
Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by marlasinger »

I promise I'll get your references.
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Post by Kasdeja »

You cannot make another post so soon after your last; please try again in a short while.
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Post by cosmicdancer »

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Post by marlasinger »

we're taking ooooooverrrr.
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Post by outlaww »

So what if he wasn't calling the cabin to get the heat turned on?

He could have been telling someone to leave the house before he came (His parents, maybe?) OR telling someone exactly when they were getting there (The order, maybe?).

I don't know. I totally didn't expect Jonas to be bad news, and I'm still pretty skeptical. But that phone call is really sticking out in my mind...
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Post by longlostposter »

outlaww wrote:So what if he wasn't calling the cabin to get the heat turned on?

He could have been telling someone to leave the house before he came (His parents, maybe?) OR telling someone exactly when they were getting there (The order, maybe?).

I don't know. I totally didn't expect Jonas to be bad news, and I'm still pretty skeptical. But that phone call is really sticking out in my mind...
If you look at the video "Jonas Sucks", you will see that Daniel says Jonas is still using the cell phone (from the cabin). We've all been wondering who he's calling, especially since he seemed to have no friends or family.
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Post by autumneternal »

longlostposter wrote:
outlaww wrote:So what if he wasn't calling the cabin to get the heat turned on?

He could have been telling someone to leave the house before he came (His parents, maybe?) OR telling someone exactly when they were getting there (The order, maybe?).

I don't know. I totally didn't expect Jonas to be bad news, and I'm still pretty skeptical. But that phone call is really sticking out in my mind...
If you look at the video "Jonas Sucks", you will see that Daniel says Jonas is still using the cell phone (from the cabin). We've all been wondering who he's calling, especially since he seemed to have no friends or family.
Maybe he's checking in with his former nanny. :lol:

Seriously, though, just because he lost his parents doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have any other family. Does that mean that's who he was calling? Not necessarily.

Plus, we only have Daniel's [angry] word that Jonas was still using his prepaid phone, (key word being prepaid).
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

longlostposter wrote:
trainer101 wrote:About half the forum is saying "Aha! I knew Jonas was with the Order!".
The other half is saying "No! It can't be true, I refuse to believe it."

The response alone tells me that this plot twist is a good one and not at all like the Gemma reveal. Similar, yes. The same? No, not by a longshot.
I agree, Trainer, it's a great twist; and I'm staying on the fence concerning Jonas until I see more evidence.
Exactly like Gemma

2 cuties
2 vlog accounts
both reached out to Bree via vlog first
both gained trust
both live far(ish) away from Bree

both ending up to have been working for the Order is too lame.
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Post by Lurker »

Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
trainer101 wrote:About half the forum is saying "Aha! I knew Jonas was with the Order!".
The other half is saying "No! It can't be true, I refuse to believe it."

The response alone tells me that this plot twist is a good one and not at all like the Gemma reveal. Similar, yes. The same? No, not by a longshot.
I agree, Trainer, it's a great twist; and I'm staying on the fence concerning Jonas until I see more evidence.
Exactly like Gemma

2 cuties
2 vlog accounts
both reached out to Bree via vlog first
both gained trust
both live far(ish) away from Bree

both ending up to have been working for the Order is too lame.
You could construct that kind of parallel between any of the characters if you used parameters like those, though (which are quite vague in my opinion).

-"2 cuties"

-"2 vlog accounts"
Necessary given the format of the series

-"both reached out to bree via vlog first"
Again, necessary because of the series format

-"both gained trust"
Sure, but that's kind of implied by the idea of betrayal

-"both live far(ish) away from Bree"
Gemma was supposedly in London (though actually nearby in California), while Jonas was supposed to be relatively close (at least in comparison to London)

Major differences between the two thematically include:

-Jonas has lived with B&D for months
-Jonas has been shown bonding with both of them
-Jonas had tons of money and offered that to B&D (instead of sometimes ambiguous, sparsely existent information)
-Jonas offered them a place to stay with a big house
-Jonas' attempts at being funny actually work
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Post by ARIES1 »

Maybe, as others have said, the Order is behind Jonas' parents' disappearance. They could be blackmailing him to trade Bree for his parents (which still makes him kind of evil =/) or he could have decided on his own that getting close to Bree would enable him to get closer to the Order and to find out what happened to his parents (the symbol was in the cabin because he's been spying on/researching the Order). At least in the second scenario, he's only using Bree and not outright trying to hurt her.
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

Lurker wrote:
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I agree, Trainer, it's a great twist; and I'm staying on the fence concerning Jonas until I see more evidence.
Exactly like Gemma

2 cuties
2 vlog accounts
both reached out to Bree via vlog first
both gained trust
both live far(ish) away from Bree

both ending up to have been working for the Order is too lame.
You could construct that kind of parallel between any of the characters if you used parameters like those, though (which are quite vague in my opinion).

-"2 cuties"

-"2 vlog accounts"
Necessary given the format of the series

-"both reached out to bree via vlog first"
Again, necessary because of the series format

-"both gained trust"
Sure, but that's kind of implied by the idea of betrayal

-"both live far(ish) away from Bree"
Gemma was supposedly in London (though actually nearby in California), while Jonas was supposed to be relatively close (at least in comparison to London)

Major differences between the two thematically include:

-Jonas has lived with B&D for months
-Jonas has been shown bonding with both of them
-Jonas had tons of money and offered that to B&D (instead of sometimes ambiguous, sparsely existent information)
-Jonas offered them a place to stay with a big house
-Jonas' attempts at being funny actually work
I dismantle your attempts at saying they're different by saying this:

They could try to make Jonas a Gemma 2.0

All the mistakes Gemma made aren't evident in Jonas; they learned from their mistakes.

your move ;)
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Post by Lurker »

Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:I dismantle your attempts at saying they're different by saying this:

They could try to make Jonas a Gemma 2.0

All the mistakes Gemma made aren't evident in Jonas; they learned from their mistakes.

your move ;)
My point was just that thematically this isn't exactly a repeat of Gemma. It was set up quite differently. I'm not saying that he may not be an Op operative on those grounds, just that, if he is, they took a different approach than with Gemma.
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Post by trainer101 »

Is this the face of evil?

Jonas - "Interrogation 101"

OpAphid - "Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)"

Similar imagery?
(and NO, I'm not saying they're the same person - don't even go there :roll: )
It's ALL connected...
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Post by veela-valoom »

I think Jonas needs a hug.

I feel really bad for him.

I think the eye thing was more for intensity than comparison....boy oh boy was that intense.
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Post by Phoenician »

I noticed the eye similarity too, but I still thought that was just for dramatic purposes.

I also noticed Jonas' words echoing occasionally like Daniel's did when he was "captured."
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