Lurker wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Wow, I'm think I'm starting to talk myself into thinking Jonas is a good guy.

Do you still think he knew something about the Order or anti-Order before asking B&D to come stay with him, though?
Oh, yes, I definately think he knows more than he is letting on, and I haven't switched sides just yet. And, an evil Jonas is just more fun.
Lurker wrote:HisGirl wrote:here's another thought... if these ppl are really order- why on earth would they let the boyz leave with their video camera for all the world to see? wouldn't a top secret order want to secure any footage of their faces? veeeery strange.
Maybe not. OpAphid wasn't afraid to show her face on camera.
Then again, I would think they'd be a little concerned to have their faces shown
Good point about the together.
Lurker wrote:raptattention wrote:It was also weird that Jonas was standing in a corner by himself. If you go to a party and only know one person, don't you usually stick with them? It's like he needed to separate himself for some reason.
It didn't seem that weird to me. Daniel was wandering around filming people.
I don't find it weird either. Jonas has said he doesn't like drinking much anymore (his behavior when drunk is embarrassing), and that he isn't much on drinking crowds (why he doesn't go to the bowling alley anymore). Also, if he knows that these people are Order, and he is there for investigative purposes only, then it would stand to reason that he would just observe them and not participate. Also, we know Jonas has problems socializing, according to his earlier videos. There are a myriad of reasons why Jonas felt the need to separate himself.
ETA: Also, if he hung around Daniel all night, the posters would say they were gay.

You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.