fan videos (whats good?)

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fan videos (whats good?)

Post by platypusrex256 »

rather than ask you which videos are lame (a question that might offend people and just cause pointless argument), i'll ask the pleasant question "what fan videos are your favorite?"

because i don't really want to watch them all before i figure out which ones i want to watch.

also, i'd like to hear what the fans like in hopes to give the current fan filmmakers some helpful tips in making more exciting videos to entertain us even more!

sound good?
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

Hi platypusrex256!

This is a really great question about fan videos. I am just quickly moving it to the area of the forum where fan videos are discussed.

I am also offering an answer to the question. I really love ApotheosisAZ's videos.


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Post by betz28 »

ahahahahahah! i love it!

apo's videos really are awesome!!!

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Post by ignatzmouse »

A plug for Facility J. The videos are part of an ARG, but they stand on their own as a great fan addition to the LG15 universe - they're about an OpAPHID Research biotech laboratory set up in the 1940s.

The videos are here, and if that whets your appetite, you can check out the JPedia.
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Post by trainer101 »

I love to watch everything that's posted and encourage everyone to keep making vids. When I joined this site, I never envisioned myself as a film maker - I've come to really enjoy it.

Like iMouse, I enjoy "Facility J" also, not because it's better (everyone's been making some really good videos lately) but because it's different. I like the intrigue and the camaraderie amongst the participants.
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Post by chershaytoute »

platypusrex256, hey! I'm a big fan of the fanfic videos...and I find there's something for every mood.

Lately, I've really enjoyed voyboy's Dream series for impact, image, and the way it just slithers into my mind with meanings beyond what I get on first view (these are vids worth re-watching).

I'm finding Marbella is currently great fun and kinda disturbing with her stuffed animal therapy sessions...and am on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what happens with Monkey.

NikkiB and the NikkiBowerReport is ALWAYS a worthwhile watch - her investigative powers really put the spin in spin, I mean, way to put together a good cooking show with that last vid, Nikki!

colbertnationgirl, who perfected LonelyCracks Anonymous, gives me some of the best laughs I get during my day - always open to see a new CNG vid!! I'm still waiting for the cruise!

betz28 is our local songster...and boy, can she belt 'em out! If you need a tune to brighten your day, her vids are a great place to start!

Luminous has some thought provoking stuff...her Ice Princess video was one of the first fanfic vids I ever watched...and got me hooked on the idea of vids outside of LG15!

GoodGollyItsHolly has a spin on vlogging that's all her own...

The dehteraew series is good...makes me think...too much, sometimes!

Talking about thinking...Facility J definitely makes me think - poor Binky the Brain Cell may never recover! It's an ARG worth mentioning... And did I mention Facility J?

janesalteredstates...oh, jane (in part, in total, individually, and severally) has one heckuva story to tell! She's just going to have to find all of it. I, for one, and willing to wait patiently as she finds it...

If you want to get into a series/ARG...or just enjoy the feel of things, anything HSA is worth watching for. MsKelly's on fire at the moment!

And I can't forget trainer101 - he has some fabulous stuff, not the least of which is a vid putting it all together with Tachyon's song!

Now, it's almost midnight here...and poor Binky has been in overdrive mode all day. These are some of the longer running folks...which means I've left out others of the longer running (some that were already mentioned <waving at Apo>, and some that I've just plain missed <apologizing to everyeveryeveryone I didn't get>. There're also new folks up and coming regularly that are way and well worth watching! <HUGE smile>
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by platypusrex256 »

thanks for the feedback, crew!

i am also currently a fan of goodgollyitsholly, hsa and nikkibowerreport. they've been visible fans of the show for quite some time now. that's not to say that everybody else is a noob but i can't say i'm familiar with them. i'll keep an eye out.

hopefuly, others will find this thread useful?
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Post by immortal1 »

Dr. Immant was in the Order before being in the Order was cool, just sayin.
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Post by chershaytoute »

Toldja I was missing folks!! Thanks, immortal1! Unfortunately, Dr. Immant hasn't put up a new video in several months (hint, hint! :) )
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by Luminous »

chershaytoute wrote:platypusrex256, hey! I'm a big fan of the fanfic videos...and I find there's something for every mood.

Lately, I've really enjoyed voyboy's Dream series for impact, image, and the way it just slithers into my mind with meanings beyond what I get on first view (these are vids worth re-watching).

I'm finding Marbella is currently great fun and kinda disturbing with her stuffed animal therapy sessions...and am on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what happens with Monkey.

NikkiB and the NikkiBowerReport is ALWAYS a worthwhile watch - her investigative powers really put the spin in spin, I mean, way to put together a good cooking show with that last vid, Nikki!

colbertnationgirl, who perfected LonelyCracks Anonymous, gives me some of the best laughs I get during my day - always open to see a new CNG vid!! I'm still waiting for the cruise!

betz28 is our local songster...and boy, can she belt 'em out! If you need a tune to brighten your day, her vids are a great place to start!

Luminous has some thought provoking stuff...her Ice Princess video was one of the first fanfic vids I ever watched...and got me hooked on the idea of vids outside of LG15!

GoodGollyItsHolly has a spin on vlogging that's all her own...

The dehteraew series is good...makes me think...too much, sometimes!

