<ascend2> Cassie thinks exorcism is the murder, the murder of her.
<ascend2> Cassie wants us to STOP the ceremony.
<ascend2> Daniels going to try to do that.
<ascend2> ..or I could be totally off.
From me:
<Vakr> Daniel has no connection to Cassie, which means that he remains unaffected by her-- meaning that he might very well be her enemy, as he is worried about the ceremony. He may try to stop it.
Frank wants us to help Bree, to be on her side-- he has also said that she doesn't know what's really happening. Should Bree be told, or should she in ignorance carry through with the ceremony?
But what if Cassie WANTS this ceremony to happen, if the ceremony is nothing to do with an exorcism? Which also means that Daniel SHOULD stop it-- or that we should.
If that's the case, and the ceremony is bad and going to help Cassie somehow. .. then could Daniel be the exorcist?

Frank says he's found patterns, things that explain everything-- that we should know by now. He's shown us that something Bree said was an anagram of Bree telling Daniel to slay Cassie, which also points to him being the exorcist theory.
But in regard to that anagram from Bree, could other things she's said (referring to Cassie!) be anagrams as well?
If we just KNEW whether or not The Creators were involved, we would know whether or not to search for clues in the LG15 videos.
Then again, if this PM of CiW is smart enough, they could have made other lines of LG15 into hints already without the creators involvement.