this link that JCA posted
have you noticed the surname of the author?...a lot of the information in there is innacurate.
Bree mentions a couple of Egyptian names in the video - Geb - the earth god she talks about is usually represented as lying prone on the ground with his erect phallus pointing directly upward. Nut, sky goddess, is usually depicted as arching over him with her arms at one end and her toes at the other - making the arch of the horizon.
Could this be a direct hint to sex magick? Instead of Bree being one of the four pillar women, it's more likely she'd take the role of Nut - and it's wierd that she didn't mention Nut as Geb and Nut are always together.
She also talks about "Dee cuns" or, as they should be pronounced, "Deh Cans", she says the most important one is what sounds like "suptet". Hubby thinks she means Satet, also spelled Supdet (Eyptians didn't have vowels and some of their constanant meanings sound the same so it's easy to mispronounce). It's not actually one of the 36 Decans of the Denderan Zodiac although it has strong links with one of them. Either the creators are using inaccurate source material or it's a deliberate mistake.
On the 12th - from East Lansing (we brits don't know where that is) the moon is just below gemini before dawn. She mentions gemini - but not as twins - but as a man and woman holding hands - again a possible clue.
That's all he could give me - he's tired! But it might be a few pointers....hope that helps.