0161 - "Subjects Apprehended" 3/26/07

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Post by Chelseyrl »

There are too many possibilities for me to think of something tonight.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

ShardinsKitten wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote: :x That's what i don't like about private vids... I can't tell who is supposed to see it and who is not and blah blah blah
That was my concern also, I was afraid that it would only further confuse the situation.

Some people in the forum thread "who sees what" had a good suggestion on how to make it clearer that it is a private video, and who the video is addressed to. Namely, to begin the video with a blank screen with a message that identifies it as a password protected file then a simulated log on with someone entering a password. But as usual we are asked for our opinion, and then promptly ignored.
Gotta love being ignored. They always say we are so important blah blah. But they never follow threw with statements they say they will, we give ideas and get ignored. That's why I don't really bother anymore.

I think it's going to be harder on people who don't come around to the forums to figure out.
lol, I think that would be an awesome idea btw.
Maybe they just don't want to take up more screen time. They don't have a lot of resources as it is.
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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

All I have to say is,

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :lol:

Maybe I'll read the past... 15 pages, hehe. But woot, the plot thickens.
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Post by chevyfudd »

Maybe they are not planning on "The Ceremony", but a different more sinister ceremony, bwhaaaaaa. LOL :lol:
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Post by redbear »

Have not posted in a long time, but I have a thoery. Sorry if its been made, but somebody saying they saw recognition in brees face made me think...
What if Tachyon did this.
Wait wait, hear me out
If our Heroes really were chased outside the Bellagio, then the Order was on them. If Tachy, or Brother, or maybe a heretofore unmentioned and perhaps scetchy ally determined the only way to secure them quickly and efficiently before the Order could was by neutralizing them temporarily, they might do it to, for their own good.
I think it would be plausible to get the next video from some warehouse hideout or something, Bree talking about how some ninja member of the resistance saved them, and they can start to fight the good fight for real.

If this doesnt happen, then the only logical plot progression will be for the Resistance (Tachy, Bro, Jonas' 'rents, etc.) to rescue them. Or for it all to end with some Hostel-esque torture sequence that makes us all cry for three days.
I'm still convinvinved that this is all a real girls web blog.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

OT je Sais I love your avi :D

I think the next video may be a "miss me" type video from the order. That shows all three (of if not all three, whomever is captured). Or something like that. Or maybe Tachyon, but I don't think so. I think they'd let us know who is all captured and what's going on there. At least I hope.
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Post by PixieSailor »

While I see how this video is a breath of fresh air for those hating the repetitiveness of the whole "running from the order" thing, I can't bring myself to enjoy the teen angst adventure gang being hurt in any way. I actually LIKE them. :(

That said, I LOVED the music choice near the end. LOVED it. Like, I really, really want to figure out what it was so I can listen to it for hours, because it was amazing. It fit perfectly with the video, the eeiry* calmness, the beautiful sorrow expressed. I found it very reminiscent to the scene in Return of the King when Pippin is singing his song to Denathor as Faramir and the remainder of his troops approach and are slaughtered on their way to Osgiliath.

I still believe in the free will clause, though. The order is influencing Bree, they are attacking everyone close to her, and who knows how violent they could get to try to convince her, but if she says she won't do the ceremony, I really doubt they'll make her. They could imprison her for the rest of her life, kill everyone close to her, but in the end she needs to make the choice.

* I have NO clue how to spell that word.
I don't like Bree anymore. :(
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

redbear wrote:Have not posted in a long time, but I have a thoery. Sorry if its been made, but somebody saying they saw recognition in brees face made me think...
What if Tachyon did this.
Wait wait, hear me out
If our Heroes really were chased outside the Bellagio, then the Order was on them. If Tachy, or Brother, or maybe a heretofore unmentioned and perhaps scetchy ally determined the only way to secure them quickly and efficiently before the Order could was by neutralizing them temporarily, they might do it to, for their own good.
I think it would be plausible to get the next video from some warehouse hideout or something, Bree talking about how some ninja member of the resistance saved them, and they can start to fight the good fight for real.

If this doesnt happen, then the only logical plot progression will be for the Resistance (Tachy, Bro, Jonas' 'rents, etc.) to rescue them. Or for it all to end with some Hostel-esque torture sequence that makes us all cry for three days.
I think someone mentioned this somewhere, that maybe Tachy was trying to pull a fast one on the order with this video. My only problem with this is, The Creators have never lied to us before about who was posting the vids, and Tachy would have to hack into the Orders account to deliver this transmission. Not saying she couldn't, I'm just saying that'd be a lot of work, when she could have just went and got DB,B and J.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

chevyfudd wrote:Maybe they are not planning on "The Ceremony", but a different more sinister ceremony, bwhaaaaaa. LOL :lol:
This is totally off-topic, but I just realized you're "Amber Dawn" on Jackson's myspace. :lol:
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Post by PixieSailor »

redbear wrote:Have not posted in a long time, but I have a thoery. Sorry if its been made, but somebody saying they saw recognition in brees face made me think...
What if Tachyon did this.
Wait wait, hear me out
If our Heroes really were chased outside the Bellagio, then the Order was on them. If Tachy, or Brother, or maybe a heretofore unmentioned and perhaps scetchy ally determined the only way to secure them quickly and efficiently before the Order could was by neutralizing them temporarily, they might do it to, for their own good.
I think it would be plausible to get the next video from some warehouse hideout or something, Bree talking about how some ninja member of the resistance saved them, and they can start to fight the good fight for real.

If this doesnt happen, then the only logical plot progression will be for the Resistance (Tachy, Bro, Jonas' 'rents, etc.) to rescue them. Or for it all to end with some Hostel-esque torture sequence that makes us all cry for three days.
I'd like that idea, except for the fact that we know that this was posted by someone in the order. Are you insinuating that Tachy somehow posted this as if she was in the order, to give them the impression that they had the trio?
I don't like Bree anymore. :(
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Post by longlostposter »

I've never really been a fan of the free-will theory. I always thought there was more to it than that...like the right timing.
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Post by heyiknowsyou »

I'm going to apologize to start off, because i'd rather not take up a lot of room with caps, but i think it can clear any confusion. Here is Daniel being captured pretty much frame by frame, since it happens in like three seconds...

:58 Daniel walking

:59 to 1:00 Corner of white wall with little movement

1:01 We can see daniel's shoulder

1:01 Camera moves around corner, blurry

1:02 Daniel's right ear is seen

1:02 Camera remains still, Daniel's head whips to the right (we also start to hear Bree say "Jonas")

1:02 Head still turning

1:03 Camera jolts again, blurry (i believe daniel starts to yell here)

1:03 Camera stills enough to see a hand grabbing the neck of Daniel's shirt over his left shoulder

The hand may not be visible, but if you pause repeatedly to that moment, you can make it out.

And after that, DB's shout stops as it cuts to Bree standing profile sipping her slurpee.
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Post by chevyfudd »

Chelseyrl wrote:
chevyfudd wrote:Maybe they are not planning on "The Ceremony", but a different more sinister ceremony, bwhaaaaaa. LOL :lol:
This is totally off-topic, but I just realized you're "Amber Dawn" on Jackson's myspace. :lol:

QUite the detective there, :D.

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Post by chevyfudd »

I am feeling a HUGE twist coming soon, something none of us have thought of (if that is possible, we have thought of it all).
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Post by chevyfudd »

Where is that address behind daniel?
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