Anyone else's video comment(s) disappear?

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Anyone else's video comment(s) disappear?

Post by annie »

Hi all... Very early this morning, I posted a comment to the "Order Of Denderah” video. In it I put two links to info about the temple at Denderah, and the ancient Egyptian calendar (the Nile's flooding season ended in mid-October), and it showed as having been posted.

I came back about an hour later (yes, I confess, I probably check the site four or five times a day), and my post was not there -- I posted something about that, and maybe it was some kind of "cookie" issue because my first post then appeared. So I zipped off a line to say "my bad", posted it -- and my first post was gone again. :shock:

I doubt there is any heavy censorship going on, but I just wondered if that had happened to anyone else.
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Post by toadlguy »

There is some sort of caching problem on YouTubes servers that is leading everyone to think there is a conspiracy - I think it happens with videos that get a lot of activity - but also change frequently.
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Post by annie »

toadlguy wrote:There is some sort of caching problem on YouTubes servers that is leading everyone to think there is a conspiracy - I think it happens with videos that get a lot of activity - but also change frequently.
Thanks toadlguy! t does seem weird to have a post totally disappear, but if by some chance it is a conspiracy, it sure isn't a very coonsistent one. :)
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Post by annie »

I just checked and the "disappeared" post is there, again butis marked "your comment is awaiting moderation".

Two other people who emailed me get their comments tagged teh same way... yet there's one person posting on the video pages who writes veritable _books_ and hers get posted?

What is the deal here? :(
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Nora Volkova
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Post by Nora Volkova »

It's a technical glitch -- Boris tells us that new posters have to be hand-approved at first. It doesn't have anything to do with content. I believe he has spoken to the people who were affected, but I wanted to give the 411 to anyone else who reads this thread.

My understanding is that once a new poster has been stamped approved, further posts go live immediately? I'm sure someone will correct me here if this is wrong.

Thanks for your patience!
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Post by toadlguy »

Nora Volkova wrote:My understanding is that once a new poster has been stamped approved, further posts go live immediately? I'm sure someone will correct me here if this is wrong.
That's probably a safe idea on YouTube.
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Post by annie »

[quote="Nora Volkova"]
My understanding is that once a new poster has been stamped approved, further posts go live immediately? I'm sure someone will correct me here if this is wrong.

I appreciate the info, Nora!

What puzzles me, though is that I'm not a new poster (joined the forum in early September, posted on the video forum, but not here until today), then all of a sudden it started with me.
And two other people's posts were not ever posted.
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Post by toadlguy »

You know, it might have something to do with this:

Personally, I think they got the story wrong, but who knows. Seems like it takes a longer time to get the lg15 videos on YouTube compared to others as well.
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Post by annie »

toadlguy wrote:You know, it might have something to do with this:
That's a good point. The instability of the video forum doesn't behave like typical "technical difficulty".
Well, I guess I shouldn't say "typical" about anything having to do with online hosting. My job is as a tech support provider at a University and I see quirky things all the time.. but I'd be looking for a hacker if this were my site.

In what way do you think they, (re: the page you provided a link to) got the story wrong?
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