said something along the lines of: "Tachy, Brother, and OpAphid are all missing" then "Tachy, Brother, and OpAphid were the only people watching BD&J's videos, the Hymn of One and The Order don't watch them,. With BDJ in Mexico they're safe, The Order is not watching those videos."
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Post by Wisi Girl »

giddeanx wrote:
Wisi Girl wrote:
Pienso este video tiene el titulo "Spanglish" porque el espanol de Jonas es muy malo. Estoy aprepiendo espanol y hablo un poquito. Mi espanol es mas mejor de su espanol. No entiendo todos sus palabras. Entiendi un parte que fue muy interesante para mi pero no quiero decir ustedes. Por que? Nadie me permitieron hablar espanol! No, no, no! Estoy cansada pero desiria ustedes manana.
I think this video has the title Spanglish because Jonas' spanish is very bad. I understand and speak a little spanish. My spanish is much better than his. I do not understand all that he said. Understand the part was very interesting for me but I dont want to tell you all. Why? Because nobody permited me to speak spanish? No, no no! I am tired but Ill talk to you tomorrow.
You were close, very close but no cigar pal!
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Post by epogen »

trainer101 wrote:Some "answers" can be found HERE.
okay, i'm annoyed, very annoyed. i don't watch nikki b, cause i don't wanna, and i hate that she is providing the info we need now. and since when was op aphid one person like she implied?

i agree with lurker that her wrap up has some pretty blatant flaws, but then again so did the cassie prank caller wrap up, so it isn't beyond possibility that it's true.

when i first watched the vid i honestly thought it was jonas and alex dancing in the sand, now that would have been a good twist eh?

something's up here, and i am inclined to think that we are missing some clues from the last few vids, but i'm not so good at picking them up so i can't figure out what they might be.
but it might just be that they were hoping we'd find a few clues to get things going and give them a direction to go in without oppy and her uber-smart followers.
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Post by Wisi Girl »

giddeanx wrote:
Wisi Girl wrote: En serio? Soy mexicana pero no fluente en la lengua. Y tu? Acuerdo pero mi espanol es malo. El espanol de Jonas es muy extraño, verdad? Tal vez podemos entender su espanol manana? Estoy muy cansada ahora. Te gusta este video?
You serious? Im mexican but Im not fluent in the languag. And you? I agree buy my spanish is bad. Jonas's spanish is very bizzare, truth? Perhaps we will be able to understand his spanish tomorrow? I am very tired now. Did you like the video?

Anything to dust off that old spanish dictionary and use my 4 years of spanish. Don't ask me to speak it though.

Close again.....However, you made a few bigger errors in translating my post this time than before. I am impressed that you even bothered! Ha ha! Especially since you needed a dictionary!
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by epogen »

Wisi Girl wrote:
giddeanx wrote:
Wisi Girl wrote:
Pienso este video tiene el titulo "Spanglish" porque el espanol de Jonas es muy malo. Estoy aprepiendo espanol y hablo un poquito. Mi espanol es mas mejor de su espanol. No entiendo todos sus palabras. Entiendi un parte que fue muy interesante para mi pero no quiero decir ustedes. Por que? Nadie me permitieron hablar espanol! No, no, no! Estoy cansada pero desiria ustedes manana.
I think this video has the title Spanglish because Jonas' spanish is very bad. I understand and speak a little spanish. My spanish is much better than his. I do not understand all that he said. Understand the part was very interesting for me but I dont want to tell you all. Why? Because nobody permited me to speak spanish? No, no no! I am tired but Ill talk to you tomorrow.
You were close, very close but no cigar pal!
sorry double post, but i am pretty confused as to why you are doing this. weren't you the one who didn't like the off topic and personalization bit last video?
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Post by Wisi Girl »

crazcritrchic wrote:Is there anyone (Wisigirl?) who can do the Spanish bit on the transcript in LGpedia? That seems to be the only bit missing.
Is it in Spanish on LGPedia and just needs to be translated or is that entire section missing because no one can understand him? Eh, I will go check and see what I can do, okay? You know, his Spanish is not the greatest. His prunciation is awful and I think he goofed up a lot of the words. Plus, with the street and the noise, (from a bar or outside restaurant?) to their right, it is really hard to hear him. I can't promise much but I will try! I do remember a few words that struck me.....
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Post by Wisi Girl »

By the way, does anyone know where the thread is for this new Nikki B video because I have a lot to say but I don't think this is the thread for it....

Epogen: I wasn't off-topic at all. Some fan had asked anyone who understood Spanish to help translate and I made the comment you have now quoted. It wasn't random or useless like so many in the last thread. Mine was an actual response. I was giving my thoughts on why Jonas is hard to understand, even for a Spanish speaker. Another fan made this exact remark and I was replying to that individual. Just check the thread and hopefully you will feel more comfy about everything, okay?
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by lonelygirl »

I'm all for Jonas and Bree getting together. I think it would be interesting if the order was using Alex to get Daniel away so they could spend more time together. But then poor Daniel, always getting used.
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Post by Lurker »

epogen wrote:and since when was op aphid one person like she implied?
It's both an organization and the leader of that organization. The way I've always kept it straight is "OpAPHID" for the organization and "OpAphid" for the person (which is how she signs her e-mails).
epogen wrote:i agree with lurker that her wrap up has some pretty blatant flaws, but then again so did the cassie prank caller wrap up, so it isn't beyond possibility that it's true.
The funny thing is that the Cassie explanation would have been without flaws had a new reason for that friendship ending not been presented at the same time. This stuff for OpAphid, though, has much larger problems.
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Post by crazcritrchic »

Wisi Girl wrote:
crazcritrchic wrote:Is there anyone (Wisigirl?) who can do the Spanish bit on the transcript in LGpedia? That seems to be the only bit missing.
Is it in Spanish on LGPedia and just needs to be translated or is that entire section missing because no one can understand him? Eh, I will go check and see what I can do, okay? You know, his Spanish is not the greatest. His prunciation is awful and I think he goofed up a lot of the words. Plus, with the street and the noise, (from a bar or outside restaurant?) to their right, it is really hard to hear him. I can't promise much but I will try! I do remember a few words that struck me.....
I'm sure you checked already but it just says that he says something in Spanish. If you do get to it can you post what he said in English as well? Because that would be awesome!
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Post by Wisi Girl »

Someone should bother the creators until they tell us what Jonas said in Spanish....Seriously, I am having a lot of difficulty. The words I can make out don't even string together to make a proper sentence!

He says something like: For a lot of cents....carrying away Bree....grains? And this is what I am making out by guessing at what his words come close to! You see, his word: lleyendo....no word like that. However, lleviendo is one and this might be what he was trying to say? But, if it is lleviendo, then he should have said "estoy" before it (or the verb estar in some fashion if he wasn't talking about himself). Plus, the tense doesn't work because he is not actually carring away Bree when he is saying this. And that is only the first part! When he starts up the Spanish again, it gets more messy. I don't think I want to contribute to LGPedia but I can keep trying to translate for this thread....

Or, just to prevent myself from looking foolish, I can just stop guessing and hope someone with authority can shed light on the matter?
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by Wisi Girl »

Erm, this might seem a bit ironic for all of you, but I just looked at my clock and I am going to be late for my Spanish class! Heh. Actually, that is a bit ironic for me as well. ANYWAYS, I promise to get this translated by tonight but it is going to be a grueling task porque su espanol es extrano! (because his Spanish is strange)

Oh, and I am taking Spanish 301- just in case you were interested.
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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