Another issue, that has been beaten to death

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Post by Killthesmiley »

surrealisticpill wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote: it's not that our feelings are hurt, it's the fact that obviously, some puzzle solving went on there. Because, i was there in the IRC the whole daniel/tachyon puzzle and that conversation that sphinx posted, didn't happen in the IRC.
First of all, it DID happen in the IRC, just in our private room LOL. The only reason it got solved there was because I repeatedly told you guys the hint in the main chat and no one listened. Later that day, Minty and I were like "lets solve this thing" in the main chat. No one chimed in. Everyone was rambling off topic. So we had to move it to the private room to get the work done.

i'm going to say that, that statement isn't 100% truth. I understand that a few people were going off topic, the the majority of the people there were actively trying to solve the puzzle. So that specific statement is not 100% accurate.
And I remember you uys saying that, and a whole bunch of us, chimmed in, saying alright lets go. we tried our hardest. But as the chat log said, we weren't given as much clues as you were. we didn't know it was on the wiki page. we didn't know where the look. We knew it had to do with Nancy Drew. So we tried everything. We tried names of her boyfriends, her name. We tried ghost writers names.

Now we know where the answer actually came from and that is the issue at hand.

But what we are discussing is the fact that during a puzzle, the puzzle solve was to stay in the designated area that you and your group of friends have told us ove rand over again to keep puzzle solve in. And some of us did. Seeing the log, I noticed there were operators on. So why didn't they use their position and control the situation, instead of breaking your own set rule.

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Post by Toad »

surrealisticpill wrote: We didn't decide we were better than anyone. We decided to spare everyone in the main chat the personal details of our lives.... like "OMG they're turning the water off in my apartment for the whole weekend" and "I drank too much apple juice".

And it's not just our one room anymore. Plenty of other people from #operationaphid have branched off and formed their own private chats for off-topic conversation. This is entirely encouraged. It's best to keep the ARG chat on topic.
Are you saying no game talk took place in this private/pass-worded chat?
Please be careful of your answer because, as recent events prove, all things come to light eventually.

IRR, I've never seen you in #operationaphid, so that's why you've never been given a shot at joining the "cool" (as you put it) group. Anyone in #operationaphid is up for consideration for an invite. Some new players have been included.
This sounds far too much like an illetist clique to me.
"You can be included but only if one of us deems you worthy".

There are many avenues for private off topic chat. the fact that you felt it was okay for you to lock others out of an area says elitist to me.

I tried to play the game and after one bad experience and several not pleasant I decided I would avoid the ARG for the most part and only pop in occasionally to see what was happening.
I won't do IRC as I don't feel I should have to engage in off site events in order to be part of an LG15 ARG. I think the LG15 chat is sufficient for any ARG brainstorming and clue processing.

I get that many "veterans" like the IRC.
The fact is that it is not controlled by the creators and to give up that much control of the game to the players was dangerous.

I would suggest that it is in the interest of the creators to offer the chat up as the approved ARG chat area for puzzle solving and clue discussion and if a few people want to communicate in other avenues they may do so without the support of the LG15 ARG.

Nobody is going to put a stop to people working in separate groups or cliques but they should never be approved by the mods/operators or should those people be part of them.

It only creates a class structure in the players that never comes to a good end.

Nothing personal pill, all my respect for you and your honesty. yours can be a tough situation to be in.
It has been a tough couple of days for everyone and some have taken the brunt of the anger from people.

I am not angry(confused maybe).
I just want to know what happened and didn't so the creators can change what needs to be changed and move forward from this mess.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

IRC is not needed to run an ARG period... :lol:
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Post by horcruxes »

Killthesmiley wrote:i'm going to say that, that statement isn't 100% truth. I understand that a few people were going off topic, the the majority of the people there were actively trying to solve the puzzle. So that specific statement is not 100% accurate.
if i remember correctly. both pill and minty were sharing with #operationaphid and trying to get y'alls input as well. so it wasn't just in the private chat room. they did include you.

as well, it wasn't glenn's puzzle. that puzzle required a WAY different mode of thought process than what we were previously used to. we were all in the wrong direction.
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Post by chixor1 »

/agreed yet again Toad.
Another example is by the constant chant of "veterans" people should be welcome to the game whether they find out about it today, or January or back in October....
By referencing a group of people as the Veterans of the game this already excludes many many others.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Not to mention that the only reason you had a "different Direction" was because of the info that was shared...

