0166- "Lying Bastards" [4/5/07]

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Post by MintyBeast »

I saw a smile from Alex. And I like to think it was from her knowing that Daniel was creeping around her place (i'm totally pulling for her and Daniel whether they be good or bad 8) ).

I got the joke, and died laughing at the whole scene.

DB is awesome and I'm telling you, his one and only ninja skill is B&Es.

And like it has been said the lying bastards are Bree and Jonas. I'm happy Beast seems over it.
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Post by xentis »

yeah i listened to it again, was way off
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Post by kellylen »

beast is only over it cause he has alex now.

even though i dont think the lying bastards are J and B
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Post by Misty »

kellylen wrote:beast is only over it cause he has alex now.

even though i dont think the lying bastards are J and B
I think that it was Bree and Jonas, there's nothing else that makes sense, without knowing something outside the video. And, if you listen to Daniel's tone of voice, when he mentioned the fish taco, it sounded like sarcasm, or like he didn't really believe that's what they were up to.
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Post by gigglingmonk »

When the music came on I was totally thinking "wow..this reminds me of Mexico" and then I read the description again...and felt like an idiot, although, kudos to the creators for the nice music choice. Anyway, when Alex sliced the lime, I swear I heard her say something like "I don't like lying" or something like that, but I'm not sure.
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Post by mellie3204 »

dopefiend wrote:The lying bastards are Bree and Jonas, claiming they're only going into town to get a fish taco, when they really just wanna spend some "alone time".
Heh, I thought I was the only one who immediately thought "hmm, going off alone hey? uh-huh".

I had the same thought a couple of vids ago when Jonus protested sleeping in the car... was he missing a secret night-time tryst with someone??

Anyways, I don't think that's what Daniel meant by the vid title... it's too much of a coincidance that Alex specifically says "lying" and that in the vid title... I think Daniel just is still in love with her and wants to believe someone is making her lie for them, and ergo someone is lying to the TAAG, therefore they are 'lying bastards'.


Oh and good call on the quoting Bethy!!! Hopefully someone can clean up what's missing soon! (Patient I'm not. Yet I watch Lonelygirl. Can you imagine how frustrated I am ALL THE TIME??? :lol:)
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Post by voyboy »

immortal1 wrote:
"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you know--

I know, but [inaudible] ...for you?

[inaudible] going to do anything!

[inaudible] ...really upsetting! I don't want to... [inaudible] [she slices a lime] ... [inaudible] ...go against... [inaudible]

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]
Someone needs to do a Mad Libs version of this and replace "inaudible" with "noun," "verb," "adverb," etc. and put it in the Fanfic Lobby.

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Post by mellie3204 »

An update, some extra bits I heard: Bethy i hope you don't mind if I add to your post...
"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you know--

I know, but, well do you want me to se___ them for you?

I didn't know you were going to do anything!

...incredibly upsetting alright, I don't like lying, it goes against... <pause>

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]
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Post by ladysolitary85 »

I think Alex did smile at the end, though it could be a fake smile. You can't really tell unless you look into someone's eyes. I think someone is trying to force Alex to do something and she still seems to care alot for Jonas even though she's betrayed him enough as it is.

I did hear something about "because its against free will" "because he's my nephew". Could Jonas be part of the ceremony too?

Hmm.... I believe so.
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Post by voyboy »

I have put this through audio software called 'soundsoap' that cleans up or filters out the noises in the backgorund and the hums, preserves the voice ....etc...And STILL cant fill in the blanks.
Sounds like she says
"So you want me to sack them for you?"

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Post by kiyoshi »

Mellie, that was perfect~

The whole se____ them for you seems like she's saying "seg them for you." Although you can't really trust Urban Dictionary at all, they say that seg can mean this:

Short for segragation. In jail known as box, the hole. Time spent in segragation, separated from everyone else, as form of punishment.

I don't know if that'll help at all.
aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.

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Post by mellie3204 »

kiyoshi wrote:Mellie, that was perfect~

The whole se____ them for you seems like she's saying "seg them for you." Although you can't really trust Urban Dictionary at all, they say that seg can mean this:

Short for segragation. In jail known as box, the hole. Time spent in segragation, separated from everyone else, as form of punishment.

I don't know if that'll help at all.
Thanks =). I get obsessive sometimes... only listened to it about 30 times :wink:

But yeah, that se__ - what the? Seg makes sense definately, but... from listening, I almost want to put an 'n' in there? (Sen__?)

Urgh, I can't get it... and all I know is I'm going to have this bit playing over and over in my head all night now!! ](*,)
Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
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Post by kiyoshi »

Yeah, "sen" also crossed my mind too. It almost seemed to form something like "send" in my opinion. But would "send them for you" make sense? o.O

It's 3:40 AM here and I'm thinking about it too.
aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.

That's kind of scary and awe-inspiring at the same time.
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Post by xentis »

dissect them for you?

not that that makes any sense but..who knows
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Post by EEVEE »

What are you talking about, "smiling"?
She didn't smile, the angle might make it appear that way but she was frowning kind of like in a "I can't believe this way", I think.

And what's so hard to understand about that MexicHO joke?
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