What is Jonas going to do to him!!!???

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by longlostposter »

Lurker wrote:Despite the aggressive undertones, that was actually a rather civil exchange. I'm proud of you both.
Come on now, Lurker. Freakish just came out of nowhere with a personal attack (as has been the case for quite sometime now; it smacks of stalking, not to mention the aggressive PMs).

However, I'm not going to answer Freakish's posts anymore. I'm done.

What was that? Did you hear a whiny....
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Post by Sanjay »

Freakish, build a bridge and get over it, necros should and do annoy many people because:

1. they're irrelevant and obsolete


2. They're usually just an excuse to +1 a person's post count and/or a post of silly shit.

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