Maybe I'll hide behind the building. MUAHAHA!

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So CASSIE WROTE: A VOICE wrote:intr.v. prosed
1. To write prose.
2. To speak or write in a dull, tiresome style.
(Which I hadn't actually seen until just now - but I predates my post with the image, so he deserves a mention.)shiloh wrote:serapis codes, hi novice, wait
Well he did say this in his blog:alonelyguy15 wrote:Well, that tells us something. Cassie has an influence on FRANK even when she's not posessing him, or whatever it is she does to make him make videos or help with dead drops.
That's kind of creepy. We read that blog so many times without even noticing it.
And it explains FRANK IS WORKING as the title change for the Revelations VideoSivartAlappes wrote:Cassie prosed a voice within .... wow... that would make a lot of sense with the whole words going down that happens in it's first blog, eh?
You rock !!! That's a clever one. congrats.lerta wrote:Okay. First time I'm acutally posting here. I'm going to be very pleased if this is actually new info. Perhaps a fresh brain is key.
So, I took the concept of "Serapis codes, hi novice, wait" and the point that "serapis codes" means we should anagram something. Well....
"hi novice, wait" codes to "a voice within" - the title of Frank's blog.
Just had to say that gave me chills. I'm so impressed with the complexity of this whole thing. I'm still so behind so I probably won't be much help for a few days, but soon I'll earn my keep.SivartAlappes wrote:ok... this is a little creepy. I decided to take a look at Frank's interests: which reads like this :
* Camping
* hunting
* fishing
* photography
* video
* alternative medicine.
I thought the period at the end was odd. I decided to see if I can come up with an anagram from it all (far fetched, I know, but still).
There's LOTS of words that can be made from this. including words like epitaph,
The creepiest thing I've discovered is:
"I am coming in thirteen days to live again" with the letters (EEOIIUTNNHHHRDCFGGPPPV) left over. I picked thirteen because the profile appeared on Sept. 29. Thirteen days before October 12th.
Frank is responding to a comment by "anonymous" in his previous blog entry "OK", who just quotes the RATM lyrics at him.ambriel wrote:EDIT
also he emphasizes
"now THAT'S what i'm talking abnout"
strange I thought but what it means no clue. It could be just grasping for straws.