islandlove wrote:Smelltheflowers wrote:Flautapantera wrote:
STF, yeah, I was able to watch it a while ago but am now receiving the same message. Hopefully it's just a burp in the system.
That'll teach me for not checking the video as soon as I got my notification email as usual. University paper be damned!

your avatar is amazing!!!!
i love love love love veronica mars

It's worth going a little off topic for Veronica Mars, isn't it?

Don't mention anything about Season 3 though, I haven't seen it yet and have been trying to avoid any type of spoilers desperately.
As for the video itself, I have a feeling that mentioning that scrapbook wasn't the best idea. With all that information locked inside, it would to ridiculous to think that the Order isn't going to want to steal it in order to protect everyone's identities who are / were involved.
As for Jonas mentioning that things between he and Bree may 'never return to normal', who knows what that
really means. He could in fact be hinting at the development of their relationship into something more. You know, once he is able to get past the whole 'being taken hostage and questioned ruthlessly' thing
I'm still pulling for a romantic relationship between Bree and Daniel, but have pretty much lost hope in that ever happening. Daniel seems to be looking toward the future, one which does not neccessarily involve Bree at all. And really: Who can blame him?