Talking about thinking...Facility J definitely makes me think - poor Binky the Brain Cell may never recover! It's an ARG worth mentioning... And did I mention Facility J?

janesalteredstates...oh, jane (in part, in total, individually, and severally) has one heckuva story to tell! She's just going to have to find all of it. I, for one, and willing to wait patiently as she finds it...

If you want to get into a series/ARG...or just enjoy the feel of things, anything HSA is worth watching for. MsKelly's on fire at the moment!

And I can't forget trainer101 - he has some fabulous stuff, not the least of which is a vid putting it all together with Tachyon's song!

Now, it's almost midnight here...and poor Binky has been in overdrive mode all day. These are some of the longer running folks...which means I've left out others of the longer running (some that were already mentioned <waving at Apo>, and some that I've just plain missed <apologizing to everyeveryeveryone I didn't get>. There're also new folks up and coming regularly that are way and well worth watching! <HUGE smile>
Wow, Chershaytoute, Great list! I totally agree, these are all favorites of mine, and Thanks so much for including me on it! You made my day. :D

I'm almost afraid to mention anyone without mentioning everyone! Let me just say, the FanFic in LG15 rocks! It's incredible. So many very, very talented people. I love it all!

And definitely, let's not forget HSA Ms. Kelly's video's are really heating up! 8)

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Post by Libra »

I personally have never seen a fan video and thought "Man that sucked". I also try to encourage people to make videos because the fan stuff is so incredibly fun! The fans add a lot more depth (or goofiness, it can go to either extreme :P) to the story and I just love it.

Watch them all if you can!
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you asked for it!

Post by platypusrex256 »

Libra wrote:I personally have never seen a fan video and thought "Man that sucked". I also try to encourage people to make videos because the fan stuff is so incredibly fun! The fans add a lot more depth (or goofiness, it can go to either extreme :P) to the story and I just love it.

Watch them all if you can!
im trying not to comment on how much i dissagree and i am going to fail miserably. i have to say that while its fascinating and innovative how we have this interactive entertainment, i wish there was an easier way to group fan videos by user or search fan videos by user.

im not a big fan of the "im like you bree... im on the run from the order" sort of videos because they simply duplicate what's frusterating about the cannon videos.

i'm not a big fan of young girls simply immitating bree's cute faces, either.

i am a big fan of immant and lordgreystoke422 because they added another dimension to the story. these fan videos gave us tension when the cannon was only pussyfooting with the idea of turning into a cult thriller. they told us about the dangers of the order while bree was still talking to her stuffed animals and generaly being annoying.

goodgollyitsholly has only recently uploaded videos and i have a feeling that its going to be a long time before we see another video from her. while she relies heavily on being cute, i still like her videos because they are short and although she doesn't stretch our imaginations with a story of an evil cult trying to capture her, she is somehow more creative in how she avoids the typical fantasy role.

apotheosisaz has been on and off entertaining. the videos are lacking only in the department that they don't further the story. they act only as a reflection upon what we have already seen.

voyboy's dream sequences have been interesting but like mskelly's videos, they seem to have less and less to do with lg15 and more to do with themselves.

facilityj's videos are clever and i probably underapreciate them. i simply havn't been pulled in by them enough to watch an entire video or remember what they're about.

iris is a good kid and i've watched a couple of his videos. he sort of led the way for other fans to make "im also on the run" videos, didnt he? most of the time its just iris walking around and jabbering with the camera but id have to say lg15 would be missing something without him.

itscassie has gone too far. i'm glad that she's finally come to realise that she can only make so many videos about a girl locked up in her room but some of her attempts to spice up the plot have turned out rather laughable. however, laughable might be the best thing itscassie has going right now.

nikkibowerreports is always good. i like her slant. she keeps her videos interesting and hasn't fallen into a rutt like so many other fanvideos.

i don't want to see any more text and music based fan videos. i don't want to see letters to bree set to tachyon's theme song and found footage that we've already seen a million times. if you are thinking about making one of these kinds of videos, i would discourage it. it's just tried and trivial.

i would explain what i expect to see out of the fan videos but what i really want is to be surprised. there is an infinite spectrum of possabilities.

anyhow. i'm sorry if i talked poorly about your fan videos here. my only goal is figure out what is working and what isn't.
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Re: you asked for it!

Post by Broken Kid »

platypusrex256 wrote:anyhow. i'm sorry if i talked poorly about your fan videos here. my only goal is figure out what is working and what isn't.
What's working and what isn't working in your opinion. :) A lot of people don't have the resources to make anything more than music and text videos, and many of them are quite creative and cute, and a lot of folks like them too!

We don't want to discourage anyone from creating something. The best thing to say is give everything a chance, and if you don't like that person's videos, don't watch any more by them and try something else! There's plenty to choose from, as you noted! :)
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Re: you asked for it!

Post by Libra »

platypusrex256, your original post and what you have said just now don't make sense to me? You sound like you already watched most of the fan videos :P

I agree completely with Broken Kid.

The creators keep talking about a site redesign for fan fiction stuff. Maybe it'll be easier for you to find videos by people you like. For me, I just subscribe to them, that way I always see their videos before I come on this forum!
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Post by Sami »

I love Itscassie. Those video's are fun and weird ^^

I like Voyboy's

I like BK's vid 's about P. Monkey and Owen

If Nikki b. is considerd fanfic... That's my favorite after Itscassie

Iris is... Iris :P I like his vids

(and of course CiW)

Edit: And Libra, you where the one who made 10 reasons to love Nikki B.? That was a great vid
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