Hey, Joseph . . . I mean Jonas

Chat with jonastko. Where are his parents, anyway?

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Hey, Joseph . . . I mean Jonas

Post by garnet »

So, why were you in such a hurry to leave that party? Who were you supposed to "catch up with"? Somebody said, "I'll let you catch up with everybody." There didn't seem to be much family there.

And what file of yours did those people want? They said they were going to try to get Alex's nephew's file.

That one girl -- she was pretty drunk. She thought Daniel was Alex's nephew and not you.

And then that other girl thought your name was Joseph. She seemed to think it was really cute when you told her otherwise. And then she was trying to explain to everyone what they knew and didn't know. Did you end up letting her give you her room key? You naughty thing.

You looked pretty natural lurking in the corner with a glass of wine. But your aunt's friend was really upset that she let someone who is supposed to be so young come to a party like this. I think he was afraid it wouldn't seem natural. Don't you? She sure set him straight.
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The File

Post by Cleo »

You should probably consider what file those people wanted to take from you. Is this a computer or paper file? Is it the file that your dad wrote on the Order? The drunk girl was clearly unable to complete the task, but do you think perhaps that the guy and girl flirting with you could have been after this file too? I realize that you are "adorable," but they were both laying it on a little thick. Plus, the guy took your jacket. Did he manage to take anything from the pockets? Alex didn't really help you get it back. The girl did specify "I don't want you to tell your aunt." Could she have not wanted your aunt to know that she was trying to take this file? Why would that be if they were both working for the Order? Could the girl have been anti-Order? Whose side are you on? What was in that file?
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