0166- "Lying Bastards" [4/5/07]

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Post by Jo_16_2 »

i need a bree video :oops:
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

TOSG wrote:Do you guys think that "fish taco" was supposed to be a double-entendre, or is that too non-PG13?
LMFAO. omg. you're my best friend.

- I still don't get the lying bastards thing. Why was that title necessary? I was surprised to see a curse in the TITLE, and thus I was expecting something really infuriating to occur. Daniel doesn't seem very angry about Jonas and Bree going to have fish tacos together in the video. Definitely not angry enough to randomly call them "Lying Bastards." wtf??
- I thought Alex said "Yes they caught me" at the beginning. But called makes more sense. That means she is telling her Order buddies DBJ called her! That bitch.
- I saw the smirk too. I don't think it was enough to assume we were meant to see it as a smirk though. I'm not sure if this conversation was staged or not. It did strike me as mighty too convenient that she purposely raised her voice when she said "BECAUSE HE'S MY NEPHEW."
- I understood MexicHo... and I don't really know what there is to not understand... and I really didn't think it was that hilarious either. The way they stopped the music was cute though. I'm glad I'm liking Bree again. It makes me so happy to see her coming back to her cute self. :D
- It annoys me that Alex says "I didn't know you were going to do anything!" because clearly she had an idea they would. See "Aunt Alex Is..." i.e. "what will most certainly come after me." But okay sure. You were clueless... :roll:
- Also, the way she says "I didn't know you were going to do anything" makes it seem as though one person executed the entire kidnapping fiasco. I wonder... if the man talking in "Psychological Torture" ..was one of Aunt Alex's friends?? Possibly from the party? Maybe we'll be seeing some of those faces again...

That's all folks. :wink:
Last edited by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. on Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by daydream183 »

Here's what I heard (after listening for the gazillionth time):

"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you don't--

*Either* "I suppose you want me to seg them for you" *or* "[inaudible] you want me to say to them for you."

WTH do you want me to do with [inaudible, possibly them]

I'm telling you, I'm sorry. I don't like lying. It goes against...

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]
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Post by Kanazaka »

Again, I'm not surprised that Aunt Alex is very conflicted in regards to the mission that she has to carry out for the Order. At least this proves that she is indeed Jonas' aunt (which I wasn't entirely sure of--trust no one and all that), and that she's in regular contact with the Order.
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Post by dopefiend »

hey, glad a couple of you agree that the title refers to J and B

the "fish taco" double entendre supports my theory too I reckon.

I see him calling the video that in a jokey way, to let them know he can see what's up!
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Post by bluejay »

Is there any possible way that DB&J have some super-secret and complicated plan that requires them to post public videos about exactly where they are going? They know that Alex knows about their videos, don't they? So, why do they keep posting that they are spying on her?

I don't want to think that they are this dumb... I know they said they had a plan, but is their plan just to follow Alex and keep the Order informed about exactly what they're doing by posting public videos?
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Post by Ravensnow27 »

I think the title is referring to J and B too
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Post by xentis »

bree said in a recent post the guy had a wrestler type body, you can find it in bree in char chat, too lazy to go and link
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Post by mellie3204 »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: -...That means she is telling her Order buddies DBJ called her! That bitch.
- I saw the smirk too. I don't think it was enough to assume we were meant to see it as a smirk though. I'm not sure if this conversation was staged or not. It did strike me as mighty too convenient that she purposely raised her voice when she said "BECAUSE HE'S MY NEPHEW."
- It annoys me that Alex says "I didn't know you were going to do anything!" because clearly she had an idea they would. See "Aunt Alex Is..." i.e. "what will most certainly come after me." But okay sure. You were clueless... :roll:
- Also, the way she says "I didn't know you were going to do anything" makes it seem as though one person executed the entire kidnapping fiasco. I wonder... if the man talking in "Psychological Torture" ..was one of Aunt Alex's friends?? Possibly from the party? Maybe we'll be seeing some of those faces again...

That's all folks. :wink:
As always, some excellent points JALG :)

Some of the things she said do seem both mighty convenient and mighty dumb considering what she knew before.

And as Lurker pointed out earlier, she's gone from uber evil to conflicted a bit quickly.... suspicious, if you ask me.

Stinky Alex, don't trust her!
Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: -...That means she is telling her Order buddies DBJ called her! That bitch.
- I saw the smirk too. I don't think it was enough to assume we were meant to see it as a smirk though. I'm not sure if this conversation was staged or not. It did strike me as mighty too convenient that she purposely raised her voice when she said "BECAUSE HE'S MY NEPHEW."
- It annoys me that Alex says "I didn't know you were going to do anything!" because clearly she had an idea they would. See "Aunt Alex Is..." i.e. "what will most certainly come after me." But okay sure. You were clueless... :roll:
- Also, the way she says "I didn't know you were going to do anything" makes it seem as though one person executed the entire kidnapping fiasco. I wonder... if the man talking in "Psychological Torture" ..was one of Aunt Alex's friends?? Possibly from the party? Maybe we'll be seeing some of those faces again...

That's all folks. :wink:

maybe that guy that she argued with at the party :shock:
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »


about the possible correlations between Lucy and Alex's apparrent drinking prob :snigger:

......was Lucy on the phone with anyone in the NB vid?

we DID see her (or her doppleganger? don't put it past the Order to clone...) in a pic with Alex...
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

no she wasnt
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Post by mincartaugh »

bluejay wrote:I know they said they had a plan, but is their plan just to follow Alex and keep the Order informed about exactly what they're doing by posting public videos?
Now, see? This is why I think the video designations need work. Private is allowed to be many different ways of Private. Log entry, personal correspondence, circulated within the Order... But BD&J aren't allowed to make a "group e-mail" to all the people who have been encouraging them. All they got is "Public". Unfair. If OpAphid gets a posse, why doesn't the resistance?
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Misty wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:
Misty wrote:if you listen to Daniel's tone of voice, when he mentioned the fish taco, it sounded like sarcasm, or like he didn't really believe that's what they were up to.
Or maybe . . . the term "fish taco" was meant as an obscene reference.

Think about it. :-s
I don't have to think about it, every lesbian knows,"Having a fish taco" is a eupemism for oral sex . . .
I've been a lesbian for a loooooooong, long time, but I didn't know that. :shock: I just thought a fish taco was a term for the female genitalia.
TommyIsCancer wrote:Alex is making margaritas fairly early in the day? Geez, could she be more perfect for Daniel? :o
Jeezis, you people. What is all this "she's making margaritas" crap? Limes are used for purposes other than accompanying alcohol. :roll:

Like, for example, when one is -- ahem -- drinking water, or anything made with water, south of the border. Or making salad. Or eating raw fruits or vegetables. Without lime to kill the nasties, you could get very, very sick.
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Post by Sanjay »

LOL Nieriel's avatar is gold! I love heroes so much.

As for this vid, was interesting but i could barely decipher a word she was saying and i had the volume up as loud as possible.

Waiting for transcript eagerly.

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