Look... The bottom line is a community must be unified old and new and if it is not then it falls apart... We are whitnessing it as we speak... I could give a shyt about anyone claiming themselves as "an IRCer" or a "Veteran"... :lol:
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Post by surrealisticpill »

Keep in mind that the IRC channel for OpAphid was started WAY before OpAphid was the official ARG.

And I am very welcoming to new people in the chat. Ask anyone who has been new. I'm the first person to say hi, and welcome. Even KillTheSmiley can attest to this, ever since she started coming in the chat, I have been NOTHING but friendly to her.

On a side note, i found the log of when the nancy drew puzzle went down and if anyone would like to read it to see that I did indeed share all of the information, get in touch with me. I'd post it here, but it's long and i'm not sure it's allowed.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

that is true...i love pill to death. I know we've had our differences in the past, but her and fall put them aside and were very welcoming!

Mind you...i think i'm avoicing the IRC for a while right now.

edit: i just re-read the log as well pill, and I'm sorry for jumping down on you. You did share a big chunk of the information.
Last edited by Killthesmiley on Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kasdeja »

I have always understood WHY the IRC was used...but many people can't access it and when trying to appeal to people why we aren't so up to speed and miss out we were...I was...pretty well insulted.

Either way...that is behind us. We need to turn this into a positive and try to keep things going, if we can...if it's possible. There's nothing we can really do to change's pretty much a situation where any appeals can only be made to the creators, ya know?
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Post by itsreallyreal »

I guess what this all goes back to is that if LG15 really wanted to have an ARG they should have started one of their own from scratch instead of Cannonizing some other random persons ARG...

THAT would have avoided EVERYTHING...

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Post by surrealisticpill »

Killthesmiley wrote:that is true...i love pill to death. I know we've had our differences in the past, but her and fall put them aside and were very welcoming!

Mind you...i think i'm avoicing the IRC for a while right now.

edit: i just re-read the log as well pill, and I'm sorry for jumping down on you. You did share a big chunk of the information.
awww thanks kelly :)

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Post by McPackage »

All I know is, when the next puzzle comes, I'm going to be in #operationaphid trying to work through it with whoever else is there with something to contribute.

With regard to using the forum vs LG15 chat vs IRC:

(1) the lg15 chat slows my home computer down, and I have a pretty beefy gaming rig

(2) lg15 chat doesn't work from some of the locations I find myself during a given day

(3) the lg15 site and forums slow waaaaaay down on high-traffic days, even when just a regular lg15 video comes out

(4) it is just more efficient to talk in real-time, especially when there's a drop pick-up in progress

(5) I've hung out on various IRC channels since like 1992. I'm comfortable there and I know how not to act like an idiot

My issues with #operationaphid are a bit different than what are being discussed here, but nothing that the 'Ignore' feature can't fix. If you have trouble getting on IRC, the beauty is that there's lots of ways to get in. If you need help, feel free to PM me.
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Post by Kasdeja »

I don't want to get into trouble by circumventing my work computer's firewall. :lol: Like I said, I understand why it's used...but ...blah, it's been stated. :D
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Post by itsreallyreal »

And THAT is why this ARG should be shut down and comlpetely re-started under different pretences... :D
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Post by bethy »

We didn't decide we were better than anyone.
Well, to 90% of the ARG players, you were all acting that way. People had been complaining about the attitude in various forms for months. You guys oozed conceitedness...several of you still do.

Last night I was watching Numbers that I DVR'd the other night. One of the characters said something that made me immediately think of this situation. He said, "It's like the mafia. Everybody knows what's going on, but nobody talks about it."